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Monday, July 20, 2015

Does the Sun City Anthem Board EVER Listen to "The People" ????

Yet...Another Cafe V Lifeline ? 

The Sun City Anthem Board Book agenda was just published, and yet another "Agenda Item" is to be voted on this week...

" Approval of an amendment to the lease contract with Anthem Restaurant Partners regarding hours of operation"

We did some research when we learned of this and found out that in addition to the restaurant being suddenly closed on Sunday, July 19, 2015....for "equipment issues"... (sure)...

...they were also closed on Sunday, July 12, 2015...

...and no one can provide any information as to their having permission to do so on the July 12th date.

In the absence of such permission...which must be board approved... no record of any such vote exists...that is simply...


And that leads us down the path to us believing that this proposed amendment will involve...

Allowing Cafe V to suspend
all Sunday operations this is going to increase revenue, perhaps someone out there can give us some a reason as to HOW...

...and what economic textbook  was studied in order to come to that conclusion !!!!

Let's get all of this straight !

Over the past two years, the Sun City Anthem Board has conceded more to this restaurant than the Confederacy did to the Union at the conclusion of the Civil War !

We have allowed them... reduce hours. cut Monday service entirely.

... to pay a paltry rent of $1,000 p/month having reduced it three times.

...granted a $20,000 loan at below the prime rate.

...allowed them to operate and advertised them without insurance.

In addition, we now know they are being sued by an outside company, named "Pinpoint Publications".

We also have an association attorney being paid BY YOU AND I for a "utilities dispute" between Sun City Anthem and them.

And now...after all of that...

They now want more....

...substantially cutting their service again ????

Some hallmark of restaurant success, huh? 

Really beats the heck out of the argument that a restaurant enhances property values with that track record, doesn't it ?

But...following the belly laugh at this latest outlandish request....

Believe it or not...

There is an individual on the Sun City Anthem board who actually is willing to GRANT YET ANOTHER having it placed on a formal agenda for a full vote by the Sun City Anthem board !

As as yet, that individual has not been identified, but our suspicions are that Jean Capiluppo, the Board liason to Cafe the one who is leading the charge to allow this damaging change.

After all, she has NEVER voted to curtail ANY ASSOCIATION EXPENDITURE when it comes to Cafe V !

We will know the outcome of that Board Agenda Action Item on Thursday, July 23, 2015 when the board meets to decide on that request.


We will report which board member(s) DID and DID NOT vote to grant that additional concession.

In the meantime, between now and then, we HIGHLY SUGGEST that you write each board member with your feelings on this matter.

You can obtain their email addresses by clicking on this link:

...and if possible, attending the Board Book meeting on Tuesday morning at 9:30am at Anthem Center and the Board meeting on Thursday, at 1:30pm at Freedom Hall.

As to our opinion, the very thought of granting even one additional concession to an organization that has "used" our association's generosity to the extent they already have, is beyond making any attempt to rationally understand this proposed action.

It's time to tell this board....

...they were elected to represent the HOMEOWNERS...not...a TENANT who has abused every opportunity given to them by Sun City Anthem !

...and don't forget to share your thoughts with us as well.

Send us an email at:

Anthem Opinions Administration

  1. From Al Opinions

    I feel that any and all board members who added changes and voted for them should be removed from the board.
    If Cafe V can't abide by the original lease, he should be closed down for not living up to his lease!

    Maybe it is time to recall a few board members!!
  2. Al, you certainly aren't alone in your feelings.

    We have given EVERY member of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors an opportunity to explain their actions in the matter.

    Just once, I would like to have heard from a resident who supports their actions...but...NOT A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL HAS DONE SO.

    What does that tell you about their commitment to "representing the people" when they make decisions that ignore their pleas for common sense and instead, needlessly waste association funds?

    Would any of them spend their own money to finance a place with this type of track record? Better yet, is there ANYONE OUT THERE who would invest their money in a business the members of this board OWNED and OPERATED ?

    My guess is that would NEVER HAPPEN.

    Why? Because bureaucrats are experts at saying "do as I say, not as I do"...

    ..and my goodness, that certainly fits this group comprised of inexperienced "know-it-alls" who never seem to consult those who have had the knowledge that allowed them to have had successful careers.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if JUST ONCE...some of them could actually say...


    My experience with those incapable of ever admitting an error, has almost always resulted in a lack of communication resulting in ineffective leadership skills...that that seems to fit the description in this case.
  3. From Barbara Opinions

    Interesting info on the restaurant.

    What really scares me is that this board has enough power to now go to self management without a vote of all the homeowners.

    Just hope that they are bonded when we do that, or they will steal us blind.

    1. From Bud Opinions

      Would ABC Channel 13 "Working for You" get the Board's attention on an HOA Hall of Shame report ?


  1. From Al Opinions

    I feel that any and all board members who added changes and voted for them should be removed from the board.
    If Cafe V can't abide by the original lease, he should be closed down for not living up to his lease!

    Maybe it is time to recall a few board members!!

  2. Al, you certainly aren't alone in your feelings.

    We have given EVERY member of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors an opportunity to explain their actions in the matter.

    Just once, I would like to have heard from a resident who supports their actions...but...NOT A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL HAS DONE SO.

    What does that tell you about their commitment to "representing the people" when they make decisions that ignore their pleas for common sense and instead, needlessly waste association funds?

    Would any of them spend their own money to finance a place with this type of track record?

    My guess is that would NEVER HAPPEN.

    Why? Because bureaucrats are experts at saying "do as I say, not as I do"...

    ..and my goodness, that certainly fits this group comprised of inexperienced "know-it-alls" who never seem to consult those who have have the knowledge that allowed them to have had successful careers.

    Wouldn't it be just wonderful if JUST ONCE...some of them could actually say...


    My experience with those incapable of ever admitting an error, has almost always resulted in a lack of communication resulting in ineffective leadership skills...that that seems to fit the description in this case.

  3. From Barbara Opinions

    Interesting info on the restaurant.

    What really scares me is that this board has enough power to now go to self management without a vote of all the homeowners.

    Just hope that they are bonded when we do that, or they will steal us blind.

  4. From Bud Opinions

    Would ABC Channel 13 "Working for You" get the Board's attention on an HOA Hall of Shame report ?
