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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Certain Derogatory Terms Have No Place in Sun City Anthem

What Has Become of Our Community?
Looking at Those in our Community Who Actually Condone Referring to Neighbors in Derogatory Terms

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At a time of our lives when we are being faced by the many problems that exist due to a pandemic, the very thought of referring to any person who disagrees with you as a "jerk", is the sign of an individual devoid of any human feelings toward a fellow man...

But..doing it twice, in our opinion, makes you a MENACE to society, whose purpose in life...has none, other than adding to the misery of neighbors and friends.

First it was:

"I would love to name some of these jerks, but better to avoid a spitting contest. Spitting transmits viruses"

Then, following a CIVILIZED and POLITE rebuttal, by Anthem Opinions, this:

"They were jerks then, and they are jerks now, at least until they put their macho egos behind them and acknowledge that they misjudged the seriousness of the current pandemic."

and this...

"For this reason the jerks deserve, and will receive, no apology"

But of course, a blogger sets a standard by such commentary, and as a result of those who believe such comments are within the boundary of CIVILITY...

...there is an honor roll of those who seem to believe such comments merit attention; those whose life are of the same threshold, and those who seem to believe such discourse is worthy of value to the Sun City Anthem community and  MUST BE AWARE OF in order to provide themselves with their "15 minutes of fame".

...and with that in mind, let's make a community aware of some of them and the "standards" each bring to the community:

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1. Good morning, David,

Great article and certainly no apology needed.

Jerk” is the worst word in my husband's vocabulary and I agree completely that they are jerks.

 I do not understand their need for constant criticism of SCA management, particularly when management is making the right decisions.
Thanks for taking a stand on behalf of all of us.
Stay safe and healthy! We are hunkered down.

Posted by: D. SmithMarch 20, 2020 at 10:59 AM

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2. Hopefully, I am in the silent majority that supports your “No Apologies” position regarding that “other blogger” and his group of irresponsible supporters.

There are those, like the “other blogger”, who will oppose the system (rules) simply because a system exists. Groups, organizations, cities, states and countries all exist because there are rules. Rules, laws, etc. exist to maintain the existence of the group, organization, etc.

We don’t always agree with decisions made by those tasked with conducting business on our behalf. But we support those decisions until they are proven to be incorrect, wrong, or unnecessary. 

In the case of our association, I concur with the decisions being made. I imagine a like minded silent majority of individuals would agree.

Posted by  Ron Lawrick | March 20, 2020 at 12:51 PM

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3. David,

Don’t let the negativity off few IDIOTS, get you down. I believe that the association did the right thing , to protect us from those Same Idiots.

Thank you so much to all, and special you. 

Keep up the good work.

Stay safe.

Marie Kaplan

Posted by: Marie kaplaMarch 20, 2020 at 07:00 PM

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4. Bravo David. They are definitely JERKS! I have always trusted that you tell us the truth in your blog. Thank Goodness.

Posted by: Marla NaconMarch 21, 2020 at 08:41 AM

To all our readers, know that any such comment is below the journalistic standard of Anthem Opinions, and any attempt to use such rhetoric will be first REMOVED, followed by your  SUBSCRIPTION IMMEDIATELY TERMINATED.

In other words, if you subscribe to using similar commentary of the above individuals and David's Anthem Journal, we would appreciate you're posting such comments there, where they are welcomed, and may look at you in the manner in which you deserve.

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