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Monday, September 28, 2020

September 29, 1959....He Said It Would Happen....Was He Right ???

Do Khruschev's Words 61 Years Ago Ring Loud in 2020?
Looking at the Effects of a Socialistic Society in America

11/18/1956: “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to  invade the US. We will destroy you from within.” – Art of Quotation

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  1. From David Opinions

    Great article discussing the superiority of capitalism. Thanks !

  2. Failure to learn from History means you're doomed to make the same mistakes over and over

    To paraphrase Margaret Thatcher: socialism is great until you run out of other people's money

    And let's not forget the words of Josef Goebbles: tell a lie long enough and eventually people believe it

  3. From Robert Opinions 

    Thanks, Dick, for the great article comparing Khrushchev’s predictions of several decades ago. 

    I trust I am not the only one still above the grass to recall his rants while using his shoe as a gavel to emphasize and foretell how his Marxist system will gradually make serious inroads into our government and nation.

    The seven comparisons pointing out the differences between socialism and our free enterprise system illustrates how excessive government controls can never replace personal ingenuity; however, if unchecked, it could result in serious if not irreparable damage to our economy and more importantly, the lifestyle free market capitalism provides.

    As he predicted, the former Soviet make it clear that their system would seep its way into virtually every aspect of our every day lives and as the influence grows, will receive support from the government through higher taxes and additional heavily staffed agencies.

    Most leftist anarchist groups use versions of a playbook designed to promote class warfare, instill regimented healthcare, control public education by using unions to set the curriculum, and by all means, discourage or eliminate the importance of religion and traditional family structure.

    They employ professional agitators to initiate disruption, and even  manage to finance funding to get "their” candidates put in office .

    They hold weak business executives hostage for mega contributions, and use high profile entertainers and athletes as spokespersons.

    Does this sound familiar?

    To their thinking, elimination of the middle class through taxation and legislation, more revenue would be available to promote their agenda.

    Possibly the worst feature of Marxism is the ability of the individual to determine one’s own course. 

    Under the pseudo security blanket, one loses all incentive to improve his or her lives or one’s family, so mediocrity becomes the norm and innovation is lost.

    I don't think we want to wind up like Venezuela or many European nations who sacrificed their sovereignty to internationalism, but that is another story.

    Let’s get our house in order by choosing candidates based on ability, not longevity.
