Information Pages

Monday, September 2, 2013

Brother Can You Spare a Dime ?

Vic’s Restaurant Needs Help !

On Sunday, September 1st, Vic’s Restaurant implemented a new happy hour program from 4 PM to 7 PM.

And,...a resident thought he'd give it a try...and... at 5:15 PM the turnout was rather dismal.

Only 6 guests seated at 2 tables in the dining area were being served and 3 visitors seated at the bar were discussing a wedding with the wedding planner.

Things improved slightly after 6 PM, another 16 guests arrived including SCA President Jean Capillupo and her party of 4.

The appetizers, meal loaf spring rolls, calamari, and fried green beans, were very good; wine was $4 and beer $3.  

Disappointment was expressed for the poor turnout , but not surprising.  One would have thought that the heavy promoter on another blog and his entourage of “must have a restaurant” would be there to show support.

Other evenings over the last few weeks, the usual head count is about 20 guests between 6 PM and 7:30 PM.

At that rate and unless Vic’s can improve his catering count…I cannot see how the restaurant will survive under the current lease agreement without financial consideration adjustments from our Association.

That would mean...our HOA dues would be paying to support Vic’s outside vendor using our facility for profit... and US paying the bills ! would it feel to financially support a restaurant that only a few people per day out of approximately 13,000,  patronize ?

Is this SOUND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT...or is this just more WASTE ?

A few days ago a friend of mine and I were talking about Economics...spending money, and he mentioned a man named Dr. Milton Friedman.

Ever hear of Dr. Milton Friedman?

He was known to be one of the greatest economists of all  time.

Anyone who ever studied economics, used a Milton Friedman textbook.

Take a couple of minutes and watch this video....

Then ask yourself three questions....

1. Does this sound like how our money is spent here in Sun City Anthem?

2. Should this continue?


3. Should we send this to our Board and the "other blogger" to best describe our feelings ?

...or...would this be...


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