Information Pages

Saturday, September 5, 2015

We Made A Change Because of Your Emails

An Anthem Opinions Improvement
..and hopefully, we got better !

We read our emails often...and...we've made a change as a result. 

It appears that a number of our readers have had questions regarding the comments people have made to our articles, and their ability to find them.

So...we solved the problem.

Each time a new subject is published and we obtain comments from you, we now post them AT THE CONCLUSION of the respective article.

If you are one of our many subscribers, you will continue to receive an email when a new piece is published; however, if you choose to read 
the comments of others, just follow these simple steps:

1. Pull up the Anthem Opinions website:

(you may want to save this to your "Favorites" list for future reference)

2. Go to the respective article you wish to view.

     (Did you know we have a search option on the far lefthand corner of the Anthem Opinions main screen?

3. Scroll down the end of the article.


...each comment will be posted in the order in which we received them.

We hope this change will better assist you in "finding" the thoughts of your neighbors.

Most importantly, we thank all of you for being a vital part of Anthem Opinions.

Anthem Opinions Administration

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