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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Be Proud Henderson....We're One of the Best in Safety

Henderson Ranked Second Safest Large City 
in the United States

Henderson-Nevada-City-Hall - Glynnis Cox Real Estate Expert In Las ...

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  1. Henderson being ranked the second safest big city in the U.S. is wonderful news. I am a new Sun City resident, having left California. As a retired California cop I caution folks to not let your guard down and grow complacent because of this rating. In 2002 San Jose, California, was rated the # one safest city, a far cry from what it is now.

    Support your police, community patrol, neighborhood watch, and keep an eye out on your family and neighbors. Crime prevention is a community effort. If you see something suspicious, report it. Cops would MUCH rather check out a false alarm than take a crime report if something wasn't reported that could have prevented that crime.

    Stay safe and healthy my fellow SCA folks.

    1. San Jose ranks # 10 safest city in this report. Still in the top ten but no longer # one.

      Hopefully we'll see Henderson as # one in the future but # two is not too shabby.
