Information Pages

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Smart Meter Opt-Out will Cost $$$


The Public Utility Commission came to a decision yesterday about the Smart Meter...or so we think !

The commission voted 2-1 to ALLOW you to opt-out of the Smart Meter; however, it will cost you.

The amount: 

a. One flat charge of $98.75


b. A monthly cost of $9.00.

For those who have followed the Smart Meter saga, these devices have received a great deal of scrutiny over the past few years due to a concern over transmitting data electronically, possibly subjecting it to "hackers" in order to obtain personal information.

Health concerns have also been expressed, but perhaps the greatest concern is the rate structure that the Smart Meter would enable NV Energy to charge substantially higher rates during peak hours of usage, with lower rates at other times.

The opt-out would be for a four year period that would either disappear or become permanent after 2016.

Read today's article in the Business Section of the Las Vegas Review Journal.

If you do not get the newspaper, here is a link if you wish to learn more about it.

Is this the end?  No one seems to know, Petitions may be filed in order to delay this decision.

Have any of you that have accepted the Smart Meter experienced a substantial increase in your bills since it has been installed?

We'd like to know, because more knowledge can better help all of us to make a decision that serves the best interests of our community.


  1. I have a smart meter installed, I have not experienced any problems since the change over or any billing increase based on usage compared to last year charges and usage amount.

    I also have several rental properties in the Henderson areas without issues.

    I never agreed with smart meter radio frequency health issues, as a safety hazard, or divulging personal information.

    It is possible for a hacker to interrupt service, hacking has happened in other areas including high level government agencies. That is the risk we all take even with our credit cards, bank accounts, etc.

    Smart meters are the thing of the future just as other technology to replace human labor. The next step will be variable rates based on peak/off peak usage. This will hurt many individuals and business that do not have the capabilities to conserve energy. Others will be able to adjust certain power usage schedule to off peak hours to conserve energy.

    I for one, frequently check my consumption online to become better informed when the utility companies implement the rate/time structure.

  2. We decided to opt out and never had the smart meter installed. Looks like the "meter readers" will still have to do a physical read from what I heard on PBS this week, is that true? I look forward to hearing about folks that are receiving higher bills.

  3. According to Nevada Energy, we currently pay 12 cents per kilowatt-hour regardless of time whether you have a smart meter or analog meter.

    The rate/time, I spoke of above, may be delayed until all meters are smart meters or the power company may implement an increase cost per kilowatt suitable to their needs for those without smart meters and smart meter users will go on the rate/time program.

    Those folks opting out of the smart meter program may be paying more per kilowatt hour for nonconforming...I'm quite sure the power company will not be kind to the holdouts.

    I have heard horror stories about charges doubling; I question the validity as to why. It could be an error setting up the program or meter failure that can occur with any type meter. Over the years, I have experienced issues with meter failure and errors by meter readers with power, water, and gas companies.

    The secret is the check usage online or your monthly bills to compare last year’s usage and prior months usage to current billing. This method will provide a trend to spot irregularities.

  4. Forrest,

    Can you tell us how you can check the usage?
