Information Pages

Friday, April 28, 2017

Delays with Ombudsman Complaints Dictate Transfer to Attorney General

Departing Board Director Urges
Your Assistance in Passing
Nevada Legislation Reforming
Nevada Real Estate Division

Logo_NV_DBI.jpg (711×88)
an article by
Jim Mayfield
Board Director
Sun City Anthem
Click on our Information Page
"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Rana Opinions

    One thing that you missed in what you have written here and what you stated Jim, regarding the problems with the real estate division and expenses of IAs.

    Expenses of long drawn out responses being past backwards to HOA association staff would not happen if the board of directors addressed the problem with the homeowner when the certified letter is received in the first place.

    As you know, that is the very first step in a homeowner's complaint with the division.

    If this were done, many of those complaints would never reach the division to begin with.

  2. From Rima Opinions

    This is the letter sent to Nevada legislators:

    Dear Sirs,

    For the benefit and welfare of the HOA Sun City Anthem Community and its residents, myself and husband included, we strongly recommend the passage of SB114 for the following reasons:

    1) The passage of SB114 will provide much needed protection for our senior citizen community residents, much of whom depend on living on a fixed income in an HOA community.

    2) the lack of passage of SB114 may cause a financial burden to the State of Nevada in the form of welfare, and in the end; will defeat its purpose. Thus the State will be biting its nose to spite its face.

    Not passing SB114 will cause senior citizens unnecessary additional expenses and will only put an additional burden on the State of Nevada's welfare system.

    Rima & Dan Barsel

  3. Well said, Rima & Dan. Anthem Opinions and the caring residents of Sun City Anthem, salute you.
