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Friday, February 14, 2014

Mayor Carolyn Goodman Salutes Dennis Bono

Thank You Dennis Bono for 14 Wonderful and Memorable Years

For those of you who either missed or did not attend the Dennis Bono Show 14th Anniversary Show, the memories will last for some time to come.

On top of some of the greatest entertainment who made appearances in honor of Dennis, Mayor Carolyn Goodman of Las Vegas, proclaimed February 13, 2013 as...

Dennis Bono Day

It's been said that the best way to tell a story is through photographs.
And I couldn't think of a better way to congratulate Dennis for the 14 years he's brought a FREE afternoon show each week to Sunset Station, Sam's Town, and South Point.

Over those many years, there are two names that all who have been loyal attendees will never forget, and in their memory they too should be saluted.
They will never be forgotten and will always be missed.

Bob Rozario
Scottie O'Neil

But.... on a brighter note, there is one very special lady who has been with Dennis from Day One....a lady who is as kind as she is talented...


Beautiful !

Our very Own Sun City Anthem resident


To Dennis, Corrie and the entire staff of the Dennis Bono Show, we sincerely thank you for the memories of 14 years.

To see the memories of the February 13, 2013 show....

or click on our Information Page...

"The Dennis Bono Show Weekly Guest List"

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