Information Pages

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Enough is Enough !

It's Time Bully Behavior Pays a Price

When it come to bad taste and vicious commentary, one doesn't have to go far to find it in Sun City Anthem.

There is no reason to identify the source;  reading it and believing untruthful articles that serve no purpose other than ridiculing others, is obvious to any person with moral character.

If one is to believe such LIES and TRASH, those that are BULLIED on a regular basis would have had some form of track record where their pasts would have been indicative of the people the BULLY claims they really are.

 That is common sense.

People with STELLAR careers and reputations before they came here don't suddenly become BAD PEOPLE.

It's the BAD PEOPLE who came here and wish to convince you that the GOOD PEOPLE are BAD...those are the ones you should closely watch.

That is common sense.

...and those BAD PEOPLE who have no reputable past have one weapon that GOOD PEOPLE refuse to use....


Anthem Opinions has taken a position that referring to people in the most derogatory of terms is uncalled for, rude, unprofessional, and illegal.

We've learned over the years that those who make the weakest cases for arguments, rather than responding in an intelligent manner; instead, BULLY innocent people by sidestepping the issue, and degrade them in the eyes of others.

Referring to people as "dummy, liar, thug,  slippery, madman, racist, coming from under a rock",  or any other such terminology, is disgraceful and has no place in this community.

And those who believe that is a form of entertainment or informative,  demonstrate themselves to be of the same immoral caliber. 

A case in point is the unnecessary BULLYING of a resident named Kay Frank, a woman who may or may not be your choice as an elected official, but nonetheless is a HUMAN BEING WITH FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS....

She and her husband, Bob, have taken a step in excess of 11,000 residents that have for a position on our board.

Her husband, a past board vice president having received the highest total number of votes in any board election years ago,  was chosen to sit on the Real Estate Commission, appointed by Governor Sandoval.

We have a man named Tim Stebbins, perhaps the most knowledgeable individual in Sun City Anthem as to NRS regulations...falsely arrested until the case was dropped....

..because he merely wanted excess association funds to be returned to residents.

We have Forrest Fetherolf, who has a long  record of community service, and his attempts to clean up financial waste.

He is a sponsor in a special Veteran's Court, receiving citations from Judge Mark Stevens for his dedication to assisting veterans in need; a respected project manager of the Woodchips club; a proud member of the Filipiania Club, whose efforts spearheaded a fundraiser to assist the victims of the Philippine typhoon disaster; and still finds time to write our Mr. Fix-It column, while constantly assisting residents in their home repairs---including ONE WHO FOUND HIM UNQUALIFIED to be a member of the Property and Grounds Committee.

We have Rana Goodmanowner of the Anthem community forum, reappointed to the Henderson Senior Citizen's Advisory commission, again and again, and recently received a citation form Mayor Andy Hafen for her exemplary achievements. 

She is now the Political Editor of the Vegas Voice newspaper, an active participant in the "Keeping the Spirit of 45 Alive" World War II project for those who served our nation in and out of uniform, in addition to her lobbying efforts for homeowner rights.

We have Ron Johnson, owner of the Today's Anthem community blog, a respected individual who, for years has written intelligent, objective,  and detailed summaries of community affairs, making attempt after attempt to bring homeowners aware of the problems that face our community.

And then there is myself, co-owner of the Anthem Opinions blog, who has stressed financial integrity and full disclosure  in making all proper business decisions. 
 not at meetings where only 20-30 people attend
Yes...I am as guilty as 10,975 others who do not go to a number of association committee and board meetings...

...instead I spend 40+ hours a week MAKING PEOPLE HAPPY with the finest FREE entertainment available in the Las Vegas Valley through writing this blog and my work with The Vegas Voice.

And these are  just a few who have suffered at the expense of BULLY behavior over the years.

Why do we withstand it?

We are HONEST PEOPLE  who merely want all residents to be aware of FULL INFORMATION they are entitled to receive, rather than what a BULLY wants you to hear.

And despite the BULLYING...we will continue to provide that FULL information to you.
We will not stop our honesty...

...but what we will do... use every avenue within the law available to eliminate any obstacle that demonstrates or supports BULLY BEHAVIOR in order to accomplish that mission.

That is our promise to you.

You, as a resident, are entitled to a BULLY FREE environment in which to live happy and carefree retirement years without being subjected to any such activity. 

Dick Arendt


  1. From Resident...Tim Opinions


    When I was a child my Mother read children stories to us from a series of books about Peter Rabbit written by Beatrix Potter. They were entertaining for a child and like many children’s books there were some moral principles included in the stories.

    One of those I remember is:

    “If you cannot say something nice about someone do not say anything at all.”

    This polite and courteous moral philosophy seems to be totally rejected by a particular individual and a number of his supporters. They seem to relish in saying nasty things about others. In fact a number of them focus on this obnoxious practice.

    Pretty disgusting to see adults behave in this despicable way.

    They were apparently raised quite differently than I was.

