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Las Vegas Mayor Salutes Sun City Anthem's

Declared July 20, 2022

Dan Roberts & Rana Goodman 


Loving Life Over 60!

New US Postal Rates
 As of June 11, 2022
 Postal Rates to Increase
  Letters (Stamped)
Weight Not Over (oz.)  
1 $0.60
2 0.84
3 1.08
3.5 1.32

Letters (Metered)

Weight Not Over (oz.)  
1 $0.57
2 0.81
3 1.05
3.5 1.29
Large Envelopes (Flats)
Weight Not Over (oz.)  
1 $1.20
2 1.44
3 1.68
4 1.92
5 2.16
6 2.40
7 2.64
8 2.88
9 3.12
10 3.36
11 3.60
12 3.84
13 4.08



Clarifying Nevada's Grass Laws
Got Grass?  Maybe it's time to Make Some Changes


Nevada bans ornamental, non-functional grass - CGTN
By now the Sun City Anthem community is likely aware of the potential special assessments to the villa properties.
We won't go into details because to our knowledge, they have not yet been fully finalized; however, it might be time to see the writing on the wall if you have grass on your property....
...or waste water !
Check out the fines if you see this guy driving down the street:
Beware of water waste: How to prevent violations that could cost you - Las  Vegas Sun Newspaper
Let's face it....Lake Mead is in big trouble, and without water, not only is the Las Vegas valley in jeopardy, but several states in the American southwest in addition to Nevada are troubled as well including Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
There have been a number of articles written about our water crisis that detail the problems, two of which I suggest you read.
Draining Las Vegas
Here is Who is Using the Most Water in the Valley
Lake Mead Water Shortage
Painful Colorado River Cuts are Coming
On June 18, 2022 an article was published that made the following comments:
a. A new law was signed by Governor Sisolak that permanently bans certain categories of grass, outlawing about 31% of the grass in the Las Vegas area.   Nevada is the fist state to do so.
b. The ban encompasses what the Nevada Water Authority calls "non-functional turf", namely in street medians, entrances to housing developments, and office parks.
It excludes single-family homes, parks, and golf courses.
The Colorado River's Drought Contingency Plan will be renegotiated in 2026 and we can only hope some form of compromise can be obtained.
Lake Mead and Lake Powell, the two reservoirs that store Colorado River water, are projected to shrink to low levels, and as a result, the possibility of a first ever official shortage declaration, might cut the amount allocated to Nevada and Arizona.
In the meantime, if you have grass on your property, you might want to strongly consider removing it and replacing it with desert landscaping.
Currently the Nevada Water Authority is offering up to a $3.00 per square feet rebate to do so, but rumor has it that this offer might be terminated in the relatively near future.
If you wish to consider any changes, you must first qualify to obtain the rebate and certain requirements must be met BEFORE you make any changes.
Want to examine the steps you would be required to take?  Just call the Nevada Water Authority at (702) 258-7283 or click on this link for full information.
2021 AC Sponsor SNWA — Nevada Water Resources Association


 Mr. Fix-It Explains Why He Resigned from the Sun City Anthem Board

Anthem Opinions: Mr. Fix-It Speaks Out on Blogger's Accusations
Forrest Fetherolf
Mr. Fix-It

Hello Everyone,

 I would like to take this opportunity as Forrest SCA Mr. Fix-It to explain why I resigned from SCA BOD on 5/12/22.

 Circumstances changed very quickly in the last few weeks; and as a result, I would not be able to fulfill my duties as a board member over the next year.

 Erlinda and I are currently in the process of selling all properties in SCA and planning to move to join my son Scott, his wife, Kelly, and our three lovely granddaughters.

 I want to thank everyone supporting me as a board candidate; all the “thank you”  emails I received from residents I have helped as Forrest "SCA Mr. Fix-It",  and the seven hundred happy birthday wishes on my 80 birthday.

 I will deeply miss all my friends and neighbors I have met over the 15 years living in SCA.


 Sun City Anthem Board 2022

Our Choices for a Two Year Term
Christmas Ale™ | Great Lakes Brewing Company
Forrest Fetherolf
Steve Anderson
Greg Swenson

We've done our homework on the candidates and due to all being automatically elected to the Sun City Anthem Board, there remains the issue of which will serve two year terms and which will serve one.
Let's look at why we believe these individuals can best serve our association in the next two years (in no particular order):
Forrest Fetherolf 
When it comes to knowledge of construction issues, Sun City Anthem's Mr. Fix-It's genuine sense of community service has been unquestionable as to the value he has and will continue to  provide, the community.
With the impending modifications and updating of several "tired"  aspects of SCA requiring a "reboot" and  remodeling, none is more familiar with those issues then Forrest Fetherolf. 
Forrest not only has a love of unselfishly helping people, but his belief in making our community a continued viable location for 55+ seniors, can best be demonstrated by his ownership of 9 homes which he utilizes as rental property.
Over the years, Mr. Fetherolf's advice has been all too often been ignored by "machine" leadership in various matters including the Liberty Center fiasco, when he urged the then Board to have the building professionally examined prior to acceptance.  Not following that advice cost SCA thousands of dollars of unnecessary expense as a result.  
In short, Mr. Fetherolf gets our vote due to the expertise that will be required in the next couple of years, expertise in which other Board members are unfamiliar and in need of for the proposed expensive renovations and guidance that are currently being planned.
Stephen Anderson
No one can criticize the value of an association leader who actively seeks out all comments, advice, and beliefs in a community as diversified as Sun City Anthem.  Unlike so many of his predecessors, Anderson's reputation of answering all correspondence and his willingness to discuss his views, has created a new atmosphere of tranquility that has long been overdue.
You may not agree with Steve at all times, but somehow, if you don't, you can still leave the discussion with an attitude of seeing a man trying his best to explain his position and how it affects our community.  This man is a very good human being, has compassion for people, and creates an atmosphere of wanting  all residents to actively be part of a mature community.
He has shown his  dedication to Sun City Anthem, and for doing so in the manner he displays, deserves another two years in a leadership position.
Greg Swenson
Mr. Swenson, though a relatively short-term resident and not active in the community political field until now, represents a "new breed" of Board member that in our opinion, was demonstrated by departing Director, Richard Pope, whom we personally will miss due to the expertise he brought to Sun City Anthem.  We have always appreciated efficiency of operation, and there was no one better then Richard Pope, who demonstrated his competence to the advantage of our HOA.
Mr. Swenson is just 65 years of age, has valued past business experience especially in restaurant management administration that we believe will add to the knowledge required to establish the recently adopted restaurant issue.

Let's just say, he not yet been "corrupted" by old and all to often stale ideas of those who for some reason, look to youth as the "enemy" rather then a "bright" future.
Us long-timers need to recognize the importance of "passing the baton" to a younger generation, that the future of Sun City Anthem must incorporate those of tomorrow, not merely those of yesteryear.
Including Mr. Swenson's era in Sun City Anthem governance is integral to the continuance of a successful community; that those of his generation must now be considered its future leadership, and with that in mind, we believe that he would be an excellent representative choice to bring that generation into our future in a competent manner.
In summary, our choices for the two year terms would be:
(3), (4), and (5)
Got some thoughts?  Other ideas?  Share them with us !

Life Really Is Like a Bunch of Chocolates
You Never Know What You're Gonna Get...
in Sun City Anthem
Forrest Gump returning to theaters for 25th anniversary - ABC7 New York
Well now, the existing Sun City Anthem Board meeting took an unexpected turn of events on Thursday, March 23rd when two existing Board members, Forrest Quinn and Brian Donahue, decided to resign their positions, leaving them vacant on the Board after the end of the April Board meeting.
Add that to the fact that current Board member, Richard Pope, decided not to run for reelection and two existing Board members, Steve Anderson and Wendy Linow's terms expire on that same day, that leaves 5 positions open as of May 1st.
What does that mean?
With only 5 candidates running for election, all will automatically be elected to the Sun City Anthem Board as of May 2nd.
The only question remaining is which will have 2 year terms and which will have a 1 year term.
As a result, there will still be an election; not for your candidate choice, but for how long you wish each to serve.

You should discard the ballot you recently receivedA new one will be sent explaining this in detail.
The top three candidates receiving votes will each have a 2 year term, and the candidates finishing 4th and 5th will each have a 1 year term.
This might change the manner in which you cast a vote, knowing all will serve. 
Some individuals might have only voted for one or two candidates; however, if you are one of those who chose that option on the old ballot, you might wish to reconsider this when completing the new one, and vote for three.
Don't be, it's called Sun City Anthem politics.
Not in my judgment. 
Is the glass half empty or is it half full?  

Actually, it's both !
There are two ways of looking at this; the first is the sad state of affairs that exist in a community having 7,144 homes and only having 5 individuals willing to represent them.  This is now the 2nd consecutive year this has taken place and we hope this will be the last.
On the positive side, we will have 3 new fresh faces that hopefully will bring new and exciting ideas to a Board who likely will add a new prospective to our community with an open mind toward the future in a number of areas.
In my opinion, this will be a double edge sword, and the question will remain as to which way the sword will drop its blow !
Anthem Opinions has stressed over the past month since election season began that we wished this election would involve openness and especially civility toward all candidates, allowing a community to look at each one individually and decide our future based on their promised words...
...and our commitment to that belief has remained intact throughout the past month.
Other then pledging our support for Forrest Fetherolf, for the wonderful assistance he has provided so many in our community over the years, we remained silent rather then demonize any individual as was the case with a blogger who for years has spewed hatred day after day, week after week toward so many in our community.
And for that hatred, we believe that tolerance toward such demeaning behavior is now coming to an end; that honest well-meaning individuals will come forward in the future without fear of character assassination, and that our property owners will much prefer a positive look toward the future, rather then the ugliness of senseless defamation.

Candidates should no longer have to deal with him for fear of his chastising them and seeking his support which can now be characterized as feeling some unnatural need to "deal with the devil." 
They can now openly go about their business trying to make our community a better place, leaving the "machine influence" behind as we continue into our 23rd year of existence in the Las Vegas valley.
Anthem Opinions congratulates these brave souls for taking on the responsibilities so few have chosen to entertain. 
We pray they will do so with openness, honesty, and integrity combined with fiscal responsibility; that the community will continue to heal following a pandemic, despite it being it further being harmed with insulting unnecessary rhetoric spewed elsewhere.
And so, we welcome our 2022 team of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors:
Stephen Anderson
Wendy Linow
Paul Perlstein
Barry Rubinson
Forrest Fetherolf
David Meredith
Greg Swenson
At the same time, we also wish to thank current Board members for their service as they leave office.  Remember, they did, what the rest of us didn't !
They sacrificed time they could have spent enjoying retirement rather then hours on end guiding our association in a time that literally changed our entire world.
Forrest Quinn
Richard Pope
Brian Donahue
Got a comment?
Send it to us at:

From Forrest Opinions

Today I received notice from management, current board members have resigned, leaving five openings to be filled by the five candidates.

I am very honored to become a board member to serve our SCA Community as I have been as "Forrest SCA Mr. Fix-It", helping others in the gym, and volunteering.

I want all to know that I am not happy to become a board member by default.

I was looking forward to allowing Sun City Anthem residents to choose their representatives through the election process.

There are many highly qualified residents in SCA to help make our community the best of the best; but at the same time, unfortunately, there are also some individuals preferring to be so negative and derogatory toward candidates, causing some candidates to withdraw or not to run for the board at all.

I know, I have been a victim of vicious attacks with untruths and lies by an undesirable blog owner resident and SCA Corporate Attorney.

However, I have received so much support from many residents to “hang in there.”

I have.

There is no place in our SCA community “for mudslinging” and negativity toward others wanting to become involved in SCA activities.

We are here to enjoy our remaining years of life and share knowledge.

Even though voting now will not choose your favorite candidate(s), voting is necessary to show your support for whom you feel is most qualified and to serve a one year or two-year term.

Regardless of what you decide, I want to thank all the residents that have shown their support for me to serve you as a SCA Board Director, and promise that I will do my best not to disappoint you at any time.

  1. From Marcia Opinions


    I know you would have wanted to be voted in by homeowner preference, but you have much to offer with your expertise.

    I have watched since 2006, certain past board members display a poor attitude of ignoring input from homeowners and spending money foolishly-homeowner money.

    In my opinion, we need new blood on the board and you certainly fit that category.

    I have also become aware of one board member who has constantly displayed arrogance, rudeness to homeowners and lying in the past and present.

    Since we can vote for up to three candidates, we can limit the term of this individual by not voting for this person.

    This way, they will be limited to one year until the next election.

    Lastly, you are not a person who expresses yourself with flowery phrases, but a doer and helpful to anyone who needs help with their home.


Why Anthem Opinions Fully Supports Forrest Fetherolf
for the Sun City Anthem Board

Those of you who attended that "debate" (I hate to use that word in this case) on Sunday afternoon were left with questions and first impressions that didn't exactly prove positive for a number of Board candidates, especially, Forrest Fetherolf.
And how sad that was, because you never got the opportunity to see the  real Forrest ...
...the man who is there whenever a person has a problem with their home.
...the man who assisted a Henderson judge in rehabilitating returning veterans.
...the man who established the former "Entertainment Club".
...the man who, along with two other Woodchippers, at their own expense, spent 4-5 days building a piano shell and donated it for all clubs to use, for the new successful "The Mark OToole Variety Show".
...the man who, though unable to fulfill a dream in law enforcement due to an on-the-job injury as a Los Angeles police officer leaving him in a body cast for months and to date has had to endure over 30 surgeries, yet as a result, still felt a love for law and order by establishing the unofficial club "S.C.A.R.L.E.T." (Sun City Anthem Law Enforcement Team) that in just 3 months, has brought 108 retired members of law enforcement together.
It sickens me to even think that this man who has done so much for so many people, would be cast as a problem by any person, especially by those who have never even met him, yet mercilessly berate him based on a mere allegation that he had never even been made aware of and has never had the opportunity to defend.
That is not the America in which any of us were raised.
And to those people who engage in such rhetoric, a wise man once said:
Let's face it, Forrest in not a public speaker, and he showed it when asked questions that few candidates understood, much less could answer.
If one graded Forrest on public speaking, he wouldn't get very high marks, but if you read the caption on his flyer, it says it all about him.
"I Just Don't Talk About It...I Do It"
I know that man and for those who do, he is a person who believes in helping people...
...not by words, but by actions !

And if you've never met him, you've missed what he really represents; namely the spirit of community service not recognized by being on any formal committee, but instead by being there for one and all, despite the all too often pain he is in due to past injuries and multiple surgeries.      
If you want a politician to represent you, Forrest is NOT your person.
On the other hand, if you want an individual who is self-made, honest, will always tell you what's on his mind, and would be the most experienced individual any Board would have to properly evaluate construction issues, you'd have to go a long way to find a more qualified human being.
Do we have any other such person running for office with sufficient experience who can fill that vital role?
I don't believe that to be the case.
...and...based on what our association will be involved with as the months pass, that experience would be invaluable as proposals will come forth that will cost millions of dollars in upgrading and renovating our association facilities.
Is this man competent?
Other then establishing a construction firm in southern California which today is still run by his son, Scott, when one can boast that each and every home built by his firm was through 100% referral and in addition he served as an "expert witness" in a number of governmental arbitrations,  that says  KNOWLEDGE, CONFIDENCE, QUALITY and INTEGRITY.

Let me tell you a story about the Liberty Center and how that became a financial nightmare due to incompetence in electing "politicians" as Board members, but let me preface it by asking you this simple question about when you purchased your home:
Did you have it professionally examined before you bought it?
Hopefully you did, because those who don't, normally get unfavorable surprises after they take possession.
Why would I ask that question?
Because that is EXACTLY what a prior Board did that was led by the individual's wife who gets his jollies beating up Forrest Fetherolf at every opportunity !
Yes, that multi-million dollar complex was accepted AS IS, without professional inspection.

Did Forrest make every attempt to call that to the attention of the Board prior to acceptance?

Yes !

Was he ignored?

Yes !
The result? 
Over 250 problems had to be resolved with YOUR FUNDS because an unknowledgeable group of "highly educated" Board members without proper credentials and experience, wouldn't take the advice of a resident  professional, wouldn't admit their mistake, put a "band aid" on a problem that required surgery, and as a result, VOIDED the WARRANTY.
How was that eventually handled? 
A lawsuit in which Sun City Anthem was forced to file, that eventually retrieved a mere fraction of the construction defects...
...defects that would not have cost a PENNY, had the right experienced individual been on a Board !
So, the question all owners must ask themselves is very simple:
Should a Board have a person with hands-on experience in construction matters at a time when such knowledge would be invaluable?
I think so, and that's why Mr. Fetherolf's election is so critical to the future of Sun City Anthem's vision of future growth and expansion.

Forrest Fetherolf is no public speaker; instead, he's a "doer"!
The times determine the right person for the job, and those times would best be served by having a man like Forrest Fetherolf, to guide us through them.

I urge all of you to look closely at the man who never says "no" to those in need, ignore the consistent smut that some ruthless individuals continue to spew at will year after year, and elect a man whose actions have more then proven his abilities and integrity.

He's #3 on the ballot, and I hope you'll join me in electing this man to our Board.
Got a comment?
Send it to us at:

What Came from the SCA Candidate Debate?
A Need to Revise an Election Committee with New Blood
An Anthem Opinions Editorial
Animation Debate Stick figure Presentation, debate competition, public  Relations, cartoon, conversation png | PNGWing
Attention Volunteers !  Help !  You are needed more then ever after yesterday.
If there was ever a reason to make changes in a committee, yesterday provided everything you needed to convince you to do so !
I'm sorry to say that in my opinion, The "candidate's debate" could only be critiqued as perhaps the worst in the history of Sun City Anthem....
...and if anyone was looking for a reason NOT TO RUN for an office, if you were in attendance, you'd know what I mean, realizing what that committee would subject you to.
Shaking Head In Disbelief GIFs | Tenor
I know those on the committee have served for years, and for that service, the community thanks you; but honestly, the time has come to "pass the baton" after this latest affair.
Like the entertainer who has a rough time leaving a career as they get older and the crowds diminish being disappointed as they had hoped to rekindle the past, somehow when it came to this Committee's effectiveness, this thought came to mind....
..."that dog don't hunt" and the time has come for format and personnel.
Why would that be the case?
The format and questioning left many with needing a nap at the earliest opportunity.
Did any of the questions ask:
"Who Are You?
"Why Do You Believe You're the Best for Job?"
Nope !  
Instead they were asking questions that the greatest part of the audience began looking at each other with raised eyes wishing that they might have been better off staying home and watching "Two & a Half Men" reruns!
Shake Head GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
Yeah, it was THAT BAD !
One thing that has to change is asking separate questions to each candidate.
Ask a DECENT QUESTION and let EVERYONE ANSWER THE SAME ONE, not separate questions to each candidate.  
And...ask questions that are FAIR to each candidate too!
Shaking Head In Disbelief GIFs | Tenor
When one is on a Board, one learns things, but until they get there, most, if not all, don't have a clue as to how to answer questions without firsthand experience of being on one.
Folks, in this fiasco, the "deck was stacked" and my heart went out to those candidates who had never served on a Board.  They were literally blindsided by some of those inquiries.
Shaking Head No GIFs | Tenor
The questions asked were so "memorable" that if one was asked to take a "quiz" after they were asked, other then the guy sitting next to me taking written notes", most, if not all wouldn't be able to tell you what they were!
Shaking Head In Disbelief GIFs | Tenor
The best however, went to Steve Anderson when asked:
"What would you want your legacy to be as a member of the Board?"
Yeah, the audience had to know that, didn't they?
Well, our current President, Mr. Anderson, was on his toes on that one and simply answered:
"I don't want to be the first Board member to die in office."
And to that answer, a thanks goes out to Mr. Anderson for providing that shot of NO DOSE to the crowd as they awoke from their naps.
...and a that moment, I honestly believe most in the audience would have cried:
Meme Maker - good answer GOOD ANSWER Meme Generator!
Yup, that was the type of question that the crowd had to endure !
The bottom line in this "debate" was watching a giving group of individuals run for a very responsible job, stumble in answering the most ridiculous questions, and a crowd quickly running to the "goodie tables" to feed their faces, before they darted out to their cars.
Actually, I wish one of the questions would have been:
"Should the election debate be changed in any way?
My guess is that it would have provided the crowd the most beneficial information they would have learned all day.
Still can't figure out why this Simon & Garkunkel tune stayed in my head the rest of the day ! 

Yes, this one  will go down in the books with a one word description:
83 Yuck Cliparts, Stock Vector and Royalty Free Yuck Illustrations

What's So Important about an HOA Election?
 An Anthem Opinions Editorial
Shadow Brook Board Election 2021 | Shadow Brook HOA and Swim Club
Plenty !
In the next year we can expect a number of changes in Sun City Anthem, and those changes must incorporate a "new and improved" community following a pandemic that appears to finally be coming to an end.
We cannot fight the fact that inflation is here; it will stay for an extended period,  and must be incorporated in our thinking.  The days of no dues increases are behind us and no matter what anyone says, they will, and must, increase, to maintain and achieve perfection.
Despite what many believe, we are getting OLDER and that pertains not only to the population, but to the make-up of our community. The aging process changes our lives and the ability to do things we once did, but cannot do any longer. 
At the same time, when 10% of our population changes each year, likely to a younger crowd, they too have needs and desires that are just as important as those of us who have been here for years, and theirs too, must be addressed.
Our objective must incorporate the belief that we as a community, are in a different competitive position that requires accepting the fact that to compete properly and maintain a superior living atmosphere in the Las Vegas valley, we must commit to whatever it takes to maintain that superior living standard we now have...
...and that requires MONEY ...
...the right people who know how to handle it !
As newer 55+ communities will pop up in the Las Vegas valley in the years to come, planning must incorporate anticipating their presence and the amenities they will bring...
...amenities that we currently do not have, but will require to obtain, as well as, enhance those we currently have.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best:
Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote: “Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat  a path to
Those words should be the objective of any current and future leader.
I believe that a newly elected Board will be faced with decisions that none before them have faced; namely, do we look toward tomorrow,  or do we remain stagnant?
If the objective is to look toward the future, that future must incorporate proper planning...planning not just for the next year, but for the next five and beyond.
And that leads me to address the need for the proper individuals who will be able to face those challenges next year, five years from now, and beyond.
We will shortly choose three individuals to continue Sun City Anthem's progress among the five who wish the job.
We have our choices, but that will be left for another day.
Today we ask all our readers to ask themselves and their neighbors what our objectives should be in the future, then attend in person or by your phone or computer as per the the Sun City Anthem eblast on February, 22, 2022.
Here's the information regarding that important meeting.

Candidate Forum & Meet and Greet
March 6 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. (Meet & Greet follows the forum, approx. 3:30 p.m.)
Delaware Room in Anthem Center

Candidate Forum GoToMeeting Information:
Click Candidate Forum to watch online.
Listen on your phone: (866) 899-4679
Access Code: 932-637-461

This community belongs to you, and with that in mind, we'd like your opinion as what you expect from Sun City Anthem.
Then we'll see how those desires correspond to those seeking election to the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.


A Need to Respond to a Man Whose Actions Over Years
Has Led to Division and Machine Politics

Point-Counterpoint: The Worst Team In Baseball Is…? | Dubsism
When Anthem Opinions sharply curtailed its publications a year ago, it was hoped that peace and tranquility in Sun City Anthem would prevail in light of a pandemic and shouts of certain individuals claiming racism that had never existed in our community until a former director and his lapdog blogger decided to take it upon themselves to introduce it to a "colorblind" community. 
It divided us, and many even feared that the nation's riots of 2020 would somehow make its way to the Anthem communities as a result.
It did not, thank God, and all of us have made our way though the past two years losing dear friends to Covid, watching our way of life dramatically change, and trying to concentrate on existing in a new world with many new neighbors,  while making every attempt to erase the political ugliness of past community elections.
But.... it appears that evil can only suppress itself so long, before it feels  a compulsion to return to its divisive self.
Yesterday, it did just that in the form of a ridiculous editorial written by perhaps the most destructive member in the Sun City Anthem community.  It does so each time an imaginary need or opportunity for control appears, namely at election time.
There is no need to name this creature that has been forced to remain relatively absent from our midst for the past two years. He is what he his, and he will never change....for one reason.
The man is incapable of it.
And so let us look at his most recent "tabloid" journalism that will likely continue in variations to flood the emails of those unsuspecting individuals over the next couple of months.
This creature somehow had to find a way to start his venomous journey by criticizing an individual for changing his mind about running for office, as if that is somehow a reason to be critical of a person !
Is this the beginning of his poison pen toward an individual whom he strongly opposed two years ago, a young self-made successful financial expert who also carries the certification of CPA,  and instead believed that a better choice, a current incumbent woman also running for reelection with a recent past history of Chapter 7 bankruptcy, would be a better alternative as a "financial" leader?
Richard Pope may not be perfect; none of us are, but these past two years have had to have been the most difficult ones in the history of our community to lead it, and I'm here to say, I have watched this man work 70-80 hours a week trying to rebuild a community that needed it due to many former leaders in the past who literally "went along to get along", and who have been elected due to the recommendations of an individual whose personal success cannot fill a thimble.                           
Richard Pope is a strong leader, an intelligent leader, a dedicated leader, and a person who believes that dotting the "i"s and crossing the "t"s in a legal manner is key to a successful future of an organization.
Anthem Opinions: Nevada Know How...Archives (Page Nine)

His personality is one of dominance, and though at times, controversial, knows what he's talking about when he brings up matters that most are unfamiliar due to their past inexperience.
There is rarely a time when a decision he makes isn't backed up with the deepest research and uncovering many aspects of a situation that need to be examined before large expenditures are made.
What better choice then a person who "thinks before he acts" on matters that affect thousands ?
He, unlike the blogger who is part of a "machine" lost in the past, is his own person.  He is young (62), and brings 21st century thinking to a community in deep need of it to survive the future. 
Those of us now in our seventies must realize that the time has come to pass the baton to a younger generation, more attune to a new world that now exists, and for the sake of survival, be adapted to, or left behind to crumble.
Does Richard Pope deserve reelection?  He does if you believe that we must look toward tomorrow rather then dwell on the past...
...the past that the blogger's complete failure in just about everything he has ever been allowed to be involved, will resurrect itself over the next few months in a way that he will conveniently avoid, recommending those like himself, who have had a devastating economic and psychological affect on a community for years.
He is poison; he is nasty; he is self-serving; and it is time to place him in the past for the ruin he has wrought on so many good people for the sole purpose of CONTROL.
Ask former Sun City Anthem President Rana Goodman, who, along with The Vegas Voice, were the chief architects of changing Nevada Guardianship laws, and his vicious, untrue  and relentless attacks on her over the years.

Rana Goodman (Far Left) and Members of The Vegas Voice 
with former Governor Brian Sanodval
Ask another candidate for office this year, Forrest Fetherolf, Mr. Fix-It, and a current stalwart on Nextdoor, who has unselfishly assisted so many in numerous communities for help in our homes when a repair is needed, who was the subject of his hatred years ago when he previously ran for office when that blogger made an attempt to paint him and the Woodchips Club as being responsible for a man's tragic suicide...and even made attempts to have the widow bring suit against Sun City Anthem ?

Forrest Fetherolff
Mr. Fix-It

Those actions were despicable, and for those of us who have been a part of the community for years, will never be forgotten...
...but for the sake of Sun City Anthem, HE MUST BE FORGOTTEN.
We at Anthem Opinions and Anthem Today hope that you too, will closely examine the character of a man who makes certain recommendations; the same individual who has, and always will, engage in what can only be termed "dirt".
No, that blogger is NO source for "truth, justice, and the American way", and we urge you to look to those whom you wish to lead us with an open mind, closely examining the experience of those individuals, their past POSITIVE contributions to our community, and not make any decision merely based on a blogger whose past must be closely examined as to his credibility.
Let's look to 2022 as a positive step in the future of our community.
We have survived a pandemic; now let's continue it with a fair and impartial attitude without influence of those whose motives have always involved degradation without conscience, toward any person.
Got a comment?
Send it to us at"

From Marcia Opinions

Your editorial is well worth reading especially by homeowners who have not lived in SCA as long as many of us.

It is important that new members of our community understand the past.

The best thing to do is to ignore what he says and stay away from him as if he doesn't exist. He cannot stand to be ignored and constantly seeks attention.

Both Richard Pope and Forrest Fetherolf are the type of individuals running for the board that truly deserve your vote.

They will put homeowners best interests first and give them a voice.

  1. From Mary Lee Anthem Opinions 

    Great editorial!  

    Sadly the nasty blogger is still alive and spewing his venom!

    Sounds like he’s been quiet for a while BUT now wants to TRY to control the elections.

    Some things never seem to change, but hopefully folks are smarter and don’t fall for his negatives about candidates.

    1. We are relatively new to SCA, since mid 2020. Can someone post a link to some of the blogger's posts. Without seeing what he/she is writing it is hard for me to put things in context.

      For the record, I am a huge supporter of Forrest for BOD. I know and respect him.

      1. Eltee, please send your email to us and I will be glad to send you a few samples.

      2. From Valerie Opinions

        Excellent, insightful, honest assessment of the unfortunate reality.
  2. From Bernie Horton...Former Chairman of the Sun City Anthem Finance Opinions

    I appreciated your article about that certain blogger who is himself one of the biggest liars I have met in SCA. 

    I stopped reading his blog when he lied to me about printing information that led me, as Chair, along with five other members of the SCA Finance Committee, to resign after extreme disrespect by the 2019 board President and her minions that were supported by that blogger. 

    He then went on to endorse her for reelection but fortunately for SCA, she lost. 

    Richard Pope is a breath of fresh air.

    He identified several huge mistakes in our operations and accounting that never were addressed by several boards. 

    He has given 40 to 80 hours a week working on problems like the Villa neighborhood property issues, finding assets not listed in our reserve funds, and pointing out the unfunded liability of $10-$20 million for Anthem Council to replace irrigation and landscape throughout Anthem. 

    He also found that hundreds of thousands collected from home sales for the "Asset Enhancement Fees" were not going into a separate fund for new community assets. 

    Instead, they have been used for operating expenses in violation of our governing documents. 

    He got that changed last year and much more as people will learn during his reelection campaign.    

  1. For all our readers:

    As we have stated, CREDIBILITY is important to any endorsement.

    We ask all to consider these facts as to the importance of that statement.

    Mr. Horton  was one very dedicated person who volunteered for 3.5 years to help protect the community.  One who recruited several CPAs and MBAs and assembled probably the most experienced group of volunteers ever for a Sun City Anthem Finance Committee, all of who resigned because of that blogger's endorsed preference who then bypassed the Finance Committee, to approve, in that committee's estimation, wasting nearly a million dollars alone on the parking lot that did not require replacement.


Sun City Anthem Restaurant History

An Email Send to the Current Sun City Anthem President from a Former Sun City Anthem President


Favil West - VEGAS INC

Favil West / former Sun City Anthem President

I am, as most residents are, in favor of having a restaurant at SCA. We are not, however, in favor of having a restaurant if there is any kind of assessment associated with the lease.

Having said that, I would be remiss if I failed to provide you with a history of our restaurant, a real history. As a former corporate CEO, President, Sec/Treasurer and first elected resident board member of SCA, as well as an Association developer President of 7 HOAs, and vice chairman of the Nevada Commission for Common Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels I’m sure you can understand my  interest in the operations and finances of SCA, the place where I chose to retire.

In 2000, I was appointed, by the board, to the Property and Grounds Committee and became very familiar with the operation of Trumpets, the restaurant at the time. Besides my interest in the P&G committee I was very interested in the finances of SCA. To that end I watched George Gingerelli, arguably the best treasurer SCA has had, run the finance committee. What I noticed was that each month the Association was showing a loss of $10k all of which was attributed to Trumpets.

Upon my election to the Board in May 2001 I dug deeply into the finances of Trumpets and learned that our actual loss was more than $22k per month and climbing. These losses were not calculated on a fully allocated basis.

In August of 2001 I strongly suggested that we shut the restaurant down. Shortly thereafter I was contacted by the President of DW, Nevada Properties, to meet with him. He asked if I was amenable to leasing the restaurant. My answer was yes with the condition that the lease would be inclusive and that the Association would not be responsible for any TI’s and that the lease agreement follow standard lease protocol for restaurant leases. 

Subsequently, the Board appointed me to represent the residents on the negotiating team.

Long story short we reached an agreement which resulted in our receiving $10k per month plus a percentage of revenues over a certain amount. The agreement was signed and put in place. Those who had no involvement in the lease, the negotiations, and/or its enforcement will tell you all kinds of stories. 

I can scotch those stories by simply saying that the board that followed my service, evicted S&D. S&D then sued SCA for $500K. 

SCA lost the suit resulting in SCA paying around $70K, our insurance company paying a significant amount, and DW/P picking up approximately $200+k.

From that point on, a number of operators showed an interest in our facility, one was threatened with a suit if they leased the restaurant. The overarching reason for the failure of the restaurants was the fact that SCA did not give them the “right to quiet enjoyment” but rather were continually micro-managing the operators. 

Someone said “stupid is as stupid does” SCA’s handling of the following leases was a perfect example. 

SCA actually loaned one of the failing operations approximately $40k.

What I have seen recently is talk by the Association of assessing residents monthly for the operation of the restaurant as well as suggesting that SCA do TI’s. This not the way leases are negotiated. Having successfully negotiated more than $1.5B in contracts, I can state the forgoing from some level of experience.

On completion of golf course clubhouse, I insisted that Trumpets manage both restaurants, further that Buckmans would serve breakfast and lunch with Trumpets serving lunch and dinner. 

We operated Buckmans until Revere was sold to Troon.

January 9, 2002 in a series of 3 meetings, DW (Dell Webb) announced that they would not be building any future facilities for the community. At one of those meetings, I was handed a petition with 360 names on it asking that I organize and lead the residents in opposition to the changes in the Anthem Master Plan as proposed by DW. 

I appointed a negotiating team made up of 5 residents with leadership roles in the community. As we moved through negotiations, DW announced that they planned to sell the golf course and that they would be entering negotiations and asked for my input. 

One of the negotiators I selected for the team was Len Penn who was President of the Men’s Golf Club. I adjourned our negotiations for a day while Len and I wrote the portion of the sales agreement that affected SCA golfers. 

That language exists in the agreement to this day. The agreement with Troon ended the management of Buckmans by the Association. Other than common sense there is nothing in the language of the agreement that would preclude Revere from competing with a restaurant in our facility.

My suggestion would be to reach an agreement with Revere which would include Buckmans serving breakfast and lunch and our restaurant serving lunch and dinner. 

We should start with minimal lease payment with a % of profits over a certain amount. As is typical of 99% of leases, should there be any TI’s the cost would be incorporated in the lease payments. The keys to the survival of a new lease are the ability of the lessee to cater events without inappropriate restrictions, have “the right to quiet enjoyment”, and finally the Board, its management, and residents must stay out of the operation of the restaurant.

As a sidebar, if you want to ensure the success of the restaurant, we must let them, at their expense, provide gambling. 

While I served on the Board, we had 3 surveys, the last of which by over 60% the residents thought we should allow gambling. The only reason MacDonald Ranch has had success with their restaurant is because of gambling and a friendly atmosphere.

I could go on for pages on the history of the successful negotiations we concluded but tell you little about those that followed. 

If you wish to learn more, just let me know. I would be happy to meet with you.

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:

From Tony & Angelina Opinions

Favil west's excellent piece about the former TRUMPETS RESTAURANT (now closed) which should read by all the residents of SCA, particularly those who WANT A NEW RESTAURANT.

Restaurant Wars
What Changed in 2 Years ?
The Community Overwhelmingly said NO to a Restaurant
How many times will you hear the same old "yarn" that never seems to work?
Well now, here we go again with the talk of Restaurant #6...
...that's right, for those who are new to the community or those whose memory escapes them,  this would be #6 !
And according to the recent's only going to potentially cost you $42.00 a year to have one ! 
NO, that $42.00 per year doesn't include any food; it's just the "opportunity" to have a restaurant.
According to the recent Sun City Anthem Budget that was recently published, it appears that the SCA Board is willing approve $250,000 to $450,000 TO REMODEL the place AGAIN, and on  top of that, projects an annual cost to association members of approximately $300,000 per year thereafter. See page 12 and page 21 for the numbers.
To our knowledge, none of the Board members have any relevant experience in the matter; however, it appears that Board member, Paul Perlstein, is leading the charge.
Perlstein's "relevant restaurant experience" includes handling restaurant equipment.  He's never owned or operated a restaurant himself.
A few years ago, a meeting was held where over 1,400 petitions were signed by residents who opposed any restaurant in light of the previous calamities that cost Sun City Anthem residents hundreds of thousands of dollars, each attempt resulting in one loss after another.
The arguments and objections presented were so strong, the Board decided to abandon the idea....until now.
Only a few individuals spoke in favor of one, and those individuals were "laughed at" each time they spoke, including Perlstein who was not a Board member at that time.
Today is a new day, but the probability of success now has a new ramification, particularly in light of a pandemic, the difficulty of obtaining employees and the high incomes they demand to work.
Ask yourselves, how many restaurants have you seen disappear and suffer over the past 2 years?  
The answer is:  TOO MANY.
Of those who did survive, has their service changed as a result of the inability to hire qualified help?
Ask the Board members how many vendors have been approached and literally all have said  NO to Sun City Anthem?
Why have they said NO?
Perhaps they know more than most. 
Readers, this initial cost of $42.00 per year per home is just the beginning.  Costs will increase, and with those increasing costs, that means increasing subsidies...
....financed by dues increases.
So, what is the bottom line to all of this?
Increasing costs year in and year out.
Ask yourself, would you personally invest in a restaurant in today's economic climate?
We who have been in the community for years and have witnessed loss after loss, respond to that question as follows:

It is more than obvious that many on this Board seem to have forgotten all of those petitions, and the question is simply....
WHY?  What changes have taken place in the past two to three years that they believe it will now work, when it never has before?
Add this to the 45% increase or $40 p/unit that each home will be assessed in 2022 for Anthem Community Council (page 11) and a number of other questionable expenditures...
...all in a pandemic that has literally shown little end in sight in an economy that is posed to have an annual increase in inflation that will likely exceed 5%, and one has to ask them this simple question:
What in the world were you thinking?! - Crystal Clear Finances : Crystal  Clear Finances
There is more to this 2022 budget that should be raising your eyebrows.
Yes, it is long, and yes, my thanks to a Finance Committee who painstakingly took hours to put it together, but I would advise all homeowners to glance over some the amounts and make a note or two, sending it to the Board for explanation.
Here it is, in its entirely:
This is your community. Let's ever forget that fact.
Got a comment?   Send them to the Board members.  Here are their email addesses for your convenience.
And...send it to us at:

From Allen Opinions

Please do not waste our money again for a new restaurant or a study of this idea that was already voted down.

  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    I was SHOCKED to see that ONCE AGAIN the board members are bringing up the possibility of a RESTAURANT in SCA.

    Information on the five failures is readily available and most are familiar with the total waste of monies for years.  

    Heaven help SCA.  Another boondoggle and waste of funds!!!  

    At one time they were going to reconfigure the area to a space where ALL could enjoy, not sure what happened there but wasting funds to redo a restaurant/kitchen/etc is absolutely crazy…



    I’m happy to be in Sun City Georgetown where board members and the developer LISTENS TO RESIDENTS AND ACTS ACCORDINGLY.  YEAH!

  1. The Sun City Anthem community was completed in 2008. It was a 10 year project. Since 2008 (13 years ago), the restaurant venue has been operational only a few years in total from the various failed attempts. The proponents use the argument that it is mandated for that space to have an eatery, but the precedent has been established for there to be none since the majority of the time the venue has been closed and shuttered. Somehow we have all survived eating everywhere else (including Buckmans Grill right down he street) and home sale prices continue to climb in the community. If someone really needs a $1.00 hot dog - Costco is right down the road on St. Rose. There has been no compliance and only sporadic attempts at compliance over the last 13 years so stop telling us that we MUST have a restaurant, a/k/a boondoggle.

  1. From Robert Opinions 

    With weather more pleasant, the economy opening up slowly, and snowbirds returning, SCA returning is returning to it’s status as a desirable place to call home, rather than the ghost town atmosphere it was forced into.  

    Still, government mandates exist to a degree, but presumable we are on the upswing.

    However, our current BOD is salivating at the chance to begin wasting our dues on the oft failed task of promoting our community with a restaurant.  

    Wow, are they not aware that idea has already failed on numerous occasions, some at moderate, some at greater cost to homeowners?

    To the best of my recall, about 2 years or so ago, after various lessee/tenant operators’ failures, even after almost giving away the keys to the ranch to a group of chain of restaurants, they were kissing the feet of this group (offering no rent unless sales were unattainable, exclusive on food service, and numerous leasehold improvements) until they found these big wheels lacked spokes (money).

    They then concluded that a self managed operation was the way to go but they needed help (not psychiatric).

    They hired a firm of “experts” to make suggestions.

    After paying  I believe $10K or more is memory serves me, the only feasible success at that spot wound be sort of self operated beer & burger place, open limited hours.

    Besides the predicted operating losses, the expected sales figures would make it unlikely to generate enough to operate at a loss acceptable to the homeowners.

    The plan met with great disfavor to the homeowners.

    The fact that the location would very unlikely generate enough revenue to make it work, one major issue which possibly would cause homeowners to consider, and could still be a gross negative, is the fact that the closest in the development, being Buckmans at the gold course, which is a necessity to the operation of the course itself.

    Without the restaurant, catering and other features it offers, it would fall into disfavor with tourists and locals alike.

    A competing restaurant in close proximity could take enough revenue to cause it to close along with the course itself.

    If the golf course were too abandon the land, what would replace it?  

    Low priced houses or condos, shopping, or office space wound cause our property values to tank.

    Anyone doubting my logic I suggest you bring up the front page of the 9/30 R-J, where the feature article pictures and text of the former Badlands Golf Course off of Alta Dr in Las Vegas, closed the facility which was surrounded the Queens Ridge development of multimillion homes.

    The residents saw the lush fairways go to seed & weed, until the legal ruling allowing a condo development and soon tracts of moderate priced houses fill the space.

  1. From Tony & Angelina Opinions 

    Hi Dan & Rana.

    We need another shot at a replacement restaurant for TRUMPETS like we need to open the border to the migrants.

    What is wrong with these people (board)?  Are they in someone's pocket?

    That was common when I was growing up in Chicago many years ago under Dick Daley.

    Please use your considerable influence in the SCA community to defeat this abomination.

    We moved here in 2001 when TRUMPETS was a great place to go; however all the replacements were  poor substitutes which is costing us all $$$$.

    We enjoyed your editorial.

  1. Obviously Perlstein is the "Piper of Restaurant fame," knowing all his credentials that amount to a hill of beans. The story of reality should be that if you want a restaurant at the rec center so badly reach in your pocket, along with those that do too and show us how its done...for the 6th time. Seems that the 40 other restaurants now available in the 2-3 miles of the rec center will just shudder in fear that all that revenue will go to the "new" Perlstein's restaurant. As Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary says, "STOP THE MADNESS!"

  2. I totally agree, Marty. I hope it works out, but if not, let's not forget that "the people spoke" 2 years ago with a solid NO in 1400+ petitions.

    If it flops and we loose big time, there are only 2 conclusions that can be drawn; first, THE PEOPLE TOLD THEM SO; and second, THE ENTIRE LOSS IS ON THE MEMBERS OF THE SUN CITY ANTHEM BOARD WHO VOTED TO PROCEED and chose to IGNORE them.

    No more excuses, the BUCK STOPS WITH THEM.

Don't Forget the Past
The Future is Sooner Then You Think

Anthem Opinions Editorial
Since Anthem Opinions substantially decreased many of its published articles last November, a new Board was elected in May, 2021 in a manner that had never taken place prior to that time....
...sufficient candidates were NOT willing to come forth to lead Sun City Anthem to hold an election; and as a result, those who did submit their names were automatically "elected" for a 2 year term to run one of the largest homeowners associations in the Las Vegas valley. 
Kudos should go to those "brave" individuals who were willing to serve during the most difficult of times. The time commitment made to hold a director position is overwhelming.
Why were there so few candidates?
In our opinion, it was simply a combination of a pandemic combined with the actions of a former director and current blogger who decided to introduce the subject of racism that had never before existed in this community.
It killed a vibrant spirit and created an atmosphere of such dissension among the owners that developed an "I don't care" attitude, an attitude that cannot persist without devastating results.
How sad that was to our community, and that is the subject of this
editorial....remembering the past, yet looking toward the future.
As we proceed into the balance of 2021, there are a number of areas that must be addressed, forcing that "I don't care" attitude to STOP, and enter a new year facing serious concerns.
First, there is the choosing of an association attorney.  Bids have been submitted, two of which include the current attorney, Adam Clarkson, and former association attorney, John Leach, who represented Sun City Anthem from 1999-2017.
Second, and perhaps even more important, is the decision to retain the current Association, CEO, Sandra Seddon.
Mr. Clarkson has had a record that many in the community have questioned with regard to both his billing, as well as, advice given to Board members.
Of particular consequence was the belief of his influencing various Board members that resulted in alienating a former association president, Rana Goodman, a woman who, along with Dan Roberts of the Vegas Voice, fought tirelessly to revise guardianship laws in the state of Nevada.
We will not revisit that horrible experience because those who know Rana Goodman, would NEVER in any way accuse her of any form of  racism...
...except a former director fully supported and encouraged by a blogger who has despised her, ridiculed her, and done everything in his power to destroy her reputation in our community year after year for years.

We emphatically state that racism has never been tolerated, nor has it ever existed, in Sun City Anthem.  Our community has always prided itself in welcoming any and all races, religions, or sexual orientations, and has often been referred to as "color blind."
For that reason alone, we believe that anything that comes from that blogger's selfish and evil propaganda or from any of his associates claiming that to be the case, be discounted. 
He is YESTERDAY'S NEWSPAPER, has a sordid legal background, no record of  successful relevant business experience, and whose many past Sun City Anthem involvements, are filled with the same failures he has exhibited in his life for years.
He is, and always has been, a "machine politician", a man who has an unnatural need to promote himself, and will stop at nothing to destroy an individual's character when any person exposes him for the falsehoods he has represented for years.
His "endorsements" or "recommendations" have brought the Sun City Anthem community numerous failed restaurants and a number of Board members who have created financial havoc over the years.
Then there is the case of Sandra Seddon's renewal of her employment contract.
Many members of our community were not present when she was chosen for her position, but perhaps a reminder of the past, should allow consideration for the future.
When originally chosen, literally all interviews were held at the M Resort in closed session and the then president whom we will not mention, would not allow fellow Board members to be involved, with the exception of the then Treasurer. 
Here were some of the highlights:
Once the decision was made to go to "Self-Management", the Sun City Anthem Board hired a professional search firm to come up with candidates for the General Manager position in which a select few individuals were interviewed, subsequently hiring Seddon at an initial starting income of $250,000
That search firm was paid approximately $20,000 to find Seddon......a candidate not in any way familiar with HOAs in Nevada.
In 2017 she was paid:
General Manager: Sandy Seddon
a. Salary & Bonus                                                 $265,225.17
b. 401(k) employer contribution + Med. Ins.          10,645.34
Total                                                                       $275,870.51
Other costs associated with that initial hiring through the efforts of a Sun City Anthem resident's probing efforts included:
$1,100 of meeting room rentals at the M Resort, the $100 pots of coffee, the $40 of sweet rolls trays each day, and a $1,000 celebration dinner,  a private party held for her and directors only, and the tab on a private plane in the recruiting of Seddon.  The costs were unimaginable waste to those who believed they were unjustifiable.
No one was made aware of the terms of the agreement and it became the subject of a Channel 13 Darcy Spears report in 2018 that shocked the entire Las Vegas valley as to the income she was paid along with the benefits that were offered, comparing them to other notable incomes in Las Vegas similar positions.

 We have that video clip for you and if you would like to view it, and we suggest you do, just click on this link:
Since that took place, nothing changed, and then existing board ignored the fully researched facts and subsequently gave her a 3 year contract that took months to obtain its contents after the Ombudsman finally made the determination that it was a document that must be made available to the association members.  
In addition, at a time when a director recall was held in our association in 2018, there was also a Seddon "no confidence" petition signed by in excess of 825 owners.
Those petitions were subsequently sent to the Sun City Anthem Board, demanding that they be placed in her personnel file for future evaluation, and when a subsequent request was made to confirm that they were, no response was ever received.   
Those signed petitions are considered Sun City Anthem documents. 
Did they disappear?
Obviously, they had no impact (or were ILLEGALLY discarded ???),  as she was given a SECRET 3 year contract.
It was signed within a few days before an OLD BOARD was leaving office, requiring the NEWLY ELECTED BOARD subject to the terms of the agreement.

...and has been compared to a president commuting a sentence of a criminal the day before he leaves office.
Its contents were shocking and at the same time, Anthem Opinions attempt to publish it, resulted in a threat by the association attorney that doing so, would subject it to CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.
That document is available to review by making a formal request to the association; but to date, it remains ABSENT from any public documents.

(click on the form to enlarge it and then send to to your printer)

It will renew in 2022 and its outrageous terms demand examination at the earliest opportunity as well as PUBLIC DISCLOSURE.
This editorial, filled with facts, should be a strong consideration as to those who lead our legal advice, as well as, the individual who will control management decisions.
As to how the decision is made, we believe PUBLIC DISCLOSURE is most important...
...disclosure that must come from BOARD MEMBERS through the communication availability they now have.
You now know the past, and as the saying goes:
"Those unfamiliar with the past are condemned to repeat it."
Those who write blogs including this publication, should only make you aware of the truth in order that you, the property owner, is capable of making an intelligent decision. 
Their opinions are just that, OPINIONS, and one should look closely at the person's past decisions and track record of success and failure in formulating them.
Is it time for a new future with new blood?  We believe that to be the case.
Let us know.
Send your comments to:

From Marcia Opinions

I find this article not only pertinent in this time that we live, but clearly a warning that must be conveyed to the new people who have moved to Sun City Anthem and do not know anything about the past and current problems which has plagued our community for over a decade.

Part of the problem is that people in general, have moved to our state, city, and Sun City Anthem to retire and enjoy the rest of their lives participating in what makes them happy. 

They do not want to become involved as a volunteer which would alter their perceived new lifestyle. 

There are several things we can do to inform those who know nothing about our rather sordid history in our community.

1. Those of us whom have lived here and witnessed some of the blatant acts against homeowners, coupled with repeatedly poor decisions adversely affecting us, should make a strong effort to inform new owners.

2. Make a concerted effort to meet any new owners in your neighborhood, welcome them and offer to help them with any questions they may have.  A perfect place is the mailbox where you obtain your mail.  Often, you will see new faces there.

3. Print copies of this article and offer them a copy to read saying that it is imperative that they read it.  Offer them the chance to contact you once they have read this article with any questions or comments they might have.

4. There needs to be a better method for homeowners to vet any potential person to be hired for a staff position as well as any homeowner who wants to become a board member or head of a standing committee. 

All it takes is a little time and investigation on all our parts and let others know what you have discovered. 

Those of us who are sick and tired of the “few in charge", who continue to make costly and stupid decisions and treat homeowners with indifference, continual secretiveness, rudeness and look at us as their own personal bank account, need to legally rebel and our motto should become, “Enough Is Enough!”


Announcement of Resignation of SCA 

Accounting Director

Anthem Opinions: Nevada Know How (Archives...Page Six)


James Mayfield, CPA & Former Sun City Anthem Vice President

On Wednesday,  September 1, 2121 Ms. Sandy Seddon, Sun City Anthem Chief Operating Officer, issued a statement announcing the immediate resignation of Accounting Director, Rob Cunningham.  

Because  privacy laws prevent the COO or the Board from discussing the reasons for his abrupt departure, details weren’t presented.   This initial communication represented an appropriate, timely communication to SCA homeowners of a significant event in the accounting management of SCA.  

The only deficiency was its failure to state that  existing organization structures, resources, and processes  would be used by the COO, the Board, and the Finance Committee to review  issues related to his abrupt departure and future management of SCA accounting operations.

Unfortunately, a poorly conceived second communication about the departure of Mr. Cunningham was issued by Ms. Seddon and the Board on Friday, September 3.  The purposes of this article are to scrutinize  the deficiencies of the second communication and the attitude toward SCA homeowners by the COO and Board reflected therein.

Overreaction to Alleged Rumors

The September 3 message stated that “the Sun City Rumor Mill has been quite active” and the Board and COO felt it is necessary to “put an end to the rumors”.  

The Board and management are obligated to use established processes and resources to investigate homeowners’ concerns, determine their creditability, and report on the results of their investigations, as appropriate.  

However, prematurely released communications with a pejorative tone, inaccurate information. and shallow analysis do not convey that either the COO or the Board “do not take Rob’s departure lightly”.  

Pejorative Tone

Referring to discussions within the community as the “Sun City Anthem Rumor Mill” displays a disrespectful attitude by the COO and the Board toward  discussion by homeowners about the operation of their HOA--particularly accounting operations—and an attempt to marginalize homeowner  concerns.  In light of frequent, abrupt turnover in SCA accounting management,  recent disputes with the Finance Committee, and minimum accounting training or experience by the COO, homeowner concerns should be recognized as founded and appropriate.

Inaccurate Representation of The Results of the Annual Audit

In order to deflect questions about the possibility of financial problems as the reason for the abrupt resignation of a highly qualified Director of Accounting, the September 3 communication states that “As a matter of fact, in December 2020, an independent financial audit by Porter and Lasiewicz, CPAs, reported the Association is on solid financial ground.”   

The fact is that SCA received an unqualified opinion on the prior years’ financial reports  by a highly respected CPA firm.  

However, their unqualified opinion isn’t an opinion on the present or future financial position of SCA.   

An unqualified auditors’ opinion indicates that the auditors are satisfied that SCA’s accounting practices and reports for the period being audited comply with generally accepted accounting  principles (GAAP) and applicable laws.  

Their opinion also states that audited financial reports are fairly presented and free from material misstatements.  

The misrepresentation of the auditors’ opinion only demonstrates a hastily conceived response to legitimate concerns about the abrupt departure of the Director of Accounting.

Irrelevant and Incorrect Representation

The September 3 communication ends with the irrelevant statement that “The Board is also confident Association Management is doing what needs to be done to ensure Sun City Anthem remains a vibrant community”.  

The statement has nothing to do with the questions being raised about the stability of the accounting operation and accounting management at SCA.  

Furthermore, unless all of the Board members were contacted and allowed to review and have input into communication, it is a misstatement to assert that the communication is from the entire Board.

  • I have always found Mr. Mayfield so intuitive on the lunacy that comes with a functioning board. He has invariably proved his intuition and shown us he was correct. It's time to "seriously" vet these positions to reduce the problems we seem to face, and sadly we consistently do.

    Thank you Mr. Mayfield.

  • From Linda Baum to Anthem Opinions

    What is the status of the COO’s contract with SCA? Is it coming up for review?

  • Linda,

    From past records, the Seddon 3 year contract comes due in May, 2022. I believe the current Board is fully aware of this and her past performance is being highly studied and evaluated.

    If you have comments or suggestions, I would suggest you contact the Board with your comments.

    1. September 8, 2021

      I am writing to express my thoughts regarding the “article” posted by J. Mayfield. First, I would like to suggest to the “Host” of Anthem Today and Anthem Opinion, that these sites are for information expressed in a cordial manner. These are not places for hostile presentations. My view is that J. Mayfield’s presentation is in fact hostile and has little substance.

      Before I begin, I want to make it clear, in my opinion J. Mayfield has no credibility and lacks the character to present these facts in an objective manner. I suggest this for the following reason, a while back J. Mayfield approached “Dick” to publish his article I believe on the restaurant, though the topic isn’t relevant. “Dick” indicated he would not publish the article for his reason alone.
      Thereafter, J. Mayfield presented it to the Berman Blog, it was published there, and with it was a declaration by Berman that unlike “Dick” he never refuses to publish articles even if he disagrees with them and so on. “Dick” and J. Mayfield and I knew that was not true. In fact, J. Mayfield told “Dick” that Berman has refused to publish several articles in the past. “Dick” implored J. Mayfield to set the record straight, he refused. There is more of this situation, and it doesn’t get any better for Berman or J. Mayfield. I will leave it there for now.

      I will try to be brief regarding this inane article presented by J. Mayfield. I will not address the misspellings or grammatical errors, yet this article has little merit. Interestingly, I presume J. Mayfield is writing this as his opinion and thoughts. To further describe his article, I simply use his own words that better fit his nonsense. For reasons unknown he wrote this article without facts and knowledge other than speculation. His article is presented with a “pejorative tone, inaccurate information and shallow analysis”.

      A Rumor Mill is simply unverified information, absolutely nothing wrong with stating a fact. For several days I had heard rumors, (these were not alleged rumors) that is simply what people do.

      The arrogance of J. Mayfield to suggest what are COO and the Board should do as to the “process” is laughable. This following sentence he wrote just confounds, “The purposes of this article are to scrutinize the deficiencies of the second communication and the attitude toward SCA homeowners………”

      Abrupt departures by the recent resignations of Finance management; Of course, J. Mayfield has no knowledge of the circumstances regarding the resignations. The prior so-called CFO was incompetent and no need to discuss his departure. Thereafter he suggests the recent departure of the Director of Accounting, who he indicates was a “Highly Qualified” Director of Accounting. What is the basis for this statement, again he has no knowledge of the circumstances? I currently operate 3 businesses and I have had many employees leave abruptly for many different reasons.

    2. Final Part of Response.

      Finally, J. Mayfield comments regarding an “Audit” and that it doesn’t reflect any financial health of a company, a few thoughts to consider.
      1. Many investors will not invest in places like China because they cannot rely on the Audits of those companies to determine their financial health.
      2. Many investors make investment decisions in USA based on the Audited Reports and managements thoughts about the future.
      3. Auditors must disclose if there are any material asserted or unasserted claims and adjust accordingly. That none are present in SCA last Audit is positive.
      4. Auditors must review subsequent events, that fall into the next year to determine there are no issues. That none were present in the last Audit is positive.
      5. Auditors generally must disclose or resign if there is a “going concern” issue. This means if the entity in their opinion cannot survive in the next year or so. That this was not an issue in the last Audit is a positive.
      6. There are many other examples of what an Audit reflects and tells you about an entity, for now I am bored and done.

      I could address other aspects of his article, but frankly I have spent more time than it deserves.
      If anyone wants more information as to my initial “story” or greater explanation as to Audits terms and related, I will be happy to provide via a private email.

      I apologize to anyone who has expended the time to read the J. Mayfield article and this response. There are so many better and positive things to be doing.

      Peter Brown, CPA

    3. From Pat Opinions




  •  _____________________

     Sun City Anthem Logic: A Lesson in Money Management Without Residents in Mind

    Blog: If it walks like a duck… acts like a duck… quacks like a duck, well  then it's probably a chicken. (8/27/17) | Brazil Times

    There are moments in time when even the dumbest person in the community has to say:

    What.... What the hell... Is Happening here? - Confused Jackie Chan | Meme  Generator
    This is one of those times.

    Previously Rana Goodman of the Vegas Voice composed an article on this same subject, was published on Anthem Opinions, and in the past 24 hours, 1,300 individuals chimed in to read it.  No one seemed to complain, and it obviously opened the eyes of quite a few people.

    Today, let's comment on the ramifications of that Management decision.
    If you haven't received the latest dictum from the Supreme Soviet, get a load of this:
    Liberty Center reopened the Fitness Center on May 1 with some small restrictions. Monday through Friday, the Fitness Center may be used for private personal training clients and the SCA trainers, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. With the exception of those hours, the center is available for residents to use during regular operating hours, with a 60-minute time limit. Capacity restrictions are determined by local authorities, and masks worn properly are required at all times.

    Our guru leaders need to have a discussion with Ms. CEO and explain that residents own the joint...

    ...that employees and personal trainers work for it AT THE CONVENIENCE OF THOSE WHO OWN IT AND ARE PAYING FOR IT...

    ... and the person not the owner, in particular, the trainer, who is essentially "renting" our facility free of charge while excluding the dues payers for any timeframe...

    ... needs to pay the expenses for the employees, lighting, air conditioning, building monitors, etc. for the three hour exclusive time that us peons will no longer be allowed to use it.

    This newest dictum by a certain member of management is USING the homeowners money and facilities to benefit a FEW. 
    Owning Property Thru Corporation - ALBURO ALBURO AND ASSOCIATES LAW OFFICES

    We learned that a resident sent emails to the entire Sun City Anthem Board asking them WHY this took place.

    What did that person receive?

    Nothing from any Board Member, but an email from SCA Management that was so confusing that the answer made absolutely no sense.

    Can someone please explain what this means?

    "The current capacity for Liberty Fitness is 15.  We want to allow trainers with their clients and SCA residents to a maximum of 15.  The signage has been changed. We hope that in June we will be authorized to have 100% capacity at which time the trainer priority period will be eliminated."

    So, it appears, Sun City Anthem's dues payers are Priority #2 to Trainers who train a few at best...during a time period (8:00am to 11:00am) when most DUES PAYING people wish to utilize the area.   

    Note the trainers got the PREFERRED TIME, the residents got THE REST.

    We need to take this thought one step further.  

    If this be the case of an independent contractor trainer, why does this not apply to ALL independent contractors?  

    I am singling out the entertainers who have performed in Freedom Hall in the past, and I, along with so many others, would like to see them back ASAP, considering the rest of the Valley is awakening from the pandemic and the entertainment industry is beginning to blossom once again.

    An independent contractor is an independent contractor, isn't it?
    Since we do not charge the trainer for the 3 hours Liberty Center is closed to the OWNERS, why do we charge entertainers between 20-25% of the gross plus a $1 ticket charge to use Freedom Hall for 2-3 hours, and insist on their obtaining personal insurance when they perform?

    Are personal trainers required to carry insurance?  Does the association have up-to-date copies of their policies ?

    Did you know that personal trainers ALSO possibly receive a subsidy of up to 20% of their fees from YOUR MONEY PAID THROUGH DUES on top of the fee the contractor charges the client?

    That certainly does not apply to the entertainer !

    Incidentally, for those unfamiliar with how much money is involved with a Freedom Hall performance, you normally pay $20 p/seat which derives $6,000 per gross revenue performance (at 300 seats).

    20-25% of that is an SCA cut between $1,200 and $1,500 !
    And even stranger, why does SCA also require a professional booking agent CHOSEN EXCLUSIVELY BY THE CEO. who "gets a piece" from the entertainer...

    Hand Clipart Open - Cartoon Hands Holding Something - Png Download - Full  Size Clipart (#78481) - PinClipart

    ...the same entertainer who also pays the entire expenses associated with any band, special lighting, or sound equipment...

    ...the same entertainer who feels that they see no need for a middle man of any kind to negotiate on their behalf, the same entertainer that has had experience at doing so for the greatest part of their careers !!!

    Want to be the envy of local entertainment in the Las Vegas communities? That answer is simple.  

    Pay the entertainer properly with the funds kept by the "non-profit" association, the "non-profit" that keeps the $1,200-$1,500 OF YOUR MONEY of each Freedom Hall performance.

    OK, keep a bit to clean up the place and perhaps a modest sum for depreciation, but that still leaves a bunch left over !

    I guarantee, you will have the best quality entertainment in the valley because they will be at our doorsteps knowing they would be properly compensated.
    If a trainer gets a freebie, why not an entertainer  ???

    If your going to give an independent contractor a freebie, ask yourself:

    Who deserves it more?  

    The person who assists one individual at a time and at a place most often utilized by the dues payers, or the entertainer that serves 300 at one time, at a time and at a place that is rarely if ever used (Freedom Hall) ???
    Who's doing more for the community and who deserves the freebie?
    Let us know your thoughts.

    From Elizabeth Opinions 
    The opening line of the E blast, “....we moved forward with offering SCA residents more opportunities.”  
    I often wonder who is “we“?
    Is it the board?
    It doesn’t say the “board moved forward..... “.
    Why do I get the feeling that management is running Sun City Anthem rather than them working for us?
    I feel we are  seen as their subjects.
    Everything about our use of any of the facilities here is up to “management“ the “we“ in all the E-blasts and notifications we receive. 
    I finally came to the point where I gave up and decided not to use any of the facilities here. 
    I belong to a private gym and I entertain in my home or go to my friends’ homes but I don’t use any other facilities. 
    So sad :-(

    1. From Rana Goodman (former Secretary and President of Sun City Anthem) Opinions
      The board has a Secretary, why isn't she responding to emails? 
      I ALWAYS ANSWERED RESIDENTS when I was on the Board and copied the rest of the boards and CEO on those emails. 

      This is so rude to just turn it over to her to deal with.

    1. From Nelson Opinions
      FYI all Station Casinos opened at 100% capacity yesterday.

    1. From Elizabeth Opinions
      Before joining a private gym and getting my own trainer, I had trained with someone in Sun City Anthem.
      When my trainer wanted me to use a piece of equipment that a resident was on, we had to find something else to use.
      When we were upstairs by the track in Anthem Center and found a small corner to use and residents came along and crowded us, we accommodated them and somehow we all  “managed“.
      Why now is this different?
      I paid good money and had to work around everybody else.
      Now it seems those who pay for a trainer get the entire Liberty Center exercise room all morning- the prime time for folks to exercise! 
      Again, Management makes decisions without consulting the residents for suggestions.
      This has been a problem from day one since we started with self management.

    1. From Jill Opinions
      Once we are at 100% capacity, I think the requirement to make reservations in advance should be abolished.
      We are paying monthly dues as well as additional fees to attend exercise classes.
      We should have the freedom to decide if and when we want to go to a class, without having to go online or call up to make a reservation or cancel a reservation.
      I understand that for certain classes such as warm water, it is needed because of limited space. 

    1. To say I was appalled when I read the restrictions concerning access to Liberty Center would be an understatement. I applaud RANA Goodman and Vegas Voice for their excellent reporting of the facts and insight into our current Board Members and Management overreaching decisions and actions. Maybe they need to reduce our HOA dues commensurate with facilities being unavailable to residents!! Financial Planners are legally held to binding fiduciary responsibilities to their clients .....I draw the parallel to SCA Board Members /Management’s responsibility to residents.


     Remember  April 1st

    The Day Free Speech Died in Sun City Anthem

    As we previously reported, free speech died yesterday with the Sun City Anthem Board passing the new Policy geared toward any and all who dared "harass" any person in our community.

    Unfortunately, the measure is so vague that any complaint must be in writing and approved by the Association C.E.O. before it is presented to the Board for action.

    In other words, Sandra Seddon, the association C.E.O. appears to be the judge and prosecutor, and the Board becomes the jury.  
    We learned that 5 of the 6 Board members voted to approve the measure.
    They were as follows:
    Richard Pope  
    Stephen Anderson
    Vice President
    Forrest Quinn
    Karen Hadrick
    Paul Perstein
    We also learned that Association Attorney, Adam Clarkson, addressed questions from the audience; however, his answers were vague at best.
    What it all boils down to is this:
    Our community leaders alongside an attorney may believe they forever closed one loophole, but  instead, opened up many others, allowing just about any resident to file a complaint against any person for any reason they personally believe they have been harassed.
    Perhaps this is a sign of our times, condemning any person who disagrees with another and a small group of individuals sitting in judgment.
    Below is the actual verbiage of the rule that becomes effective April 1, 2021, which in our opinion, will now be referred to as:



    Got a comment?

    Send it to us at: 


    From Buddy Opinions

    Our board candidates talked of:
    1. replacing our association attorney
    2. reining in or replacing our community CEO/Manager.
    3. Transparency


    1. From Beach Anthem Opinions

      Why can other Sun City's not apply these rules? .

      They voted BLM out and said this is not in our community, call them.

      Georgetown Texas Sun City.


    Berkshire Hathaway Realtor Reacts to Sun City Anthem Board
    Formal Complaint Submission Policy

    Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices - The Preferred Realty | Berkshire, Real  estate advice, Real estate news

    On February 28, 2021 Anthem Opinions published an article entitled: 
    Sun City Anthem Board Will Determine
    Morality as of April 1st
    The article can be obtained by clicking on this link:
    Subsequently a follow-up article appeared on the Anthem Today forum and can be read by clicking on this link:

    Following those articles, Anthem Opinions received correspondence from a Bershire Hathaway 20+ year realtor in reaction to those articles following the individual reading the actual verbiage of the resolution that will likely be passed by the Sun City Anthem Board on March 25, 2021. 
    The realtor was a nine year member of a Las Vegas, NV Homeowners Association Board.
    This resolution is a three page document.


     WHEREAS, the Board of Directors (“Board”) of Sun City Anthem Community Association, Inc. (“Association”) is authorized under the Third Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Sun City Anthem (“CC&Rs”) recorded on May 20, 2008 in the Official Records of the Office of the County Recorder of Clark County, Nevada as Instrument No. 20080520-0004342 and the Third Amended and the Restated By-Laws of Sun City Anthem Community Association, Inc. (“Bylaws”) to promulgate rules and regulations and to enforce the Association’s governing documents pursuant to NRS 116.3102, 116.31031, NRS 116.31065, 116.31184, and 116.4117; CC&Rs §§ 3.3(a), 3.6(h), 7.4; Bylaws §§ 3.17, 3.18(f), and 3.26; and: 

    WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has consulted with legal counsel retained in order to confirm that Formal Complaint Submission Policy adopted pursuant to this Resolution complies with Federal law (42 U.S.C. §§ 3601 et seq.), Nevada law (NRS 116.001 et seq.), and the Association’s CC&Rs; and 

    WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has obtained the opinion of legal counsel that the adoption and imposition of the Formal Complaint Submission Policy proposed by this Resolution conforms to the requirements for rules adopted by community associations pursuant to NRS 116.31065; and 

    WHEREAS, the rules and regulations of the Formal Complaint Submission Policy are in addition to the rules and regulations previously established by the Association, but should a rule or regulation previously adopted by the Association conflict with the rules and regulations provided in the Formal Complaint Submission Policy, that rule shall be deemed and read to conform to and/or be superseded by the rules provided within the Formal Complaint Submission Policy and 

    NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Association adopts the following Formal Complaint Submission Policy as specifically set forth herein: 

    1. Complaints Against Others Must Be Formally Submitted via Physical or Electronic Complaint Forms Available from Management: 

    An aggrieved party must utilize the physical or electronic complaint forms available from management in order to properly submit a complaint against another individual. Complaints may be made against owners, residents, guests, invitees, board members, committee members, officers, staff members, or any other person associated with or entering the community. 

    2. Association Management Shall Distribute Formally Submitted Complaints to the Proper Party for Action: 

    Following receipt of a properly submitted complaint, Association Management shall distribute the complaint to the appropriate committee or personnel, which may include, but is not limited to, the architectural committee, covenants enforcement committee, human resources, community lifestyle committee, and/or the Board of Directors for action.

    3. Review, Investigation, and Processing of Complaints Shall Occur in Accordance with Policies Applicable to the Complaint: 

    Following receipt of a formally submitted complaint the assigned party shall, where appropriate and in a manner commensurate with the nature of the complaint, review, investigate, and process the complaint in accordance with the policies and procedures applicable to the complaint at issue. 

    4. Harassment, Discrimination, and Improper Complaints Must be Delivered to Management for Board Action: 

    In the event a party receives a complaint that: 

    (1) may be construed as having been submitted for the purpose of harassing or discriminating against the individual that is the subject of the complaint; 

    (2) claims harassment or discrimination by an individual; 

    (3) was not submitted in compliance with the Formal Complaint Submission Policy; 

    (4) was not submitted in compliance with applicable committee, club, or other rules; or 

    (5) was otherwise not properly before the applicable committee, club, or body, then the party must promptly return/deliver the complaint to Association management. 

    Further, the party that received the complaint shall take no action on the complaint other than delivering it to Association management. 

    5. Confidentiality of Complaints: 

    Pursuant to NRS 116.31175, information about other units’ owners is confidential. Complaints, and information received or created in relation to complaints, shall be treated in a confidential manner by all parties addressing complaints. However, it should be noted that information relating to complaints may be subject to discovery or disclosure in a legal action or under subpoena. 

    6. Anonymous Complaints Automatically Rejected: Individuals submitting complaints must identify themselves on the complaint. 

    Anonymous complaints will be automatically rejected and shall not be subject to review, investigation, or further processing. 

    Complaints received by individuals who assert that they are submitting the complaint on behalf of the actual aggrieved party shall be deemed anonymous complaints as the aggrieved party is required to submit the complaint under this rule. 

    7. No Action Shall Be Taken Upon Improperly Submitted Complaints: 

    No action shall be taken upon a complaint against an individual that is not submitted in accordance with this policy. 

    8. Policy Does Not Apply to Service Complaints: 

    This policy does not apply to service related complaints that may be submitted to Association management requesting the Association address outstanding service concerns and are not alleging events of noncompliance against any particular individual. 

    (Ex: the pool tables need new felt, the locker room needs to be cleaned, there should be more exercise classes available, etc.). 

    EFFECTIVE DATE, in accordance with NRS 116.12065 and NRS 116.31068, the secretary or another officer of the Association shall cause this Resolution to be either hand delivered or mailed, via United States mail, to the physical or electronic mailing address of each Unit, or to any other mailing or electronic address designated in writing by the Unit’s Owner, within thirty (30) days of the date of execution below. Said Resolution shall be effective thirty (30) days after the date of such hand-delivery or mailing, which may be proven by a proof of mailing and/or delivery retained in the Association’s records. 

    INCORPORATION INTO OMNIBUS RULE DOCUMENT, subsequent to and in accordance with this Resolution, the Association may incorporate the rules and regulations established within this Resolution into a single, omnibus document containing other rules and regulations for the Association. The language of the Resolution must be incorporated into such an omnibus document in the same manner as it is set forth herein. Incorporation of the language of this Resolution into an omnibus document shall be considered a courtesy or convenience to residents and shall in no way be construed to require the delivery or mailing of identical rules for the rules set forth herein to remain effective. The rules established by this Resolution shall be effective and remain effective from the date set forth herein until such time as they may be amended, abolished, changed, or otherwise eliminated by the Association’s Board of Directors. 

    RESOLUTION TO CONFORM WITH NRS 116, this resolution was drafted in conformance with Nevada and Federal law, including, but not limited to, Chapter One-Hundred Sixteen of the Nevada Revised Statutes, as of the date of execution of this document. Further, pursuant to this statement of conformance within this Resolution and NRS 116.1206, this Resolution and the rules and regulations established hereby shall be deemed and read to conform to and/or be superseded by Chapter One-Hundred Sixteen of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS 116.001 et seq.) and any future amendments to such Chapter, and no amendment to this Resolution shall be necessary for such conformance. 

    The resolution was carefully "buried" on Pages 145, 146, and 147 of the March 25, 2021 Board book.
    Here is the correspondence received by the realtor:
    "During the 9 years that I served on a homeowner's association board, I always felt that it was incumbent on us, as a board, to maintain my community's property values. At times, this meant that I took exception with my fellow board members.
    As a Realtor who has done a significant amount of business in Sun City Anthem since the "under construction" days, I view what's been happening there in despair.
    Just as a neglected property can drive down neighborhood values, it seems that the turmoil caused by an egocentric Board of Directors could cause prospective buyers to avoid the community. Most seniors are looking to enjoy their "golden years", not be subjected to such egocentric goings-on. 
    Realtors, by our Code of Ethics, are required to disclose "material facts" which could affect a properties's value. It seems that the current turmoil could be a negative on those values. It's very upsetting to see such a beautiful community in such disarray."
    We have given our opinion on this matter in the above articles, but the reality of the situation will now be upon Sun City Anthem once this is passed.
    We hope that this Board will realize that passing such a measure will create more harm than good and that it be rejected.
    Got a comment?
    Send it to the Board members by clicking on this link to obtain their information:

      Nevada Assembly Bill AB-321
    A Companion to Federal Proposed Legislation HR-1

    Nevada Democrats Propose Automatic Mail Voting | Democracy Docket

    A day after the Nevada Secretary of State’s office confirmed an investigation into numerous election integrity violations, Democrats in the State Legislature submitted a bill making permanent the controversial practice of sending mail-in ballots to all voters. 

    Additionally, the bill permanently legalizes the practice of ballot harvesting with no new remedies to curb fraud and/or abuse.  


    1Distributes to each active registered voter in the county a mail ballot for every election without individual voter request or consent.

    2Makes ballot harvesting permanent.

    3 Mail ballots that are not postmarked can be received three days after election day and still be counted.

    4Allows for people to help fill out the ballot for certain voters as long as a written statement is provided

    Under the bill, a voter who is unable to read or write can have someone mark the ballot for them if they sign a written statement allowing someone to help them. 

    The bill provides no mechanism for verification that the voter’s intent was accurately carried out.

    5Fails to address any election integrity concerns from the last election.

    Read the entire bill:

    Do you have an opinion of this pending legislation?

    Send your comments to us, then send your thoughts to those who will shortly decide its passage.

    The legislators and their email addresses can be obtained by merely clicking on the link below each name.


    Assemblywoman Brittany Miller

    Assemblywoman Sandra Jauregui 

    Speaker Jason Frierson 

    Assemblywoman Cecelia Gonzalez

     Assemblywoman Danielle Monroe-Moreno

     Assemblywoman Clara Thomas

    Assemblyman Selena Torres


    Assemblywoman Jill Dickman

    Assemblyman Glen Leavitt

    Assemblyman Andy Matthews

    Assemblyman Richard McArthur


    HR-1 Congressional Bill

    The Destruction of the American Voting System


    HR1 Reviews | Glassdoor

    Here are the eight major provisions of this bill that would dramatically change the American voting system. 

    1. It would  state voter ID laws that require a voter to authenticate his 321or her identity

    It would force states to allow anyone to vote who simply signs a form saying that they are who they claim they are. 

    When combined with the mandate that states implement same-day voter registration, it means one could walk into any polling place on Election Day, register under the name John Smith, sign a form claiming you really are John Smith, cast a ballot, and walk out. 

    Not only would election officials have no way of preventing that or verifying that you not really John Smith, one could repeat this at as many polling places as I can get to. 

    2It would make absentee ballots even more insecure than they already are

    Not only could states not apply any ID requirement to absentee ballots, they could not enforce any witness signature or notarization requirement.

    States that wisely ban candidates, campaign staffers, party activists, and political operatives from handling or delivering absentee ballots would see that ban voided. 

    HR 1 would require states to give access to absentee ballots to third-party strangers who may have a stake in the outcome of the election.

    All states also have to create permanent absentee ballot lists for anyone who wants to vote entirely by mail in all elections and mail absentee ballot request forms to all registered voters, a real problem given how inaccurate state voter registration rolls are. 

    3It would worsen the problem of inaccurate registration rolls, which are full of people who have died, moved away, are ineligible felons or noncitizens, or are registered more than once

    HR-1 severely restricts the ability of states to take the basic steps necessary to maintain the accuracy of their voter rolls, such as comparing their lists with those of other states or using the U.S. Postal Service’s National Change of Address System to find individuals who have moved.  

    4It would take away a person's ability to decide whether you want to register to vote

    Instead, it requires states to automatically register individuals who interact with state agencies such as the Department of Motor Vehicles and welfare offices, as well as numerous federal agencies. 

    This will not only lead to multiple registrations of individuals in the same and multiple states, but the registration of undocumented and other ineligible individuals. 

    5It would force states to allow online registration, opening up the voter registration system to massive fraud by hackers and cyber criminals

    It also severely restricts the ability of state officials to reject a voter registration application, even when it is rejected because the official thinks the individual is ineligible to vote. 

    6It imposes onerous new regulatory restrictions on political speech and activity, including online and policy-related speech, by candidates, citizens, civic groups, unions, corporations, and nonprofit organizations

    The disclosure provisions that apply to membership organizations like the National Rifle Association, Citizens for Life, and other organizations that Americans of all political stripes join to multiply their voices on important issues could likely subject donors to intimidation and harassment.

    It is the modern equivalent of the donor disclosure requirements that state governments tried to impose on civil rights organizations in the 1950s—requirements the Supreme Court deemed unconstitutional.  

    7It would authorize the IRS to investigate and consider the political and policy positions of nonprofit organizations when they apply for tax-exempt status

    This would enable the political party in control of the White House (and thus the IRS) to use the IRS to go after anyone criticizing it or its policies.

    8It would set up a public funding program for candidates running for Congress

    This would force taxpayers to subsidize the political campaigns of individuals they may vehemently disagree with and wouldn’t vote for in a million years. 

    Got a comment?  What are your thoughts on this proposed legislation?

    Tomorrow, we will discuss the provisions of a Nevada bill AB321, a bill currently in the Nevada legislation that also promotes this federal legislation.

    Send them to us at:

    From Marty Opinions

    This has been going on for, well, YEARS!

    Just when and what will it take to get it off the table rather than keep kicking it down the road?

    OMG...does anyone have the guts to make a commitment and finally finish it?

    Speak up someone...who is in the position to do it, or just move aside and say, "I can't do this."

    Enough please.


    SCA-BOD Not Taking Care of Business


    Rana Goodman / Anthem Today

    When leaving SCA for any reason, my usual route is down Anthem Parkway, each time I leave for whatever reason I can feel my blood pressure rise. No, not because of my fellow driver’s behavior, but due to the look of our beautiful community.

    I know I am not the only resident to have issues with the way Anthem Council manages the landscaping work done in maintaining the look of this community.  

    In case you were not aware, SCA contributes more than any of the other communities up on this hill, like Solara, Anthem Highlands, and others the amount, $633,000 per year, and in 2021 it goes up $100 more.

    Next time you are on Anthem Parkway, have a look at the large barren spaces between floral plantings. Take a look at the trees all the way down and especially as you return past the entry waterfall.. 

    Limbs are dead or broken, some leaning far out of the natural growth pattern. 

    Considering that the landscape company has received the contract year after year.

    It seems our board feels since Art Schutz is the SCA representative they don’t need to pay much attention; however since they are watching over the dollars spent from our assessments, one would think they need to start asking questions and insisting that the landscape be maintained in a fashion befitting the amount of funds spent.

    Since the summer, the Board and management have less distraction because of the activity center shutdowns. One would think they would use this time to do things like clean up the SCA website and get things accomplished around the community. 

    At one time the Jim Coleman issue was the excuse for being distracted from taking care of things

    Now what is the excuse?

    On 12/27/2020 the other blogger posted the annual report written by the SCA board president, Richard Pope

    He has made it look like the board has been very busy but now there are a few glaring omissions, for example pushed a number of facility projects thru, and created the Restaurant, Strategic Planning task forces, which are both currently on hold”.

    What about the committee formed to create a survey that the prior board promised residents they would be receiving this year? 

    Then he wrote, further down in the report, ” the Board met with representatives of SODEXO, to learn more about what they might be able to offer SCA. 

    They are coming back out later this month to evaluate SCA’s kitchen, restaurant, and bar areas and will be preparing a fully informed proposal for the Board to review.”  

    The whole idea of the survey was because the last one sent out regarding the restaurant was basically a YES or NO, do the owners want a restaurant.

    Many of the owners in SCA wrote into the board at the time that they would only be interested in a restaurant if there was no subsidy. 

    The prior board pledged a new survey would go out before a “self managed” restaurant was opened giving owners facts and figures about the costs of licensing, and running the place. 

    We still have not had a voice in wanting or not wanting the restaurant reopened... I think it will be interesting to see if they intend to give us facts and figures of cost to we owners even if the Sodexo deal became a reality. 

    And by the way, it would be nice, should that happen, if the board send a BIG THANK YOU to resident and prior restaurant owner, Frank Lewis, for passing along that connection to me.


      Technically a Corp...but...Still an HOA

    Reprinted from Anthem Today

    Rana Goodman

    In his annual SCA president’s report, Richard Pope spoke quite a bit about our board wanting to redefine the way the board functions; they want it to run like any large corporation…

    For example,  they are rethinking the need for board members to be liaisons to volunteer committees and basically, as I understand it, run SCA as a corporate board. The problem with that the “shareholders", that is you, me and 7,142 (not counting you and me),  are only being told what has been decided without any chance to weigh in.

    Connecting with we “shareholders” seems to have been cut out of the equation…. 

    What happened to that particular board’s pledge, while running for office, of TRANSPARENCY? 

    It sounds to me that they have retreated back to “telling us” if indeed we are granted knowing, what has been decided, take it or leave it.

    I’m so disappointed since I truly believed this group meant what they promised… It makes me think of some of my father’s edicts when he was in a foul mood and I dared to ask why. 

    The response was always, “yours is not to reason why, your is to do as you are told”… WOW!

    Are they really cutting off board participation with we owners? 

    Are we only allowed to communicate with management? 

    Because that is exactly what it sounds like to me!



    1. with no doubt, they'll use the "COVID-19 Excuse" to justify their actions

    2. I found the Board Presidents’ message confusing in his vague comments regarding how he envisions realignment of responsibility and the lack of action on important issues disappointing. On the one hand they have put a hold on the restaurant committee and yet apparently they’re moving forward with the restaurant. So much for a survey of the residents to get an idea of what the community wants or what makes the most fiscal sense. It’s difficult to believe that in these economic times with so many restaurants shut down that under any circumstances our community would consider opening yet another restaurant that people can only use at 25% capacity by reservation only. Restaurants in the past have not survived at full capacity so this becomes a joke.
      As far as the ACC, I don’t see that Sun City Anthem has ever taken an interest in how the residents’ money is spent in our contribution to that group. Has there ever been an audit? Is it made public? Don’t we have a right to know how money is being spent? What qualifications do Orlov and Schuetz possess that we are leaving everything in their hands?
      It’s very difficult to have much confidence in a board or a board president that asks residents to submit their application to fill an empty seat and after the vetting process decide that they didn’t want to be bothered because “there isn’t enough time“ to acclimate that potential new board member.
      They look like a bunch of fickle teenagers and puts into question their ability to run an entire community.
      There are some people that just can talk a good game but it’s just a lot of smoke and hot air. They feel good because they puff themselves up.
      You are right Rana - so much for the transparency!!!!!!!
