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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Always More to the Story !

August 22, 2019 Sun City Anthem Board Meeting
A Clarified
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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Marty Opinions


    This posting easily ranks in the top five of the most informative and effective blog entries I have ever read.


  2. From Buddy Opinions

    So since the election, Berman has Rana Goodman fairly?

    Does that means before the election, he did not?

    What a hypocrite.

  3. Buddy,

    He's a sick disturbed man who needs help, habitually distorting everything to make his "machine" look good. 

    He has no life without it, and since the election, has become the laughing stock of SCA.

    Sometimes you have to call it like it is, and to have a community believe it desires a self-managed restaurant, is a farce.

    That was evidenced by the reports received from those who were present at the meeting.  

    I wish those who believe this fiasco makes sense, would state who they are, and give a rational reason as to why they would favor this financial disaster. 

    The original model on which they wish to go forward assumed that over 200 people per day would patronize the place spending about $13+ per person, spend over $300,000 to set it up, and BASED on all of that, STILL LOSE $125,000 PER YEAR.

    Who out there wants to pay for a stranger eating at a restaurant WE PAY FOR? 

    A non-caring MACHINE who believes the world owes them EVERYTHING.

    I wonder how may of the big mouths would invest a DIME of their own money if they felt this in any way, could be successful?

    Big Talk but expect Everyone Else to Pay the Bills.

    That's how they define the words "financial responsibilty"

  4. From Elizabeth Opinions

    Apparently it is a when, not if, situation with the restaurant issue.

    In which case, if I will be a “partner” in a restaurant, I have a few questions:

    How much insurance will we carry to protect all of us from lawsuits for food poisoning/and the potential of additional medical complications resulting from such an event, as well as, any other litigation that could arise in owning a restaurant and how much would that premium be? 

    In considering a self-managed restaurant that has been preordained to lose money by the experts, will The Board provide for a ceiling on that loss?

    If we (yes, we/ all the  residents supplementing the loss each year) lose $150,000 the first year and the losses continue to escalate year, where will it end?

    Will the losses continue in perpetuity? 

    Then there is the question of whether the restaurant will be advertised outside the community or if we just hope all of Inspirada, Madeira Canyon. Solera,  Anthem Country  Club  and Highlands and all other surrounding communities magically will be flocking  to our establishment for bacon and eggs in the morning and a salad at lunch as opposed to all of the myriad local options.

    How much should be allocated for appropriate advertising?

    In essence we have already had a self-managed restaurant since we paid for so much of the last failure.

    For example, Vic couldn’t pay utilities so we picked up that tab and still he failed......

    How excited and on board will the Clubs be when it is mandated that ALL events can only have food provided by OUR restaurant (whether it be good or bad or within their budget)?  

    I personally believe that a restaurant at Anthem is doomed to failure and as Einstein rightfully pointed out, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result ”. 

    This would be attempt number 6? 

    I am not insane yet/ however it remains to be seen if our Board has lost their minds....

  5. From Robert Opinions

    Regarding the 8/22/2019 Board Meeting, that alternate blogger appears to never let the truth get in the way of a good story......seems that SCA has its own, "in-house" source for Fake News.

  6. Wow...what a day. 2 articles from The Bull Sheet about yours truly in the same day ! 

    I am honored !

    Unfortunately, what can't be disputed is the vote and who voted for the various matters. That's what counts, not me, but what do you expect from a loon who:

    a. Lost a law license for cheating a client.
    b. Defrauding a state's taxation Dept.
    c. Forging a judge's signature.
    d. Dirty Campaign tactics 
    e. Telling his readers of a mass number of individuals who opposed Rana Goodman being reappointed to the Senior Citizen's Advisory Commision that had 8 signatures.
    f. Trying to convince a widow to sue The Woodchips Club for their approved Board actions of temporarily suspending a members actions due to mental instability and blaming that Club for his tragic suicide.
    g. Picking up a chair at a Board meeting threatening to hit a woman over the head.
    h. Was #1 in the total resident Code of Conduct complaints before they were discontinued.
    i. Has referred to me as Anti-Semitic (my wife is Jewish), anti-Asian, a bigot for omitting the word of a Club....doing so at Green Valley Ranch while his crazy wife was using words that a sailor wouldn't use....and writing an article that I physically attacked him...yet I WAS THE ONE WHO FILED a police report, not him.
    j. Has a history of depression.
    k. Ran to the Ombudsman complaining about having experienced "emotional distress" after the past election; and when rejected there, went to the Police Dept in Henderson who also rejected him....3 months after the occurrence.
    l. Demonstrates characteristics of a sociopath and narcissistic behavior.

    Yup, to those of you who want to believe this man's credibility and integrity, or seek out this person as a source of truth, we send you our fond wishes, and commend you for your excellent judgment of character.  

    In the meantime, lets worry about Sun City Anthem and how those in power cast their votes. I've learned you can't argue with a nut.
