Information Pages

Friday, October 25, 2013

A Vote of 7-0 Brings Out the Ugliness of the Past

The Significance of a 7-0 vote to "finance" an Independent Business

By now Sun City Anthem residents are aware that their board of directors made the decision to in effect, BETRAY their constituents, and continue to waste community funds on a business that has obviously been flowing more red ink than the federal government.

7-0...just what does that signify?

In our opinion it signifies that "cooperation without confrontation" is ALIVE and WELL despite the constant denials that the destructive force,  formerly ABOVE GROUND, is NOW UNDERGROUND....


...that "group" of controlling individuals, who have been responsible for WASTE, negative television broadcasts, irresponsible spending, is still here...

...that the names may have changed....

...but the belief that YOU are THEIRS, to do with as they please, is every bit part of this group of directors, as those who had achieved citywide attention as those previously admitted to the "HOA Hall of Shame".

For those of you not a part of our community for a long period of time, the words "Unity Party" belong to a group of people who decided to create a "political machine" in order to gain control of Sun City Anthem community affairs.

For years they handpicked candidates and "slated" them in groups to run for office together "in unity" in order to gain a necessary majority of board positions.  Backers of that belief spent large sums with newspaper ads and mailings...especially to those who resided in Sun City Anthem on a part time basis, sending the mailings out of state, to gain their votes in order to be elected to office. talked...and it worked.

Unfortunately for our association, that "block thinking" wrought destructive financial results on our community, as well as actions against residents which even caused Channel 13 investigative reporterDarcy Spears, to make a special visit, corner a former Sun City Anthem President, and name Sun City Anthem's leadership to the "HOA Hall of Shame".

Let's look back at February, 2011...and...The Unity Party....

...and it's affect on Sun City Anthem. a result of that expose, this "Unity Party" went "underground" saying they no longer existed...but in reality, they continued to meet, finance, and gain even further control by "packing" committees with "their people", and "grooming" some of them in order to continue their domination.

Though the above dispute was FINALLY rectified in favor of the resident, IT TOOK 2 YEARS...and constant PUBLIC accomplish it !

...through the intervention of several caring individuals, including Anthem Today's Rana Goodman, and Anthem Opinions, Mr. Fix-It, Forrest Fetherolf, to do to !

... individuals who have been referred to as "malcontents" by those who insist on maintaining the controlling system they developed.

And...that controlling "Unity" system continues to this very evidenced by this recent 7-0 vote...

...a blatant action in which they determined that each resident should lose money....

...under a selfish belief that "the people" want a high priced restaurant despite few patronizing it...

...under the "contrived" belief that not having one, will affect property values....

...under the media controlled belief that THEY REPRESENT YOUR WISHES in this matter !

It is time to finally look at the meaning of what that unanimous vote signifies.....


The question to YOU, is that WILL YOU CONTINUE to TOLERATE this year after year ? do you bring this catastrophic "unified" bunch to an end ?

YOU make sure you tell all of your neighbors what they have done.

YOU make sure that once you inform your neighbors, that they in turn, tell their neighbors,  what they have done.

...and then...WATCH if any of them or "their kind" become candidates to replace them.

I believe I speak  not only on behalf of Anthem Opinions but on behalf of a number of community blogs/forums.

...that...with one glaring exception, these community blogs/forums who have tried for years to enlighten you of the financial destruction this group has wrought on our association... ACCURATE...and...CARING...

...that "misinformation" has not been provided to you by those publications that have no motive other than protecting its people...

...but by those who control official mediacontrol the manner in which you live, and control the means by which your hard earned retirement dollars are spent....

A mission...NOT to REPRESENT YOU...but...TO USE maintain a stranglehold on selfish goals that have proven to be ineffective.

The future of your lifestyle is imperative to recognizing the destructive force they represent, and how important is it to remove them and that "philosophy" at the earliest opportunity...namely in our coming board elections.


  1. From Resident Ann Thomas...

    We have only been here for TWO AND A HALF YEARS , but "THOUGHT" we researched the community extensively, before purchasing.

    We have taken the time to try to review various documents on but it's a difficult web site to track information and difficult to get information from the Management Company.

    Does ANYONE know WHY the Board President and other members did NOT notify ALL residents using the Spirit and E-mail Blasts that THIS VIC'S MODIFICATION WAS GOING TO BE APPROVED WITHOUT RESIDENTS INPUT (?).

    I thought this community would was "the best" but the management and endless money spending seems to be the worst.

  2. From Anthem Opinions Co-Owner.....Dick Arendt

    Simply stated, Ann, they don't have to do so.

    It goes along with the "Unity Party" philosophy that has become a "way of life" here in our community that has been summarized in the main article.

    This group, rather than make the "full truth" public, will instead bury it by "sugarcoating" what they want you to hear.

    And their rationale....the same old story...."Why Didn't You Go To the Meeting"?

    Well, with about 40 people going, that also means that about 11,960 people didn't go.

    Next time you bump into any of them, maybe you can ask them if we'll get a Vic's menu via eblast, but not a complete summary of MAJOR MODIFICATIONS in a lease agreement that will cost every resident money.

    Not a SINGLE person that has written to Anthem Opinions nor anyone I or others have talked to, have agreed with that decision to modify the lease. much less a vote of 7-0.

    Something that really should be concerning to the public is that one particular community publication has not even mentioned the major change at all. The questions is WHY ?

    Perhaps even he can't figure out anther excuse to tout the board this time !

    At any rate, in my mind, it certainly proves many allegations as to "credibility" when it comes to telling the "full story".

    Ann...out of all this...just remember WHO THEY ARE...and in the upcoming board election, WHO THEY ENDORSE.

    Birds of a feather, flock together.

  3. From Resident.....John Schmidt

    I appreciate the opportunity to voice my opinion on your blog.

    I would have done it on David's Anthem Journal, however I have been barred from it, not for defaming anyone, not for obscenities but as David Berman claims, for not sticking to the subject matter.

    Should David challenge me on this ,I will be more than willing to explain in detail what caused this action on his part. Essentially it was for challenging a statement he made.

    Now to the point. Although he continues to print Vic's menu, he has failed to report that the board voted 7-0 in favor of residents subsidizing Vic's, obviously a failing operation. The main part of that subsidy is a reduction in monthly rent from $4,000 to $2,000 a month.

    There are other concessions made to the restaurant. Perhaps if Berman decides to report the meeting as he has in the past, he will detail all of them for us.

  4. From Anthem Opinions Co-Owner....Dick Arendt

    And the moon is made of cream cheese too, John.

  5. From Solera resident....Eadie Silverberg

    As Solera residents who do not eat at Vic's, we do not feel we should be responsible for paying the coverage of the restaurant for the people who do eat there! . . . . those who want to eat there should be willing to cover the excess charges. We are all retired people, and do not want to support a Restaurant on our pensions!

    (Note: I believe Eadie's comments pertain to the Sun City Anthem resident discount---if not, I hope you'll clarify this for us, Eadie. Thanks for sending your comment.. Dick Arendt--Anthem Opinions)
