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Monday, November 26, 2012

Let Us Entertain You

Fun In the Lost & Found

Laughing is good for the soul, and as promised, we also told you we would try and entertain you as well.

This is one of those times.

In my opinion, laughing at yourself is the best medicine in the world. It's a sign of being secure in who you are; that life should be a comedic experience as we get older. sure beats the old goats who sit and complain about everything from bad food, to sore feet, the number of pills they take, and the number of surgeries they've had....and have planned. (BARF !)

Who cares what people think ????

By now, you are who you are, and besides, people expect us seniors...well, to be seniors...with moments of "forgetfulness."

And I too, qualify in that "forgetfulness" category.

Yesterday was going to be a special day.  I was taking my wife to the Smith Center to see "The Addams Family" and then a romantic dinner at "Primarily Prime Rib" at the South Point Hotel & Casino.

The evening was wonderful....


I woke up this morning getting ready for Cyber Monday.

There I was, getting ready for Christmas and Hannukah (I'm Catholic and my wife is Jewish), searching the web for bargains, finding them, getting ready to buy them...


I realized my credit card was NOT WHERE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE, namely in my wallet.

Thoughts running through my head as to where it was, who had used it, and how I was going to have to go through the embarrassing explanation to the credit card company convincing them I wasn't in Pennsylvania buying $3,000 of computer equipment.

...and even worse....

Telling my wife, Marla, that I had to cancel it !

Then it hit me.  I was so concerned about getting my coupons taken care of at the South Point (you know, the "free" meal that cost over $1,000 in slot machine play), that I realized that I had forgotten it at Primarily Prime Rib.

It was 4:30am this morning, and on the phone I was to the South Point operator who directed me to the "Lost & Found."

And there he was, good ole Tom in the Security Department that had my credit card after all.

I jumped in the car "in my jammies" and off to see Tom I went at 5:00am this morning. 

The hell with looking good...I needed my credit card. That was all that mattered !

Well I got the credit card, but I also had a laugh or two with Tom. 

Things aren't very busy at the South Point at 5:00am, and then I asked him, "Tom, just what are some of the items that have been turned in, and do you have a top 3?"

Tom didn't hesitate, and that's today's smile.

#3.  An individual eating breakfast, left his false teeth in the Cafe. He never picked them up, and if by some chance it's you, they are still in a safe at the South Point.

#2. A set of crutches.  How this guy or gal left the hotel without the crutches, had everyone wondering about that one. They too, are still there.

But, last but not least, the best without a doubt....

Now keep in mind, the South Point arena is the home of a couple of rodeos each year....

#1.  Someone left THEIR HORSE....and never picked it up.

I'd like to say that horse is in the same safe with the false teeth and crutches, but someone eventually took the poor thing and gave it a good home.

So there you have it, FUN in the LOST & FOUND !

And an opportunity to me to laugh at myself and those who are every bit as "forgetful" as I.

I guess it's true what they say....

"What goes on in Vegas, STAYS in Vegas."

Have a great day.

Dick Arendt

1 comment:

  1. Dick this was just wonderful,

    Thank you so much for writing it and sharing it.

    Being a former school teacher, one year in our school, there several pair of children's underpants.
