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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Board Member Urges Residents to "Keep the Faith"

Anthem Opinions has received an important statement from a Sun City Anthem Board member that we are pleased to bring to your attention.

Our publication welcomes such correspondence from Board members in order to develop an understanding between unit owners and those chosen to represent them... an effort to "break the ice" between the two elements of the community....

...something no other community publication has yet to achieve...

...namely, a sincere attempt and desire for two way communication.

We have now had articles written by  Directors James Mayfield and now this latest by Carl Weinstein....the two individuals who, in our judgment, have demonstrated attempts to allow residents to understand Board decisions.

And...we invite the five remaining directors to share their thoughts with the public through our publication.

Of course...we also actively look forward to YOUR COMMENTS as well.
Send us an email at:

They will be posted beneath the article in the Information Page.

Anthem Opinions Administration

Sun City Anthem Director
Asks Residents for Patience & Understanding


Carl Weinstein
Board Director
Sun City Anthem


Click on our Information Page

"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    The grapevine from a number of my data base participants is that Carl does talk out of BOTH sides of his mouth. He has forgotten that many "naysayers" helped him get elected as a Board of Directors and expectations are high.

    There is NO choice at this point except to welcome the new General Manager, but there IS strong concern about her lack of experience, namely 900 vs 7,144 HOA residents.

    Another concern is the various unknown additional expenses (employee salaries and insurance benefits for additional help).

    It goes without saying she was offered an exceptionally generous salary and benefit package, for her background with small HOA's.

    Time will tell.

    No one would like to be more optimistic than I would, but history has proven differently.

    The one thing Carl is right about us that we need GOOD board candidates, but with NO affiliation to the Existing board or past board of directors, with few exceptions.

    Residents need Four to have majority vote and change the direction of Sun City Anthem.

    Promises are made easily during campaigns but residents input and involvement in major issues have been ignored.

    A change is needed immediately and is long overdue, in my opinion.

    Residents that contact me aren't negative, they are genuinely concerned and are encouraged to contact the "source" (all board of directors or committee chairpersons).

    Sadly, for the most part, it's not working (according to residents) and responses to specifics are few and far between.
    Will this change with self management?

    Again, time will tell.

  2. From Board Director Carl Opinions

    I think I need to explain further my intent when I outlined some of the qualifications a resident ought to have to run for the Board.

    As you know there have been complaints every year that some residents run on a "ticket" even though it may not be advertised as such.

    Usually the "ticket" wins.

    What I am saying is that the modest group of residents who would like change or something better, ought to stand together and provide a "ticket" .

    You have your chance this coming February 2016 as there will be three vacant Board positions.

    What I am saying is that your "ticket" should meet some of the standard qualifications I outlined in my last message.

    The candidates you put forward can disagree with the current situation.

    I am certain that there must be some moderate residents who disagree with the current situation who can run.

    It's time you got into the "heat of the kitchen!"

  3. From Hollis Opinions

    I’m sorry… but as I first heard of the idea that the board had proposed a self-management plan, all I could think of was “incompetency”, possible “corruption”, and complete “disaster”, given the history of our BODs! This is a perfect example, and I fear that this is just the “tip” of controversy.

    I hardly even heard of the reason for self-management being to “save” money. And this salary alone is almost more than the salaries of BOTH my wife & myself when we had professional positions, with employees reporting to us……

    When will we learn…..?
