Information Pages

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Has the Management Company Finally Solved the Employee Morale Problem ?

Has Corruption Finally Been Exposed ?

I want to call your attention to the Anthem Today forum, under the topic, "Chatter" and a topic referred to as "More on the Fitness Center".

This article was authored by an individual who refers to himself as "Charles", and if all of what he says is true (and I doubt that any of this is "misinformation"), a battle over the mistreatment of our valued management company "resident/employees" may have finally been won.

For months these individuals have appeared to have sustained emotional distress as a result of the treatment to which they had been subjected; and thanks to the efforts of Mary Scramski which commenced SIX MONTHS AGO, this matter was brought to public attention.

This created a strong community concern; and subsequently, a meeting was held and conducted by Board Member Mike Carey, with a number of RMI employees in attendance, in addition to, concerned residents.

On March 15, 2013, Anthem Opinions published an article entitled "Fitness Meeting Answered Some Questions...but....Left Many Unanswered".
...and our concerns were expressed. 

Here is a link to that article:

I will never forget the meeting where some of those who we perceived as the "culprits", arrogantly sat in defiance of the allegations; and even worse, how board member, Mike Carey, defended those actions repeatedly, showing little concern for those who he represents.

This matter was "pushed" under the carpet; but Anthem Opinions, following numerous emails, pursued this concern.  We felt people were being abused, and those who were made aware of it, did NOTHING.

Subsequently, on April 14, 2013, Anthem Opinions wrote an article entitled "Is There An RMI Hostile Work Environment"...and we wanted our readers to be aware of this matter that was creating controversy in Sun City Anthem...yet appeared to be "hushed".

Here is a link to that article:

Once again...this matter was "neglected"  for SIX MONTHS until this recent revelation by the Anthem Today article.

...and if all of what "Charles" has alleged,  is true, and when the above articles are considered....

...Let's hope that there are some strong lessons to be learned from all of this. 

First, residents should always be #1 in the minds of a community. They are the ones who are an integral part of it, and the ones who pay for it.

Second, let's hope that any and all of those who apparently suffered any form of emotional distress as a result of the treatment they received, are quickly REHIRED, with an apology to them for sustaining such apology not just from the management company, but from the Fitness Committee Chair, and a BOARD WHO REFUSED to believe them, placing resident interests and concerns second to an outside organization who merely WORKS for US.

Third, if wrongdoing or willful neglect of these concerns are subsequently discovered by any board member, or Fitness Chair, or any management company employee, THAT INFORMATION MUST BE DISCLOSED; and those individuals should RESIGN that position immediately for showing such a lack of resident concern.

Fourth, the individual who pursued the emotional and in all likelihood, financial strain, should be COMPENSATED, in addition to being rehired.
Fifth, a community thanks should go out to Mary Schramski for her taking on a "system" that harmed innocent people, and her dedication in helping them...without ANY PERSONAL AGENDA, other than making an attempt to right a wrong she saw. 

and finally...

Sixth...the value of FOUR of the FIVE community blogs/forums who saw that same injustice; made the community aware of it, and perhaps PROVED that their being accused of providing "misinformation" ....was an INSULT to them by the President of this association.

...that these blogs/forums play a vital role in bringing information to the public...

...information that has been STONEWALLED over and over again by those whose interests are contrary to the good of the community they pledged to represent...

...information....when you hear the words, "Don't Look Back"...are made by those who are part of that "wall of silence" regarding past acts that have cost residents THOUSANDS of DOLLARS.... 

...that should now be recognized as synonymous with embarrassment, incompetence, and ARROGANCE of those who have acted in a manner that has created HARM to those they have pledged to represent.   

What is the lesson to be learned from all of this?

Simply stated, the time has come to CHANGE the direction of OUR LEADERSHIP...that a number of those leaders,  past and present, or those who have remained SILENT in the spirit of "cooperation...not confrontation"  have not done so....

...that well as...those who blindly support them...

...LACK CREDIBILITY, and subsequently, should be REPLACED by those who will honor those who elected them.


  1. It has now been confirmed that Kathy Kline is NO LONGER AN EMPLOYEE of the management company.

    ...for some unknown (or embarrassing or perhaps CORRUPT) reason, the board of directors has FAILED to notify the residents.

    Perhaps MIKE CAREY, the ARDENT SUPPORTER of this individual, as well as others who maintained such support, SHOULD APOLOGIZE, RESIGN, or if necessary, be REMOVED FROM OFFICE.

    This matter must not be taken WILL happen again.

    Is this ANYONE's idea of GOOD MANAGEMENT ?

    This entire matter can no longer be ignored.

    What's next?

    Can someone please state JUST WHAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS this board can be proud of, or are we all to blame for allowing "repeaters" to RUN THIS COMMUNITY INTO THE GROUND?

    1. Lets start with Mary Schramski, who wrote the article about employees being abused. She forgot to mention that she had an ax to grind against RMI for being told hat she wore excessive perfume to the fitness center and was asked to tone it down since we have people that are allergic to perfumes. Further, without proof, she implied Kathy Kline wanted to get rid of some employees to hire her friends. Using Dick's and Mary's convoluted thinking, was Mary using the employee problem for her own interests to include advertising in her article her new book? Mary told me the employees never documented their grievances nor appealed to the Labor Board about harassment nor did Mary ever talk to Kathy, because in her words, Kathy would only lie.

      Second, Rana Goodman and Dick spread our laundry in the Valley publications. Dick alleges in his blog introductions that his blog is for our community and outsiders are not allowed to enter his blog, yet, he makes sure our laundry is spread all over the valley, without sending out the opinions that disagree with his. Further, he endorsed Mary's article as if he was speaking for all Anthem residents, which he does not. The gossip in the valley papers may have caused some people not to buy here or to sell their homes here. ( No misrepresentation?)

      Third, Mr. Gregorian's attack on Kathy Kline and the Fitness Committee about buying the wrong equipment and then harassing RMI employees that they bought the wrong equipment and that they don't know anything about fitness training and that he had 50 years of that kind of experience, was further ammunition for Dick. Mr. Gregorian told me at Fitness Committee hearing that he did not come to committee meetings and offer his services for purchasing equipment, because he was working with inner city kids. Fine, but I am sure he could have spared a few hours to help our community get the best equipment within a reasonable price range, rather then criticize everyone afterwards.

      Fourth. When I wrote an article defending Kathy and the Board, Dick wrote that I was a non-existent person, a shill for RMI or one of their employees, because I challenged his expert opinion on body language and mind reading and his performance at the Fitness Committee meeting, where he made sure his self provided microphone had his new radio station call sign was highly visible. In a subsequent conversation, Dick told me he did not run for any of our offices because he had bigger fish to fry. I guess he would rather criticize. .

      As to why Kathy Kline was let go. Given the attacks on her by Dick and others, a climate was developed to push for her being let go. The fact that she had worked for some company and she hired people from that company does not automatically mean she deliberately fired people to make room for her friends. If it can be proven that she had a financial gain for such actions, RMI can take legal actions, but not our HOA. The issue of hiring and firing of employees is a RMI issue and not that of the HOA. If RMI does not meet its obligations, the Board can reduce the award fee and at the next contract negotiations, can hire someone else, but no management firm can operate with constant interference by outside entities. Lets not re-hire our previous employees and penalize current employees.

      I know Kathy was the first manager to pay full attention to pool issues concerning the abuses by children and their sponsors when in the pool and she did everything possible to get the operational rules used by RMI and originally established by our HOA and PULTE, into Anthem Regulations, but was not successful. It is difficult to enforce rules that are not backed by our HOA rules book. . I am afraid without Kathy, the pools will revert to the chaos that existed a few years ago. KATHY, I FOR ONE, AM SORRY TO SEE YOU GO. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DEDICATION TO OUR MEMBERSHIP AND YOUR WILLINGNESS TO LISTEN AND HELP WHEN IT WAS BADLY NEEDED.

    2. For a person who can't use a real name, your credibility is subject to question by ANY person who would read what you have written.

      We do need some clarification about your remarks.

      First you and I have NEVER had any CONVERSATION for the simple reason you won't provide me or any of our readers, your name;

      Second, accusing Mary Schramski of creating a stir to sell a book is utter nonsense and petty;

      Third, Anthem Opinions has NEVER stated this publication is not for OUTSIDERS. We have readers all over the Las Vegas valley; and

      Fourth, your comment:

      "Let's not rehire our previous employees and penalize current employees" IS CRUEL and UNFAIR TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN INJURED, and sounds

      a lot like the old saying we've heard for years...

      "Don't look back".


      Yes indeed, Anthem Opinions will make the public aware of what you refer to as "dirty laundry", for two reasons: it's DIRTY, and the public is ENTITLED TO KNOW IT EXISTS.

      There is a very simple solution to DIRTY LAUNDRY rather than criticizing those who make it public.

      DON'T CREATE IT....DON'T SUPPORT THOSE WHO CAUSE IT...and look with disdain at those WHO CONDONE IT.

      In which category do you fall?

      The initial articles were brought to the attention of our community SIX MONTHS AGO.

      Good people suffered emotional AND financial distress due to POOR TREATMENT---not just one or two people, BUT MANY.

      Why, after SIX MONTHS, would this termination take place after all this time being "hushed"?

      No articles have been written on this subject over that timeframe, yet it happened, didn't it?

      Why ?

      ..because SOMETHING MUST HAVE TAKEN PLACE to make it HAPPEN NOW...that's why !

      And what the community is entitled to know for one very good reason...


      Good people, your neighbors, people who have smiled at you for years as you walked into a facility, suddenly WEREN'T SMILING ANY LONGER.

      Those people tried to maintain their dignity and were HUMILIATED.

      And that SMILE is more important than a "clean pool" to those with a conscience and a caring attitude toward others....and... it is also ILLEGAL to create a HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT.

      Those SMILES turned to FROWNS when a specific person took over the reigns, and they needed help...and an express their concerns.

      Those people WERE SCARED of losing a small income that to a number of them, mean the difference between two and three meals each day...

      ...a concern WE CARED ABOUT.

      And they came to those who have demonstrated that "the little guy" COUNTS...and that would be US, and Mary, and three other blogs FOLLOWING A BOARD IGNORING THEIR PLEAS...and of course, people like you, whose priority is CLEAN POOL over your neighbor's well-being.

      They got NO WHERE from those who promised to represent them; namely a BOARD who could have taken corrective action, BUT DIDN'T. can't tell a private company how to treat their employees, but YOU CAN TELL A PRIVATE COMPANY TO CLEAN UP THEIR ACT...OR YOU'LL FIRE THEM. have this happen NOW, there IS MORE TO THE STORY, and as long as Anthem Opinions and Anthem Today, exist, we believe that THE PUBLIC HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW just what happened.

      So yes indeed, I have bigger fish to fry, and you sir, are not one of them, who those that read your comments, consider the nameless individual who made them...

      ...a minnow amongst a large caring community when it comes to good will toward your fellow man.

  2. Anonymous,just WHAT do I spread in the valley papers, (really one paper) that is so ominous it frightens you? The things that might have stopped people from purchasing in SCA are events that SHOULD be told so that they will never, ever happen again. Things like what was done to Doris Vesico and Norman McCullough, or was that O.K. with you?
    Are you aware that any law suits that may be pending from any of those employees that were pushed out of the fitness center must be disclosed to potential buyers by a seller? NO, well that's another reason to keep this all hush-hush isn't it? If we don't know, we can't be forced to tell!!!!!!
