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Friday, February 7, 2020

Sun City Anthem 2020 Election Season Begins....Opens with Questions ???

Sun City Anthem 2020 Board Candidates Announced
Questions Already Arise !

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  1. From Chiming Opinions 

    I am a naturalized US citizen, my English capability is limited. 

    After visiting Anthem Opinions, all I want to say is: Ditto, Ditto, Ditto.

    Our biggest obstacle is : people do not really comprehend the word "self-run restaurant".

    I told my American born American neighbor, self-run restaurant means every penny of the operation cost will be from our association funds. 

    In other word, we will be paying for this restaurant.

    He replied: How did you know this?

    I worry to death about the required 3573 opposition responses, how can we reach the goal before the deadline 02/19/20? 

    Do I understand it correctly :  The self-run restaurant project is a done deal unless the board receive 3573 opposition responses by 02/19?

    How do I know my opposition response has been counted and included in the survey?Is there any possibility the board conducts a new survey, with plain language printed on a ballot?

    Yes means I agree HOA due increasing.

    Can the ballot for the restaurant project be included in the board election ballot mail? Therefore there will not be additional cost.

    Another alternative is : Open three voting sessions, inviting residents to go voting in person.  

    We need to know the board's vote counting protocol. 

    Is it possible the name list can be posted on our bulletin board after the result, so I can verify is my vote counted and included? 

  2. WOW...what a great bunch of questions.

    Regarding the 3,573 signatures, that may not be necessary. 

    We believe the Board can vote to re-purpose because it is in the best interest of the community.

    If residents believed they still wanted one, they can, if within 30 days of the vote to re-purpose, in WRITING, express their disapproval.

    If 715 signatures are not obtained, then the re-purpose could go forth and the entire matter would END.

    Is it a "done deal"? 

    Our sources say that Directors Weil and Karrow are solidly IN FAVOR OF THE RESTAURANT, that Scheutz and Coleman agree.  The remaining Directors Goodman, Hadrick, and Quinn oppose the restaurant project.

    Schuetz and Coleman are NOT running for reelection, and if they had any true concern for the community, considering they will no longer be a part of the aftermath, an HONORABLE vote would be an ABSTENTION.

    ... stating the Board members elected in April, should revisit the issue and have ANSWERS to the many concerns the community would have, prior to committing such a HUGE investment of association funds, triggering  a dues increase in 2021, and ever increasing assessments as the years pass.

    Note that Candace Karrow is running for reelection. 

    If you oppose the project, make sure you DO NOT CAST A VOTE FOR THIS INDIVIDUAL.

    I would also make two additional suggestions to you.

    Write each candidate asking them HOW THEY WOULD VOTE on the issue if they are elected and send us their answers.

    Attend the final restaurant meeting in Anthem Center and express your disapproval.

  3. So what are with these folks that want to run for the board and not have any access to a email address to communicate to? What is that all about? If you can't communicate with them now, what can you expect in the future? So many choices, but I know what I have to do!
