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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Some Serious Concerns Facing Sun City Anthem Within the Next Few Months

 Don't Forget the Past

The Future is Sooner Then You Think

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"Nevada Know How"

1 comment:

  1. From Marcia Opinions

    I find this article not only pertinent in this time that we live, but clearly a warning that must be conveyed to the new people who have moved to Sun City Anthem and do not know anything about the past and current problems which has plagued our community for over a decade.

    Part of the problem is that people in general, have moved to our state, city, and Sun City Anthem to retire and enjoy the rest of their lives participating in what makes them happy. 

    They do not want to become involved as a volunteer which would alter their perceived new lifestyle. 

    There are several things we can do to inform those who know nothing about our rather sordid history in our community.

    1. Those of us whom have lived here and witnessed some of the blatant acts against homeowners, coupled with repeatedly poor decisions adversely affecting us, should make a strong effort to inform new owners.

    2. Make a concerted effort to meet any new owners in your neighborhood, welcome them and offer to help them with any questions they may have.  A perfect place is the mailbox where you obtain your mail.  Often, you will see new faces there.

    3. Print copies of this article and offer them a copy to read saying that it is imperative that they read it.  Offer them the chance to contact you once they have read this article with any questions or comments they might have.

    4. There needs to be a better method for homeowners to vet any potential person to be hired for a staff position as well as any homeowner who wants to become a board member or head of a standing committee. 

    All it takes is a little time and investigation on all our parts and let others know what you have discovered. 

    Those of us who are sick and tired of the “few in charge", who continue to make costly and stupid decisions and treat homeowners with indifference, continual secretiveness, rudeness and look at us as their own personal bank account, need to legally rebel and our motto should become, “Enough Is Enough!”
