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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Restaurant or Golf Course? Given the Choice...Which One Would You Choose ? A Resident Editorial

Open Your Eyes Sun City Anthem
Yet Another Area Golf Course in Financial Difficulty

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Robert Lachford
Sun City Anthem Resident

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Art Opinions 

    An excellent documentary on what could happen here. 

    It expresses my concerns over what an SCA restaurant can cause in property values, a future decline.  

    This is a reality of golf courses throughout the United States, failure and ensuing drop in value of surrounding properties. 

    Our holdover board members must open their eyes to this eventuality.

  2. Art, thanks for the comment.

    This is just one of a number of terrific articles written by Sun City Anthem resident, Bob Latchford.

    I believe all "thinking RESPONSIBLE and COMMUNITY ORIENTED individuals" owe Bob a resounding KUDO for this piece, as well as, the others he has authored.

    Just a reminder to all of our readers:

    We welcome any detailed, thought provoking, and relevant articles by our readers.

    As we have made it clear, this is a "you" blog, not a "me blog.

    Over our 6 year history, a number of Sun City Anthem residents, including past Sun City Anthem Board members, have added valuable input in great detail.

    And...all have been willing to do so under their real identities, unlike another publication.

    Our blog policy has always been and NEVER will, publish any article or comment on an anonymous basis.

    Our readers know that publishing anything on an anonymous basis, questions its validity, that any person who has something to say, should never fear using a REAL NAME, and be proud of their input.

    We "pull no punches", and want you to know THE FULL STORY, good or bad, not merely the partial information you often receive elsewhere, whether it be from official Sun City Anthem sources or alternative private publications that only publish information they wish you to know, often misleading an unknowing public as to the FULL TRUTH they are entitled to be aware of AT ALL TIMES.

  3. From Dave & Opinions

    You should also add Legacy Golf Course.

  4. From Mary Lee Duley (former Sun City Anthem resident) Opinions

    Great editorial by Robert Lackford.  

    At some point in time, the Majority will Wake UP and see the writing on the wall for another unnecessary failure.  

  5. From Tony Opinions 

    The whole idea of starting the discussion of whether to have or not a restaurant here in Sun City Anthem was, I thought a dead issue.

    Now apparently some of of OLD MACHINE mopes are again pushing for opening a restaurant here.

    Have they all lost their minds ?

    In addition to the restaurants that have tried & failed & taken our $$$ with them, now you raise a VERY INTERESTING POINT, the Revere Golf Club.

    This site offers 2 golf courses which increase the value of our homes here in Sun City Anthem,.

    Without them house values will be in the toilet.

    Also we already have a GREAT restaurant in BUCKMANS which is used not  only by the residents of Sun City Anthem,  BUT BY THE GOLFERS !!!!!! 
    Wake up folks, without a golf course(in our case 2 golf courses), we are DEAD !!! 

    Does management have a brain problem or are they just stupid ?

    Aside from the many arguments voiced in the past about how a new restaurant in Sun City Anthem is beyond dumb, now factor in Buckmans demise along with the Golf courses!   

    How much $$$ do you want to lose in your home value to keep  pushing for a NEW RESTAURANT here in SUN CITY ANTHEM ?

    1) Any new Restaurant in Sun City Anthem is DOOMED !  Just a quick look back at the sorry history of the dead restaurants  as a reference point makes the idea of doing it yet AGAIN is beyond stupid.

    2) Now look at your home value without the golf courses & the already proven success of BUCKMANS ?

    How much do you want to lose, not only from a new restaurant, but shooting ourselves in the foot by giving competition to BUCKMANS & resulting in less golfers  i.e. no GOLF COURSE.

    3) I know this is a retirement community; however, we can’t  have a governing team suffering from  Alzheimers and/or Dementia making these decisions ( the machine ).

    Dick, you MUST have the OLD MACHINE  BOARD tested by qualified medical personnel to determine if they have truly LOST THEIR MIND !

  6. Tony,

    When it comes to common sense, there is little doubt it takes a back seat to greed, stupidity, and a complete lack of financial competence to continue pushing any form of a SURE LOSER WHEN it involves a "spend spend spend" Manager coupled with "I don't give a damn" remnants of  this current Board. 

    Karrow and Coleman are a lost cause who listen to no one other than themselves. 

    It's time both were DUMPED. 

    Both are an embarrassment to competent governance.

  7. From Matt Opinions 

    Will we have non-residents come to eat our subsidized food? 

    What about security? 

    The main building basically does not have any security and only the fitness center and the computer club log people in using their cards.

    Why do I want strangers coming here to eat my subsidized food and then roaming around the center? 

  8. Matt, I don't think the problem will be strangers eating's ANYONE eating there !

    And if this comes to pass, when the place goes into a bright red color on the association financial statements, and the dues increase annually to keep it open, all the residents who tried to say "I told ya so", should file a class action law suit against each of them who voted in favor of this insanity for knowingly breaching their financial due diligence by entering into any such agreement,,being warned well in advance by EVERY FINANCIAL ANALYST, that such action would cause a substantial financial annual loss to each and every owner in Sun City Anthem.
