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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Former Sun City Anthem Finance Committee Chairman.....DON'T RE-ELECT CANDACE KARROW TO SUN CITY ANTHEM BOARD

The "real" Candace Karrow,  the current president of the Association Board of Directors and candidate for reelection.

Former Sun City Anthem Finance Committee Chairman
Candace Karrow

Must Not Be Reelected
Bernard Horton


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"Nevada Know How"


  1. Sooner63March 22, 2020 at 6:28 AM

    Mr. Horton's comments are spot on.

    What makes matters worse is that the current dysfunctional behavior of Ms. Karrow is not the the first time it has resulted in the destruction the Finance Committee and undermining the authority of the Treasure.

    Same behavior was on full display in 2010 through 2011.

  2. From Victor Opinions

    Whenever I see unusual or irrational activity I always remember the adage "follow the money."

  3. From Jim Mayfield...Former Sun City Anthem Board Vice President and Chairman of the Finance Opinions

    Since the CFO reported that a $1.5 million deficit now exists in the reserve fund, ALL cost savings from the shut down should be reported by the CFO and transferred to the reserve fund to mitigate the possibility, indeed probability, of a future special assessment, an increase in the annual assessment, or windfall spending.

  4. From Marcia Opinions

    I have always had a sixth sense regarding people and I can say that it has served me well throughout my life.  I have been 99% correct in my assumptions.  Either by carefully observing or interacting with someone, I immediately get a sixth sense as to whether I want to pursue further contact with that individual. 

    Having said that I have come to the following conclusions regarding Candace Karrow.

    1. She is definitely suffering from what is commonly known in psychology circles as the DOG Syndrome.  In common English, it stands for Delusions of Grandeur which means "a false impression of one's own importance". 

    She thinks of herself as the queen of the kingdom known as Sun City Anthem and we are her serfs. 

    Furthmore, she feels that she is smarter and more educated than we serfs and therefore knows what is best for us. 

    She treats our money given to support her kingdom as if it were her own which she has often spent foolishly. 

    In addition, there were previous kings and queens of our kingdom that have acted in the same unacceptable way towards we serfs, the homeowners.

    2. There is NO room for rudeness, arrogance and lack of humility on any board member EVER!!! 

    But we do have a weapon to rid ourselves of this continuing curse.  That is the ballot box in the upcoming election. 

    We have the power to send those who fall into this disgusting catagory OUT!!! 

    This is a powerful weapon that will send a message to anyone who dares to act in this demeaning manner as a board member ever again THAT YOU ARE NOT WANTED!!!!
