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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Labor Day & Looking Out the Back Window

The Magnificence of Nature...As Summer Comes to an End

Labor Day is sometimes referred to as the "unofficial" end of summer.

Kids go back to school,  and the snowbirds will shortly begin their journey back to our mild climate, while the fall temperatures will begin to cool the days and nights in the months to come.

But as a season changes to FALL...I thought to myself...

Let's celebrate this event a bit differently.... appreciating the beauty we've experienced over the year....not within the confines of some casino, but outside of our very own Sun City Anthem habitat.

Over my years here in Sun City Anthem, I've come to appreciate new forms of beauty that I never experienced while living in the Midwest.

We've all been to zoos, to National Parks, and many of us have had the experience of traveling through foreign nations; but despite all of those experiences, all too often...
How many of us have looked out our back windows and seen the beauty that exists in our very own backyards? 

Yesterday was one of those days.

As the afternoon sun began to wane, I looked out my back window at the spectacular view of the mountains.

The Las Vegas Valley lights brightened while the greenery of Revere golf course faded as evening approached.

Small aircrafts came and went past Henderson Executive Airport, cruising by the M Resort in the distance, and  this.....

...the magnificence of nature !

I've taken a few photos of such experiences over the years. 

There was a day in 2008 when my wife was going out to read on our patio and saw this....

...and then a mother who protects young life each spring....

The sunsets that differ each evening...

Combine all of this with a wonderful wife, good friends, and caring neighbors...

...and on this Labor Day, I want to sit back, relax, and thank the good Lord for what he's allowed me to have in this life, as I eat that burger from my grill with sweet corn, potato salad, baked beans, cole slaw, and an ice cold beer !

So...enjoy your holiday...looking at the magnificence of what you have each simply opening your eyes wide enough to see it.

All of us "labored" to achieve this during our working lives, so appreciate it....while you can !


  1. Hi Dick:

    Great article and great pictures.

    Enjoy your Labor Day.

  2. Loved your pictures.


    Obviously, a grand time is being had by all and that's what retirement is all about!
