Information Pages

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Board Director's Statement Regarding Self-Management

Sun City Anthem Board Director, Jim Mayfield. has asked Anthem Opinions to publish this notification concerning the impending Sun City Anthem move to self-management that will commence on April 1, 2016.

As you will see,  in Jim's opinion, he has made it clear that this new path WILL and SHOULD include participation from members as we embark on this experiment that will affect our community....

...a message never before made by a Board member...and welcomed by those of us who believe "the People" are entitled to an unbiased and caring attitude by members of our Board of Directors.

Anthem Opinions Administration

Governance...What's Next ?

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Jim Mayfield
Sun City Anthem

I have received feedback from various people that the Governance Presentation this week did not provide specifics on the concepts presented.  This feedback is accurate. 

The Governance Presentation this week was designed to lay out a well defined strategic framework and specific definitions that Board members, SCA GM, committee members, and the community at-large will be expected to use in the work that lies ahead.

The President is creating a schedule for community workshops to begin a highly public dialogue on how the concepts will be implemented and their effect on the organization of the Board, the committees, other advisory groups, and the roles of SCA Members in governance. 

I expect these workshops will drive out and resolve differences in expectations and positions regarding the roles of volunteers, including Board members, within our community, and details about the roles of management in managing our association. 

Once the schedule is announced, I hope Members of SCA will actively participate in the discussion process.

The process will be about change.  My experience is that when people talk about change, it is usually within a context of expecting others to change. 
Power sharing, both formal and informal, will have to change if self-management is to be successful. 

Questions involving the role of advisory groups, including the standing committees, will have to be asked and answered in the process.

Regardless of the structures selected, the emphasis of volunteer groups will have to change in order to support the responsibilities listed in the Governance Presentation, including staying out of the management responsibilities listed in the Governance Presentation.

I am looking forward to a robust evaluation and assessment process with hopes of high community participation. 

I also encourage that the discussion of governance be central to the questions posed to Board candidates this year.

Just remember, SCA will have to give up its theme song--

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--in order to move forward.

Got a comment on Mr. Mayfield's statement?

Send it to:

  1. From Lawrence Opinions

    To Jim Mayfield.

    Thank you for speaking to this subject, and one that surely will require some clarification on duties during and after the upcoming transition.

    I have always been an advocate for communication such as this from Boards.

    The article will certainly raise questions and concerns; as it should.

    Being a relatively new resident at Sun City Anthem I am particularly glad to see the call for more community participation.

    Your guidance through this process is much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. From Lawrence Opinions

    To Jim Mayfield.

    Thank you for speaking to this subject, and one that surely will require some clarification on duties during and after the upcoming transition.

    I have always been an advocate for communication such as this from Boards.

    The article will certainly raise questions and concerns; as it should.

    Being a relatively new resident at Sun City Anthem I am particularly glad to see the call for more community participation.

    Your guidance through this process is much appreciated.
