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Sunday, October 3, 2021

2022 Sun City Anthem Budget....Yet Another EXPENSIVE & 6th Attempt at a Restaurant: An Anthem Opinions Editorial

 Restaurant Wars

What Changed in 2 Years ?
The Community Overwhelmingly said NO to a Restaurant

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  1. From Allen Opinions

    Please do not waste our money again for a new restaurant or a study of this idea that was already voted down.

  2. From Mary Lee Opinions

    I was SHOCKED to see that ONCE AGAIN the board members are bringing up the possibility of a RESTAURANT in SCA.

    Information on the five failures is readily available and most are familiar with the total waste of monies for years.  

    Heaven help SCA.  Another boondoggle and waste of funds!!!  

    At one time they were going to reconfigure the area to a space where ALL could enjoy, not sure what happened there but wasting funds to redo a restaurant/kitchen/etc is absolutely crazy…




    I’m happy to be in Sun City Georgetown where board members and the developer LISTENS TO RESIDENTS AND ACTS ACCORDINGLY.  YEAH!

  3. The Sun City Anthem community was completed in 2008. It was a 10 year project. Since 2008 (13 years ago), the restaurant venue has been operational only a few years in total from the various failed attempts. The proponents use the argument that it is mandated for that space to have an eatery, but the precedent has been established for there to be none since the majority of the time the venue has been closed and shuttered. Somehow we have all survived eating everywhere else (including Buckman's Grill right down he street) and home sale prices continue to climb in the community. If someone really needs a $1.00 hot dog - Costco is right down the road on St. Rose. There has been no compliance and only sporadic attempts at compliance over the last 13 years so stop telling us that we MUST have a restaurant, a/k/a boondoggle.

  4. From Robert Opinions 

    With weather more pleasant, the economy opening up slowly, and snowbirds returning, SCA returning is returning to it’s status as a desirable place to call home, rather than the ghost town atmosphere it was forced into.  

    Still, government mandates exist to a degree, but presumable we are on the upswing.

    However, our current BOD is salivating at the chance to begin wasting our dues on the oft failed task of promoting our community with a restaurant.  

    Wow, are they not aware that idea has already failed on numerous occasions, some at moderate, some at greater cost to homeowners?

    To the best of my recall, about 2 years or so ago, after various lessee/tenant operators’ failures, even after almost giving away the keys to the ranch to a group of chain of restaurants, they were kissing the feet of this group (offering no rent unless sales were unattainable, exclusive on food service, and numerous leasehold improvements) until they found these big wheels lacked spokes (money).

    They then concluded that a self managed operation was the way to go but they needed help (not psychiatric).

    They hired a firm of “experts” to make suggestions.

    After paying  I believe $10K or more is memory serves me, the only feasible success at that spot wound be sort of self operated beer & burger place, open limited hours.

    Besides the predicted operating losses, the expected sales figures would make it unlikely to generate enough to operate at a loss acceptable to the homeowners.

    The plan met with great disfavor to the homeowners.

    The fact that the location would very unlikely generate enough revenue to make it work, one major issue which possibly would cause homeowners to consider, and could still be a gross negative, is the fact that the closest in the development, being Buckmans at the gold course, which is a necessity to the operation of the course itself.

    Without the restaurant, catering and other features it offers, it would fall into disfavor with tourists and locals alike.

    A competing restaurant in close proximity could take enough revenue to cause it to close along with the course itself.

    If the golf course were too abandon the land, what would replace it?  

    Low priced houses or condos, shopping, or office space wound cause our property values to tank.

    Anyone doubting my logic I suggest you bring up the front page of the 9/30 R-J, where the feature article pictures and text of the former Badlands Golf Course off of Alta Dr in Las Vegas, closed the facility which was surrounded the Queens Ridge development of multimillion homes.

    The residents saw the lush fairways go to seed & weed, until the legal ruling allowing a condo development and soon tracts of moderate priced houses fill the space.

  5. From Tony & Angelina Opinions 

    Hi Dan & Rana.

    We need another shot at a replacement restaurant for TRUMPETS like we need to open the border to the migrants.

    What is wrong with these people (board)?  Are they in someone's pocket?

    That was common when I was growing up in Chicago many years ago under Dick Daley.

    Please use your considerable influence in the SCA community to defeat this abomination.

    We moved here in 2001 when TRUMPETS was a great place to go; however all the replacements were  poor substitutes which is costing us all $$$$.

    We enjoyed your editorial.

  6. Obviously Perlstein is the "Piper of Restaurant fame," knowing all his credentials that amount to a hill of beans. The story of reality should be that if you want a restaurant at the rec center so badly reach in your pocket, along with those that do too and show us how its done...for the 6th time. Seems that the 40 other restaurants now available in the 2-3 miles of the rec center will just shudder in fear that all that revenue will go to the "new" Perlstein's restaurant. As Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary says, "STOP THE MADNESS!"

  7. I totally agree, Marty. I hope it works out, but if not, let's not forget that "the people spoke" 2 years ago with a solid NO in 1400+ petitions.

    If it flops and we loose big time, there are only 2 conclusions that can be drawn; first, THE PEOPLE TOLD THEM SO; and second, THE ENTIRE LOSS IS ON THE MEMBERS OF THE SUN CITY ANTHEM BOARD WHO VOTED TO PROCEED and chose to IGNORE them.

    No more excuses, the BUCK STOPS WITH THEM.
