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Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Mayoral Candidate's Take on Henderson City Council Decisions

Something New in Anthem Opinions
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During the recent Henderson Mayoral race, Anthem Opinions was fortunate to hear from all individuals who declared themselves as candidates.
After viewing the material and attending the Emerald Island sponsored debate at the Henderson Convention Center on March 27, 2017,  I was fortunate to have a conversation with one of the candidates, Crystal Hendrickson.
Ms. Hendrickson was defeated in the election; however, what impressed me was her videos located on her election website, showing her active participation as a Henderson resident at most City Council meetings....
...information we thought would be invaluable to Anthem Opinions readers.
Following the election, I contacted Ms. Hendrickson and asked if she would like to write an occasional article as to...
Whats-Going-On.png (307×165) our corner of Nevada.
She kindly accepted our invitation.
Today, we would like to present her first article...hopefully the first of many to to "the lastest Henderson happenings".
We hope you will join us in thanking her for her participation in providing her input to Sun City Anthem and the various Anthem communities.
Development at all Costs

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Crystal Hendrickson
Click on our Information Page
"Nevada Know How"



  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Editorial written by Crystal Hendrickson excellent, a great addition to Anthem Opinions.

    Corruption continues, it seems, by these facts.

  2. From Mike Opinions

    Thank you Crystal and Welcome to Anthem Opinions...It will be enlightening to read your informed Articles and we look forward to them.
