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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sun City Anthem Searches Restaurant Options ... An Anthem Opinions Editorial (Part Three of Four)

Restaurant Mania
It's Getting as Old as Many of Us
It's Time We Get it Right !

Part Three of Four

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This third installment of our "white paper con job" critique has to do with common merits of a self-managed restaurant.

It's getting close to a year since we last had a restaurant of our own.

And here's an interesting observation !

Somehow I haven't seen many people around "the hood" lose much weight since Anthem Restaurant Partners hit the road, have you?

And believe it or not...somehow our community has survived without a bistro...despite the "cries" of the SELFISH FEW who say it's a "must".

All one has to do is examine not merely the comments by Anthem Opinions readers addressing our initial two articles and Director Mayfield's intelligent and well thought out comments, but those on other publications as well.

We survived and found alternatives that represented NO COST to unit owners.

And...the arguments for any eatery, private or leased,  have more holes in them than...

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Supposed "experts" said our property values would decline without one, yet I haven't seen many homes decline in value over the past year, have any of you? 

Doug Proudfit's numbers that appear as an insert in each Spirit magazine show steadily increasing prices as each month passes, and a recent comment by one of our readers, after examining Mr. Proudfit's reports have the past two years...

The value of our Sun City Anthem homes have increased from $176 to $178 per square foot.

During the past 17 years buyers have been paraded through Anthem Center looking at SHUTTERED LOSING RESTAURANTS...over and over again....

...the last one....making it...

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in a row
in the


Conclusion....What a ruse ! 

Obviously seeing the last joint shuttered, hasn't had much of an affect on people refusing to buy into our community, has it ?

Sales are at perhaps the most rapid pace in years.

So much for that malarkey about property values increasing by having a private restaurant !

We have another contingency who is a vast proponent of wanting another eatery to grace our premises....

...the ones who say they "need" something close by because of their inability to travel !

Our response to that is simple:

If you can get to a casino to drop those social security checks, you can somehow make it to a restaurant on the way...and if you choose to eat at one of those casinos, chances are they'll buy you one meal if you buy one yourself.

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And...if distance is still a problem....all you need to do  is travel 3-4 blocks from Anthem Center and ....

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(And for those who still believe a restaurant enhances our property values, what prospective buyer wouldn't believe Buckman's isn't  an integral part of Sun City Anthem while they cruise Hampton Road and are dazzled by the Revere Golf Course on one side with a"restaurant" on the top of the hill offering such a magnificent view?)

But on this subject there's something that overrides even common sense.

Sun City Anthem is billed as a...

 "55+ INDEPENDENT LIVING community"

If you can't make it out of here to eat, then it's time to come to ONE of perhaps TWO conclusions:

Make arrangements to have your meals delivered to you.

(Meals on Wheels is a constant visitor to our community for those individuals.)


You shouldn't be living here ! 

We don't want to sound cold or uncompassionate , but that was the deal when you moved here; you agreed to live in a community that provided an atmosphere for seniors who had the capability of self-sufficiency....

...and to expect the many who still are mobile to somehow compromise their lifestyles as a result, INCREASING THEIR PERSONAL ASSESSMENTS to cater to such needs, is not, and never was, PART OF THAT ARRANGEMENT.

With these facts in mind, let's not forget that any restaurant decision belongs in the hands of a population who live within its boundaries... individuals who over the years are made some of the most costly financial errors and have failed to listen to those who elected them.

To make such a decision requires FULL DISCLOSURE as to what any such restaurant (if any) is going to entail...

...especially its COST to all of us.

Director Mayfield's publication made it EFFECTIVELY CLEAR...that there are many aspects of any arrangement that require COMPLETE ANALYSIS before our community embarks on any such EXPENSIVE venture.

But in addition to a proper analysis.... can longer deny that after...

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...resulting from the decisions made by a revolving "musical  chair seven"....'s time common sense should also be included in the decision to accomplish any form of success, and that means...

Do this thing a lot differently than previous times.

And so...rather than acknowledging HIS SUPPORTED  BOARD CANDIDATES AND ELECTED OFFICIALS COST THE ASSOCIATION THOUSANDS of DOLLARS in poor management decisions....

...that  their track record in making such decisions......

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... our "white paper con job" recommends another approach....

"A Do--It-Yourself Operation"

Here's the "sound idea" he's come up with.

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But...keep in mind that the previous tenant couldn't even come up with $1,000 per month in rent, pay his utilities, or pay us the $40,000 owed to YOU as a unit owner through improper financial vetting.

His idea is to pay a manager a salary of $50,000 to $75,000 per year, and without coming up with other numbers, it appears the manager will also do the cooking.

Obviously we'd get a "burger flipper" for $50,000 and perhaps an unemployed Sous Chef for $75,000.

Ok, looking at my calculator, that would mean we'd have to come up with between $4,167 and $6,250 EACH MONTH just to pay that salary.

Now we need others in the kitchen to help that individual prepare the meals, and for the sake of argument, let's say we need three such individuals at $25,000 per year. 

 (an amount that will surely promote loyalty to our association creating an economic incentive to work for us, and even allow them enough money to rent a trailer in downtown Henderson in order that they won't have to travel a great distance to obtain food stamps)

Add in another $6,250 per month.

Now we're up to between $10,417 to $12,500 per month.

Of course we also have to have servers for the "vast number" of RESIDENTS ONLY it will have to serve.

Remember...a Self-Managed Amenity operation EXCLUDES ALL NON-UNIT OWNERS...which of course, reduces the prospective market.

Let's further assume we have only 5 servers at about $5.00 per hour (the rest will be tips). 

Assuming the place is open for 6 hours each day, 5 people at $5 per hour = $150.00 per day or an additional $4,500 per month.

(Double this if the minimum wage is increased to $10 per hour if particular candidates who support this measure are elected in November)

Now were up to between $14,917 to $17,000 per month.

LIke your food hot?  Your drinks cold?  Don't want to eat in 115 degree heat?

I guess that means we need utilities too...Let's say the water and electricity add an additional $3,000 per month.

Now we're up to between $17,917 to $20,000 per month.

And oh yes.....FOOD.

Let's say the place serves 50 people per day or 1,500 per month (which likely is a lot more than the previous bistro).

At cost, let's say the food cost amounts to only $5 per person, an extremely conservative number.  That adds an additional $7,500 per month.

(no fries or pickle with the burger)

Now we're up to between $25,417 to $27,500 per month.

(One again, remember...that last tenant couldn't pay $1,000 per month)


$305,004* to $330,000*

*Note we have NOT included liability insurance, workers compensation, or the cost of any fringe employee benefits which will add to these amounts....

...or the affects of an income tax  form change that would have to be used as per Director Mayfield's article.

With these costs in mind, let's now address the "traffic" issue....people patronizing the restaurant.

Once again, let's be conservative in our cost analysis.

Assume that we have those 50 people per day served something. 

 (that's a lot more then the previous restaurant....unless we include our Board Members)

Let's also "go big" hiring the Manager who is also the Sous Chef.

Breaking down 18,000 meals served over a 12 month period with a VERY conservative annual cost of  $330,000....

What would each patron have to spend to break even ?


Want to take a guest and add a 15% tip?

Total cost of YOUR BURGER without fries or pickle
for that  "casual" meal with a friend....



Either we...




Our "white paper con" has made a statement such numbers are within our budgetary constraints.

Another con job....something can't be included in a budgetary constraint unless THAT MONEY IS PLACED THERE for THAT PURPOSE TO START WITH ... and we doubt that any item would be included....

...unless OPEN REVOLUTION was expected !

As you can see, the self-management idea proposed by a blogger whose success rate at any restaurant recommendation is NIL...has no relevant experience on which to draw ANY conclusion, and has ignored any realistic cost projections in his "white paper con" (other than making a senseless statement that it is "within budget constraints", has once again, produced yet another example of "pitching an idea" by only telling "part of the story."

Our conclusion is obvious when you look at the cost numbers.

That "white paper" belongs in the same category as the "white paper" you see when you visit a restroom !  

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What next, buy a meal, get a free round of mini-golf ????

Another idea floating around to "sell" another restaurant is a "workshop"...something that "sounds good", but in reality, will likely  produce results that will, if history repeats, accomplish NOTHING....

...because it's been obvious in the past, what YOU WANT is rarely what THEY WANT....

...unless ...

YOU, your NEIGHBORS, and FRIENDS within the community show up IN MASSES and make your feelings CLEARLY AND LOUDLY KNOWN.

Tell those Board Members...specifically Rex Weddle , Bella  Meese, Tom Nissen,  and OUR NEWEST MACHINE CONTROLLED WAFFLERS...Bob Burch, and Aletta Waterhouse...who have clearly demonstrated their inexperienced leadership since election...

..coupled with the journalistic DARK SIDE OF COMMUNICATION through wheeling and dealing HIS BACKDOOR communications trying to sell his CONSISTENTLY ill conceived and MONEY LOSING propositions....

This time..."the people" mean more than ANY OF THEM, that our message appears very clear from the masses....


We are sick and tired of your decisions that have COST US THOUSANDS OF UNECESSARILY SPENT DOLLARS....




Last but not least is the timing of the 9:00am on Tuesday, September 27th ...a date that in many cases, unit owners who are "snowbirds" will not yet have returned to further reduce attendance.

In our estimation this should have been conducted in late October or November when most of those "snowbirds" would have returned.


If you, our readers agree with what we are saying,  but do not clearly communicate your feelings to this board, they WILL continue to do what they choose...

And that MEANS....


There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT that Board Secretary, Bella Meese,  WILL support a restaurant as she has again and again, despite the substantial losses sustained.

She has continually demonstrated a "let them eat cake" ..."I'm entltled"...attitude toward spending...and that, after 2+ terms on a Board will NEVER CHANGE.

Thomas Nissen,  the Association Treasurer, whose recent reelection was so tainted that NO ONE BELIEVED HE WOULD REGAIN HIS SEAT, much less being the top vote getter, was an INSULT TO THE INTELLIGENCE of EVERY HONEST UNIT OWNER in Sun City Anthem.

Nissen's record of RECKLESS spending, and close association with Meese will undoubtedly cause him to AGAIN, vote for another restaurant.

Rex Weddle, the association president, and chief architect of IMPROPER MAILINGS TO ensure Nissen's reelection, will also likely vote for another restaurant.

Why will these individuals do so?

TO SAVE somehow look for yet another reason to justify their Freewheeling past in which all voted again and again, to "finance"  Anthem Restaurant Partners that resulted in TOTAL LOSS in the thousands.

Waterhouse and Burch?

Based on past performance, they too will "go along to get along".

Neither will "buck any system".

They are who they are...inexperienced BUREAUCRATS who need the acceptance of a "system" to survive.

That sadly leaves only one possibility of avoiding another financial calamity....

YOU...and...YOUR VOICE...



at the September 27th meeting.

If you have any concern for the financial well-being of our community, we suggest you first express your feelings to the board members by email.

Here are the email addresses for your convenience.

...and tell your friends and neighbors this session will be more important than any mah jongg game or any other activity in Sun City Anthem or elsewhere.


...that this time they MUST MAKE THE TIME...

...or face the dire consequences of yet another substantial loss and potential ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT to their annual dues.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now it's your turn !

Your thoughts on the numbers or concerns ?

Can this concept succeed and are you willing to increase your dues assessment to ensure that outcome?

The last time this was asked, only 4.4% of all unit owners responded favorably to a dues increase. 

Will that change?

Send us your comments to:

Part Four
Our Idea...Do it Right

  1. From Donna & Marty Opinions

    As the money talks, and B.S. walks, "they" will continually say, "this time it'll work, give it a chance….NOT" Once again it'll be another loser. Why (?), because they DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY DON'T KNOW!

    Until "they figure out that (as an example) that we just got a new restaurant at the Albertson shopping center, and we just got a new restaurant next door to Kneaders called S & P.

    Three restaurants! And so much diversity between them too.

    Oh sure, maybe "they" have a bunch of people that are already there at the Independence Center,, but the numbers, as you point out won't cut it.

    Give it up!

    If as you say, 4% want it and are willing to pay for it, then give them the opportunity to "invest in it."

    Let them take all the responsibility. You know that'll let the wind out of their sails after a while.

    Let them put their money where their mouths are.

    I for one, am so tired of the madness.
  2. From Opinions

    As a home owner of 3 properties, I'm appalled to learn of our Board considering another failing restaurant.

    That's all I have to say........
    1. Everyone seems to be missing the obvious solution. Give the restaurant space to the group that is running the coffee bar. Just as with the coffee bar SCA could provide free rent and overhead and would require no reporting from the group regarding finances. At the coffee bar they make a tidy profit ($20,000 +) and give back some (unknown) portion to the clubs. Might even be able to get free labor from the clubs like they do now. And, because it is run by the Foundation Assisting Seniors there would be a perception, whether true or not, that by patronizing the restaurant the clientele would be benefiting seniors somewhere. Certainly if the tax situation allows the coffee bar then it should allow the restaurant. Heck, the Foundation might even be able to start a meals on wheels type program to serve the entire valley using the catering capabilities. A win-win for all!

      I say give the space to the Foundation to run.

      We could have great menu items on there too:
      The Weddle Waffling Waffle
      The Waterhouse Watermelon Salad
      The Nissen Negligible (Surplus) Nachos
      The Meese Monster Meatloaf
      The Burch Busting Burrito
      Carls’ Capable Cocktails
      And last but not least . . . . . . .
      Mayfield’s Magnificent Texas Toast
  1. From Ro & Jay Opinions

    Great article on the restaurant!

    Will definitely forward your article to others in hopes they will attend. 


  1. From Donna & Marty Opinions

    As the money talks, and B.S. walks, "they" will continually say, "this time it'll work, give it a chance….NOT" Once again it'll be another loser. Why (?), because they DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY DON'T KNOW!

    Until "they figure out that (as an example) that we just got a new restaurant at the Albertson shopping center, and we just got a new restaurant next door to Kneaders called S & P.

    Three restaurants! And so much diversity between them too.

    Oh sure, maybe "they" have a bunch of people that are already there at the Independence Center,, but the numbers, as you point out won't cut it.

    Give it up!

    If as you say, 4% want it and are willing to pay for it, then give them the opportunity to "invest in it."

    Let them take all the responsibility. You know that'll let the wind out of their sails after a while.

    Let them put their money where their mouths are.

    I for one am so tired of the madness.

  2. From Opinions

    As a home owner of 3 properties, I'm appalled to learn of our Board considering another failing restaurant.

    That's all I have to say............

  3. Everyone seems to be missing the obvious solution. Give the restaurant space to the group that is running the coffee bar. Just as with the coffee bar SCA could provide free rent and overhead and would require no reporting from the group regarding finances. At the coffee bar they make a tidy profit ($20,000 +) and give back some (unknown) portion to the clubs. Might even be able to get free labor from the clubs like they do now. And, because it is run by the Foundation Assisting Seniors there would be a perception, whether true or not, that by patronizing the restaurant the clientele would be benefiting seniors somewhere. Certainly if the tax situation allows the coffee bar then it should allow the restaurant. Heck, the Foundation might even be able to start a meals on wheels type program to serve the entire valley using the catering capabilities. A win-win for all!

    I say give the space to the Foundation to run.

    We could have great menu items on there too:
    The Weddle Waffling Waffle
    The Waterhouse Watermelon Salad
    The Nissen Negligible (Surplus) Nachos
    The Meese Monster Meatloaf
    The Burch Busting Burrito
    Carls’ Capable Cocktails
    And last but not least . . . . . . .
    Mayfield’s Magnificent Texas Toast

  4. From Ro & Jay Opinions

    Great article on the restaurant!

    Will definitely forward your article to others in hopes they will attend.
