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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Call to Action...Self-Mangement Disaster to Be Decided TODAY

$300,000 per year + Dues Increase
A Self Managed Restaurant
Stupidity Compounded with Arrogant Incompetence
of a Board President

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Favil West...former President of Sun City Opinions

    The restaurant was self managed from 2000 to September 2002.

    We were losing huge amounts of money then ($10,000 per month accelerating to more than $270,000 per year.

    Trumpets, the original restaurant was self managed. It was open to the public; it was NEVER sold as an amenity.

    For people to believe that with our cost structure and our overpaid and inexperienced staff that  we can successfully run a restaurant, clearly shows their level of business acumen.

  2. From Eleanor Opinions

    After reading today’s blog there is more information to substantiate getting rid of Sandy.

    She is turning SCA into financial ruin and must be stopped!

  3. From Barbara Opinions

    You always hit the nail on the head.  I appreciate that you take the time to do for those who have no idea what is going on in this community.

    Another example is that the cabinet where they keep the poker supplies could not be unlocked on one side.  They called facilities and they came and looked at it and decided to replace the lock. 

    2 guys came to look at the problem. 

    2 guys came back with the lock and one did all the work for about 1 1/2 hours while the other one stood above him and watched. 

    So we paid 2 men to do the job that should have required only one. 

    Guess facilities is just not busy enough.  

    1. As someone who is partially related to this industry (locksmith/electronic security) I know for a fact that this simple job should have taken 15 minutes tops by any competent locksmith. Two people at 1 1/2 hours is absurd at best. The hall of shame to them (less any aspirsons to character).

  4. Barbara,

    Thank for schooling us on the Karrow accepted "Seddon School of Management".

    Efficiency is unimportant when you allow a Chief Operating Officer free reign on funds.

  5. The BIG problem in SCA (and what the Board depends on) is the overall APATHY in SCA, A N D everyone's short memory......with apologies to Pogo - 'we have met the enemy and he is us'

  6. From L. Anthem Opinions 

    Some observations from my 1st SCA board meeting:

    Roberts Rules of Order will help explain how a motion can be tabled, suspended, revised, etc. and I heard "How do we do this?" too many times to make me feel good about the people who are "self-managing" us. 


    Roberts Rules of Order can not, unfortunately, convey common sense, knowledge, or ethical substance to a governmental body.

    I felt like I was back in High School at times during this meeting.

    Some people should thank their lucky stars that the meetings are not televised on our SCA web page. 

    I sensed a lot of anger in some board members....and witnessed some "eye rolling" behavior by the staff. 

    I watched one resident ask a perfectly understandable question which could be answered with a yes or no answer as he repeated it several times....he never received a simple seemed beyond the ability of the chairperson to grasp his simple question.

    Plain subterfuge.

  7. L.B.,  welcome to the world of unqualified bureaucracy. 

    It was obvious from reports we received that President Candace Karrow cares little about the economic well-being of SCA. 

    She has proven herself to be nothing more than an unqualified figurehead who dislikes anyone who disagrees with her.

    She is what she is, a selfish "wannabee" whose demonstrates that self-interest will always take precedence over the good of a community.  

    A close second is Director Jim Coleman, who demonstrates that fiancial matters are so far above his head.

    This guy is perhaps one of the most uninformed and ignorant individuals to ever be elected to a Board; and he, like Karrow, is more concerned with self-interest than the financial good of the community.

    Both have always demonstrated the "you own me" attitude since being on the Board...perfect examples of the "machine" attitude that those of us who supported the "New Tradition" candidates believe have been a detriment to our community......

    and......have proved to be, again and again !

    We told you what to expect of the "machine" and they have lived up to their selfish beliefs.

    On the other hand, kudos go out to  Rana Goodman and Karen Hadrick of The New Tradition Team.

    They have proven to be the "watch dogs" they promised to be during their election campaign......and it's obvious, that a common sense independent "show me before we spend" attitude has been driving "the machine" the advantage of SCA.

    We need more like these two !

  8. As a side note to our considerations to the upcoming restaurant, we know that as to all the construction at the St Rose road construction, we can expect about 25 NEW RESTAURANTS. Sure seems that what ever numbers that was provided by "the experts" in their recent report we need to consider that a major factor. Even if consideration is given to those who have difficulties regarding health issues unfortunately need to be taken into account to the growth here in the local area. We have many new forms of transportation to get anybody, anywhere in this location. Look at all the growth we have and what to expect in the very short future that will be upon us, and very soon too.
