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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Bing Quits

Sun City Anthem Chief Financial Officer
Abruptly Quits

Is it really #TimesUp in India? Not yet, more needs to change

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  1. From Peter Opinions 

    Sadly I looked at  the other blog.......he writes "Second Domino Falls: CFO abruptly resigns"

    No mention how this act by a management position is inappropriate without proper notice.

    Seems to indicate this Board is responsible AND SCA does not need a big overhaul or changes.

    I hope the record is set straight and sheds light on Sandy S's. management ability and her lack of competence in hiring personnel.

    This Board has been in progress for 20 days. CFO left because he lacked confidence and competence and knew this was about to unfold. 

    Yes there should be accountability, direct it where it belongs, the prior Board and Sandy Seddon.

    SCA is becoming a difficult place to enjoy unless you ignore management; the sad little man; many of the fools that live here and are attracted to sad little man; past Board of Directors (Shuetz; Karrow; Weil) and certain current members of the Board.

    In the end we all make our own decisions and conclusions.

  2. IF his answers to financial questions were "It's complicated" or "I don't know." begs the question WHO hired him? WHO vetted his credentials, and WHO decided he was a good pick (and WHY)

  3. From Elizabeth Opinions 

    I understand that some in the Community would like to lay "blame' for the recent departures on the Current Board that has been in place for 2 weeks. 

    I am sure (in fact, I hope) they have many questions of staff in order to bring themselves up to speed, especially as it relates to Financial matters.

    What comes to mind is the old expression "if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen" and I guess some staff could not take the "heat" of actually responding to the Board.

    This is not the only Board that could be "blamed" for loss of significant employees, including, but not limited to, Meg Poulson, a long-time, much loved Activity Director that actually could teach classes. 

    What Board allowed that to occur? 

    At least when Meg departed it wasn't after doing almost nothing for almost 3 months and collecting salary and benefits.

    Kathy Elliott was mourned when she passed, but I fear many were crocodile tears, because, when she was working at Anthem Center, she confided that she was miserable, browbeaten and felt there were attempts to force her out. 

    Perhaps the stress of the job is what killed her.... 

    But where was the Board that was allowing that to happen to that "beloved in hindsight" employee?

    I recall that Bing's predecessor left rather abruptly after a short term with our Association, what Board was in charge then?

    Were any of these departures the fault of the Board? 

    Why didn't upper Management step in and console unhappy employees and attempt to make things right? 

    In fact, who is responsible for hiring Bing at an exorbitant salary, and now we find out he has neither the professionalism or character to provide a reasonable notice before departing?

    This is the highly paid CFO that said at the last Board meeting, when asked about certain financial issues "I don't know" and "that's complicated". 

    Not only was there no notice, but allegedly word was "leaked" - possibly to prior Board Member(s) and/or residents not on the Board - now that's classy.

    Responsibility rests as much on whomever made the final decision that Bing was the right person (at the wrong compensation) for his job. 

    Before anyone points fingers they should not be speculating if they "don't know" the details and not insinuate the departures are the fault of the Board in total or any individuals on the Board. 

    Responsibility rests as much on whomever made the final decision to hire the CFO as on anyone, including the Board that was in place at the time of his hire.

    If anyone feels these employees left because they were disrespected, I would say, that works both ways. 

    The residents should be respected and not treated like ignorant children who cannot figure out for themselves what might be best rather than have every decision shoved down their throats.  

    Finally, before everyone gets their panties in a knot - remember NO ONE is irreplaceable.  

  4. Every new change of governance is normally followed by changes in personnel who report to them.

    The new governance sets the policy and management must follow it.

    If management and its members decide it cannot follow that governance, they would either leave voluntarily or be asked to do so, and despite the picture that was painted by the Machine blogger, it was a voluntary resignation.

    In the case of Bing O'Peek, perhaps his inability to conform to a new Board's governance, may have created an atmosphere he knew would question his abilities.

    In the time he was here, to our knowledge, he never took the extra step to pass the CPA exam, something that should have been an initial requirement and commemorate with the income and title of Chief Financial Officer, something that the old regime, in accepting less than excellence, determined was not of any importance...

    ...and in the minds of a number of experienced CPAs, the community received less than what it should have received.

    In the past election, it was obvious the community was seeking change, and they got it.

    The voters spoke and in the case of O'Peek, the employee, not the Board, reacted. Everyone is expendable.

    As far as the Machine blogger, I'm sure we can anticipate continual "sour grapes" toward any and all who attack his beloved corrupt machine.

    Like Bing, it appears that he too, must come to the conclusion that his "way of doing business" is also now expendable.

    It's a new day, and a New Deal, and this new Board deserves a chance to reform a community that has long been in need of it.

  5. From Pat Opinions

    Dick, why no mention of Karen? 

    She’s done a good job while on the board.  She was part of the New Deal.

    You’ve mentioned everyone else but her - what gives?

  6. Pat,

    There is a reason as to why I have not mentioned her name.

    In my opinions, Karen Hadrick in many instances has been a disappointment.

    She has not kept a number of her campaign promises.

    She was part of the New Tradition, and we hope she will be part of the New Deal.

    Let's just leave it at that, and I sincerely hope she will keep those promises in the 2nd year of her term.

    However, if the decision were made today as to her reelection, I would have a difficult time supporting her at this time.

    Most try to ignore discussions with her because of her ability to turn a 2 minute response into 2 hours of never getting to the point.  

    She leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to reaching out to the voices of experience, and instead prefers her answers to questions coming from the internet.

    We hope she will change and seek advice from those who supported her.

  7. From Barry Opinions  

    Liz forgot to mention the departure of Lori Martin the prior CAM.

    She was well liked.

    I thought Anthem Opinions was the doom and gloom blog?

    Now which blog is giving SCA a bad name?

    The self promoting blowhard, is at it again.

    Only he can get all the details for us, boo hoo.

  8. We should compare the salary paid (inc. anticipated increase) to the outgoing CFO and survey the average compensation of similarly situated CFO's who are CPAs or at least have an accounting degree. Or, should SCA BOD contract with an independent CPA service which would take a lot of the politics and interpersonal drama out of the position?

    I'm new here so I have only a couple of months under the old BOD.

  9. From Buddy Opinions 

    The other blogger should change his name to Chicken  Little - because apparently the sky is falling.

    BTW - further evidence of Bing’s  unprofessionalism/ giving his “exit interview” to a community blogger.

    My opinion of Bing diminishes with each immature act.

  10. Eltee,

    My guess is that your suggestion will be pursued by this new Board. 

    It's common sense and would be showing fiduciary responsibility.

  11. From Robert Opinions

    Seems as though the Covid19 Pandemic freeze in place mandate is never going to thaw,,.At least in the minds of our present management…

    We, as well as neighbors filed written complaints about a landlord who for at least 15 years has never maintained or trimmed his 25-30’ Palm tree in our common back yards.

    The dried palm branches overhang our rear property line and about 12’ higher than our ground level have become a distinct fire hazard.

    An initial investigation by Management, and letters sent to the renters and landlord have been ignored this past two plus months.

    Nothing can be done, according to a call from compliance officials until the “freeze” whatever that is, is lifted.

    Meanwhile…”No what if’s, in case our house is set on fire” according to the compliance guy.

    ”We don’t deal with what if’s”…

    And in the mean time…NO COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT.

    Just want to pass on how messed up our Management System (lack thereof) is handling things.

    PEOPLE BEING PAID BUT, no one accomplishing anything…

    Gym open, sort of…but no showers…spa…etc…

    Just what have we been paying for the past 6 months??? 

    Treated like mushrooms…kept in the dark and fed BS.

    Perhaps others are encountering the same type of noncompliance enforcement? 

    If so, hope they speak up.

  12. From Lloyd Opinions

    Seems to me since a new board was elected some of the big shots are quitting SCA.

    I wounder why?

    Also were these people still getting paid while we were shut down?

    Looks like we're saving some big salaries now.

    Who will be next?

  13. Lloyd,

    From what I learned, both the Fitness Director and Chief Financial Officer were paid during the shutdown.

    And to boot, remember all SCA 401(k) contributions made for them were also 100% vested to take that with them as well.

    For example, if Bing O'Peek was contributing 3% of his pay to the plan, the approximate $46,250 he was paid in the past three months also cost an additional $1,387.50 in the employer match.

    He did quite well, and this will repeat if this 401(k) plan is not immediately revised.

  14. From Valerie Opinions

    It appears that the resignation of two individuals that were working here was because they were fearful of being found out about their incompetence in their jobs! 

    SCA needs housecleaning after being held hostage by management and the new Board can make that happen.

  15. From Bosco Opinions

    SCA Board has been known/criticized as a big spender. 

    Annual salary of $180,000 in this low-living standard Nevada state seems to be extremely high. 

    Hope the new Board Directors can do a better job to watch all expenses on behalf of homeowners.

  16. From Yushih Opinions 

    I agree that we do not need a financial official with such high salary.

    Maybe an accountant  will do?

  17. From Peter Opinions

    I think it is a reasonable conclusion based on past events and current understanding that there needs to be a top to bottom assessment of all employees including Sandy S.

    This should include compensation, benefits, job description; date of hire; person who hired; Board involved.

    I expect the the Auditors assess and document internal control of SCA operations including a flowchart.

    I would request that from current auditors and prior auditors rather then start from scratch.

    I would look at all Auditors letters that address Internal Controls and or the Management letter that typically address areas of concern in operations and internal control.

    In this regard, I would suggest assessing each position and estimate the time to complete their tasks on a daily basis.

    I would suggest interviewing Sandy S. To determine how and why she hires or terminates certain employees.

    I would suggest a review of all employee benefits and to the extent possible, add time in service as to vesting. (20% per year).

    I would suggest hiring all positions on a 90 day probationary basis.

    I would suggest restructuring the organizational chart.....Fitness and Facilities management co-exist with Sandy S. and they report to the Board.
