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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Let's Be Fair to All Independent Contractors

  Sun City Anthem Logic: A Lesson in Money Management Without Residents in Mind

Blog: If it walks like a duck… acts like a duck… quacks like a duck, well  then it's probably a chicken. (8/27/17) | Brazil Times

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Elizabeth Opinions 

    The opening line of the E blast, “....we moved forward with offering SCA residents more opportunities.”  

    I often wonder who is “we“?

    Is it the board?

    It doesn’t say the “board moved forward..... “.

    Why do I get the feeling that management is running Sun City Anthem rather than them working for us?

    I feel we are  seen as their subjects.

    Everything about our use of any of the facilities here is up to “management“ the “we“ in all the E-blasts and notifications we receive. 

    I finally came to the point where I gave up and decided not to use any of the facilities here. 

    I belong to a private gym and I entertain in my home or go to my friends’ homes but I don’t use any other facilities. 

    So sad :-(

  2. From Rana Goodman (former Secretary and President of Sun City Anthem) Opinions

    The board has a Secretary, why isn't she responding to emails? 

    I ALWAYS ANSWERED RESIDENTS when I was on the Board and copied the rest of the boards and CEO on those emails. 

    This is so rude to just turn it over to her to deal with.

  3. From Nelson Opinions

    FYI all Station Casinos opened at 100% capacity yesterday.

  4. From Elizabeth Opinions

    Before joining a private gym and getting my own trainer, I had trained with someone in Sun City Anthem.

    When my trainer wanted me to use a piece of equipment that a resident was on, we had to find something else to use.

    When we were upstairs by the track in Anthem Center and found a small corner to use and residents came along and crowded us, we accommodated them and somehow we all  “managed“.

    Why now is this different?

    I paid good money and had to work around everybody else.

    Now it seems those who pay for a trainer get the entire Liberty Center exercise room all morning- the prime time for folks to exercise! 

    Again, Management makes decisions without consulting the residents for suggestions.

    This has been a problem from day one since we started with self management.

  5. From Jill Opinions

    Once we are at 100% capacity, I think the requirement to make reservations in advance should be abolished.

    We are paying monthly dues as well as additional fees to attend exercise classes.

    We should have the freedom to decide if and when we want to go to a class, without having to go online or call up to make a reservation or cancel a reservation.

    I understand that for certain classes such as warm water, it is needed because of limited space. 

  6. To say I was appalled when I read the restrictions concerning access to Liberty Center would be an understatement. I applaud RANA Goodman and Vegas Voice for their excellent reporting of the facts and insight into our current Board Members and Management overreaching decisions and actions. Maybe they need to reduce our HOA dues commensurate with facilities being unavailable to residents!! Financial Planners are legally held to binding fiduciary responsibilities to their clients .....I draw the parallel to SCA Board Members /Management’s responsibility to residents.
