Information Pages

Saturday, January 23, 2016

It's Sun City Anthem Election Season

Anthem Opinions
2016 Sun City Anthem Board Candidates
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Within the past few days, Anthem Opinions has contacted a number of individuals who have declared themselves to be candidates for the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors 2016 election.
In the spirit of our dedication to provide you accurate information and allow you, the voting members of our community, to determine the individual(s) best qualified to represent you, we have offered them an opportunity to make a number of statements over the coming weeks regarding various issues of importance to the well-being of our association.
We made this offer...contingent on one requirement on our part....that they answer EACH and EVERY question you might pose to them
Those questions and their responses will be posted beneath the various statements the candidates will make over the coming weeks.
This will not entail just one statement.  In fact, we plan to have a number of statements from the candidates over the campaign period and WILL NOT EDIT their contents in ANY WAY.
We know that few of you attend formal debates because in many cases, audience participation is limited...and no more than a hundred people normally attend. 
(Perhaps that topic itself might be considered as to how additional participation might be encouraged.)
Our objective is to avoid the matter of "asking a neighbor or friend who should I vote for", biased blog endorsements...or even worse, not casting a ballot at all.
So we ask all of you who care about the well-being of Sun CIty Anthem to participate in this process in making an intelligent decision as to who you best believe has the strongest credentials to guide us through the most transitional period of the seventeen year existence of Sun City Anthem.....self-management.
Look for our first candidate statement within the next day or two.
Anthem Opinions Administration

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