Information Pages

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Making Your Garage Door More Secure

Your garage door can be an open invitation to a "bad guy" who knows how to open your garage.

We have some valuable information on how you might protect against this possibility in this newest article...

Overhead Garage Door Security our Information Page, 

"Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement

 (located to the right of the Welcome Screen)


  1. Your site is difficult to read, seems unorganized. Please note I cannot locate the "Making Your Garage Door More Secure". There is no $$$$ on the right, but you can find "Making Your Garage Door More Secure". You have $$$, $$$ Page 2, etc.
    Suggestion, why do you not put the new articles up front replacing your first double spaced page that you use for announcing what we can read and then use your right side divided by your authors as the articles age and are replaced with newer articles.

    1. Sorry you find it difficult, but perhaps you might check a few things to find the articles you are looking for on our blog.

      First, the "Making Your Garage Door More Secure" is merely a banner headline. The article is named "Overhead Garage Door Security", and if you go to the right where the information pages are listed, one is called "Tips to Make Your Home More Efficient...SSS"

      All you need to is click on that Information Page, and the article will appear (and many others will also appear in a descending order in which they were published).

      The reason we have a "Part Two" has to do with the limitations of the blog itelf. There is only so much space that available unless we start a new Information Page. "Part Two" are past articles published when the space on the main Information Page is full.

      I wish we could do something about that, but this is just something we have to live with....and many people, hopefully you as well, will come to understand that, after this explanation.

      I appreciate your suggestion about replacing the the Welcome Page with newer articles, but we have new people each and every day, subscribing to Anthem Opinions. We do have a lead comment which says "See Our Latest" which tells you the titles of the latest articles.

      As you page down past the Welcome Screen, there is always a preliminary article written that will direct you as to the location of that article...if it is located in an "Information Page".

      Not all articles are in Information Pages.

      Once again, we know we're not perfect, and we wish we could make a number of changes, but unfortunately, this is what we have to work with in the scope of the actual blog.

      Hopefully, the content of the article will make up for the inconvenience in finding it.

      Thanks for contacting us with your concern.
