Information Pages

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Board Votes Unanimously...Tells Residents "Let Them Eat Cake"

Sun City Anthem Board Votes 7-0 to Give Vic's Concessions

In a unanimous vote on Thursday afternoon, October 24th, the Board voted to DEMAND RESIDENTS PAY TO HAVE A RESTAURANT !

That's've read it right....YOU...the residents...are going to pay up for the $2,000 loss that Sun City Anthem will sustain EACH and EVERY a few can eat at Vic's Restaurant...

That's SCA..NOMICS...

Oh, according to one guy, Jerry Gardberg, we should have lost $4,000 per month, but that didn't seem to go very far.

Then we had another guy, Dan Forgeron, say "It's the Club's Fault", while the huge crowd of about 40 laughed at his educated theory...

...the same conclusion always drawn when something goes wrong..."It's their fault...never ours!"

And then there is some woman with gray hair, Jean Capillupo, who furthered entertained the laughing audience by saying, "It's only pennies per big deal"

And when a stove breaks or something else needs fixing...we even get to pay for that too !

Again....that's SCA..NOMICS at its best !

And these guys thought they beat the people, huh? 

Does this board really believe they can MAKE RESIDENTS LOSE MONEY so they have a place to eat dinnor or down a brewsky  ????

....that...their latest act of "genius" is going to stimulate everyone into saying...

... we're NOW going to "rush" to Vic's to solve HIS RIVER of DEBT...


It's so ridiculous, it defies logic that WE ELECTED THIS CALIBER of people, doesn't it ?

Well Board...guess what ?

Ain't gonna happen...

...because once the word is out YOUR DECISION WILL COST those know...the ones you look at as "ignorant peons" whose purpose is simply to pay for your party favors...

...common sense is going to finally sink in and everybody will  come to this conclusion....

You may make us pay now...but...

...let's make sure we don't pay very long.

And how is that accomplished? 

Speak up using your wallet...that's how !

And so...with that in mind, perhaps we should say "shame on you" to the various parties who seem to enjoy "selling us down a river without a paddle" by prolonging that MONTHLY losing venture....



..because those few diners who do go there, are the people who will be contributing to your loss each and every month by extending the stay of this financially strapped money pit.

Folks....the time has finally come to teach this board a lesson that the word is ECOMONICS...NOT...SCA..NOMICS...and that when the people say NO, they MEAN IT...

....and they know how to make you DO WHAT THEY TELL YOU ....

So, board, listen up.

You may  tell us to "
eat cake" now, but we're going to tell you...

... we're going to eat it elsewhere !


  1. Sent to Anthem Opinions from "Josie"

    How easy it is for the Board to spend money that isn’t theirs. They are supposed to represent the interests of the homeowners, not the business that they have chosen that is floundering.

    Why does SCA have to pick up the tab for yet another wrong business decision that the Board has made? Don’t they ever learn from their mistakes but keep repeating them?

    We have not had a responsible Board since residents took over the leadership here.

    Each person that runs for office makes promises that are never kept and gets us into more problems

    Suppose the people that didn’t win being elected to the Board were in their place ?

    Maybe these problems wouldn’t keep happening.

    Something is seriously wrong with the governance at SCA, and it continues to cost us money for decisions that have been made that are not in our interests

    Its is as dysfunctional as Congress and has been since it’s inception.

    Why do we have to support a restaurant that the majority of the people don’t use, that was the wrong restaurant for the people that live here? The fact that only a handful of residents eat at the restaurant and say the food is good isn’t going to guarantee their business will succeed.. To have a reasonably priced restaurant that is a good value would guarantee that people will eat at frequently when people don’t want to cook and don’t want to travel far would make a lot more sense.

    Even if Vics serves the best food in town it will not be the place that residents will come to frequently because that is not what is needed here. How many restaurants have to fail and cost us money before the right decisions are made?

    It is NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY to use our resources to keep a restaurant alive that shouldn’t have been here in the first place.

    With the Board’s unanimous vote that we should make accommodations to help the restaurant is not looking at the real picture. Is the Board afraid that because they made a mistake in bringing Vics here that they have to spend more money to try to save face for their bad decision?

    That makes no sense. You have to look at the history of the restaurants that have failed up here and why they failed and who was ultimately responsible for making the poor decisions.

    Maybe if the individuals on the Board had to pay some of their own money to keep the restaurant viable they would think twice about their decision! It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. Let the members of the Board reach into their own pockets to help Vics and see how fast they will change their tune!

  2. From Resident...Tim Stebbins


    Great article about Vic's. They are a failure.

    If Vic's cannot figure out how to run a successful restaurant in this location, in this business climate, that is their fault. If they fail, they fail. SCA members should not have to pay for Vic's incompetence.

    Dan Forgeron, however, blames the Clubs and the SCA residents for the failures of Vic's. In his view it is not the responsibility of Vic's to operate a sound business; it is the responsibility of SCA residents to make sure Vic's survives – even if Vic’s is operated by incompetents.

    Jerry Gardberg takes that insane idea that Vic's must exist at any and all costs even further. If SCA residents do not patronize the restaurant enough to assure profitability, then every member will be forced to pay the financial shortfall with their dues.

    Gardberg, a self-appointed expert on how to run a successful restaurant business, has the stupidest financial plan ever !

    Vic's just adds up all their costs and expenses, then adds the amount of profit they think they are entitled to, then adds the return on their investment they want, etc., etc. Then they have their number. Then they take their gross revenue, subtract their number. If there is a net deficit, as is very likely, Jerry Gardberg wants the association to write a check to Vic's so Vic's, and its principals and investors, are made “whole”.

    Then force all SCA members to make that check good via dues. Per Gardberg, this would go on forever. Vic’s will never be held accountable to stand on their own feet, because the Gardberg model will assure the association will support them under any circumstances.

    The basic Gardberg model is that if SCA residents are not willing to support Vic's by patronizing the restaurant, then they will be forced to cover Vic’s operations, profits, and anything else Vic’s wants, by assessments on their homes.

    In Gardberg’s view, Vic’s restaurant is a must and top priority. The residents’ interests and well-being are a much lower priority, and are to be forfeited to the interests of Vic’s. If members balk at subsidizing Vic’s indefinitely with unlimited amounts of money, the association will just foreclose on his or her home and sell it to someone who is willing to pay for Vic’s.

    Also the Gardberg model holds that Vic’s, a private enterprise, is to be treated as an amenity of SCA, just like the recreation centers, the pools, the fitness centers, etc. It is the obligation of the homeowners to pay for Vic’s personal and private business expectations, no matter how much the cost and no matter how many people use the restaurant.

  3. From Ann Thomas....

    What's the point in attending ANY meeting as the BOD has CONTROL over our lives and are the ONLY DECISION MAKERS and decisions are made BEFORE THE MEETINGS ARE HELD.

    The TRASH informational meetings were publicized through e-blasts, the Spirit and something as important as this "modification" didn't have to be RUSHED could have waited until ALL residents had an opportunity to learn of the board's intentions."
