Information Pages

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sun City Anthem Resident Happy to See 6 Year Director Leave Office

Resident Tim Stebbins has been the author of a number of Anthem Opinions political articles in our "Nevada Know How" Information Page.

He attends almost all of Sun City Anthem Board meetings, has testified to members of the Nevada legislature and State Senate, attended numerous sessions of the Nevada Real Estate Division, and has met with the Nevada Ombudsman.

Over the years many in the Sun City Anthem community have considered him our "NRS 116 expert".

Resident Looks at Record of Departing Board Member
Bella Meese

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 Tim Stebbins 

After attending the Sun City Anthem Board meeting on Thursday, April 27, 2017, I came away with an entirely different attitude of departing Board Secretary and past President, Bella Meese then she did of herself.

Mrs. Meese decided to boast about her accomplishments during her 6 year stay on the Sun City Anthem board of directors.

In her remarks as she leaves the board, Bella Meese stated she was proud of the video promoting SCA as a wonderful place to live.

That seems a bit ironic.

The video focuses on the physical amenities of SCA that we all agree are very nice...

...but conveniently leaves out how SCA residents have suffered under the governance of really bad board directors including:

1. "Beating up" on handicapped little old ladies like Penny Vesco and
getting SCA on the channel 13 "Hall of Shame".

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Only the efforts of heroic residents like Forrest Fetherolf saved her.

2. Knowingly and deliberately over charging assessments on homeowners of millions of dollars and knowingly and deliberately violating State law by not returning the surplus to the homeowners.

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3. Knowingly and deliberately violating IRS requirements saying that was acceptable because chances are they will never get caught...

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...but they did get caught in an IRS audit and had to pay substantial fines and penalties.

4. Knowingly spending association funds to provide buses for a presidential candidate that was unauthorized by fellow board members.

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5. Knowingly agreeing to below prime rate interest loans to a restaurant operator who was not properly vetted, with Sun City Anthem losing $40,000 as a result.

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You may think of even more cases of bad acts by various members of the board.

There are many "thorns" in the Sun City Anthem "rose".

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We can only hope such destructive acts in which she heavily contributed, are behind us.
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Got a comment to Mr. Stebbin's article?
Send it to us at:
  1. From Robert Opinions

    If History is any indication, Tim's hope of "We can only hope such destructive acts in which she heavily contributed, are behind us." is unfortunately unfounded.

    It is similar to the Berkeley Student demonstrations:

    take out one protest cell and there's one waiting in the wings.....or maybe it's a case where 'incompetence and corruption abhors a vacuum'?
  1. From Marty Opinions

    As to our "wonderful" Ms. Meese…

    "Good riddance."

    I don't know if we as a community will be better, but we surely could be worse. As you have noted, seemingly all she has brought to the community is her brand of running the type organization where it was "my way or the highway."

    I for one am glad to see her out.

    Unfortunately she still has to creep into other endeavors like our other loser, "Jean Capillupo.

    They just keep coming, don't they!
    1. From Karen Opinions

      Was I asleep at the wheel and missed hearing that Bella Meese was leaving the SCA Board?

      I don't remember seeing that juicy tidbit in any earlier Anthem Opinions or I would have thrown a big party.

      By the way, did the association ever recoup the financial loss from the Democratic Bus fiasco from her?

      Or does the Association need to wait until she's off the Board before going after her for her lack of fiduciary responsibility?
  2. Karen.

    Close your eyes, and what do you see?

    That's what SCA recouped for the buses...
  4.               She is now gone...consider it "the price you pay" to rid yourself of corruption.
    1. Congratulations to Tim Stebbins for breaking a record at Anthem Opinions.

      His article about Bella Meese was "hit" a total of 3,379 times in the last 24 hours.

      That breaks a record by in excess of 600 "hits" in a single day and further establishes Anthem Opinions as the #1 read independent publication in the Anthem communities.

      To our readers...

      We send you..our sincere thanks.
      1. From Rana Opinions

        Dear Tim:

        The readership your comments on Anthem Opinions garnered are amazing. We don't have many residents who are willing to take a stand and say what they feel regardless of the flack they might draw.

        I'm proud of you, as I always have been, you are a man of principle and I am, and always have been so proud to call you my friend.
      2. From Valerie Opinions

        Thank you, Tim, for everything that you have done to make things better here at SCA.

        There are those that continually try to influence others to think and do what they believe to the detriment of this community.

        You are indeed a hero at SCA!
        1. From Robert Opinions

          Tim - congratulations on your Bella Meese article.

          Thank you for choosing Anthem Opinions for you article....

          That blog is THE source for information for Mature, Intelligent, and Unbiased SCA Residents seeking information not elsewhere found.

          I understand how much time it takes to prepare a factual narrative (as opposed to an opinionated diatribe), and I again thank you for your efforts.
        2. From Mary Lee Opinions

          Dear Tim:

          Just a short note to THANK YOU for your endless contributions to the residents of Sun City Anthem.

          You have researched EVERY issue, tirelessly, since we moved here in 2006 and continue make residents aware of issues that are important to all of us.

          Sadly, there are very few residents attending the monthly Board of Directors meetings and your continued presence is greatly appreciated.

          Questioning specifics and then sharing makes residents more aware of how Sun City Anthem is being run and what changes could benefit our Association. 
          1. From Marty Opinions


            Just a quick note to thank you for all you have done regarding this community (not that l personally think most are worthy of your hard work).

            That being said, you stand out as someone who deserves accolades for continuing a difficult endeavor in community issues.

            Thanks again.


  1. From Robert Opinions

    If History is any indication, Tim's hope of "We can only hope such destructive acts in which she heavily contributed, are behind us." is unfortunately unfounded.

    It is similar to the Berkeley Student demonstrations:

    take out one protest cell and there's one waiting in the wings.....or maybe it's a case where 'incompetence and corruption abhors a vacuum'?

  2. From Marty Opinions

    As to our "wonderful" Ms. Meese…

    "Good riddance."

    I don't know if we as a community will be better, but we surely could be worse. As you have noted, seemingly all she has brought to the community is her brand of running the type organization where it was "my way or the highway."

    I for one am glad to see her out.

    Unfortunately she still has to creep into other endeavors like our other loser, "Jean Capillupo.

    They just keep coming, don't they!

  3. From Karen Opinions

    Was I asleep at the wheel and missed hearing that Bella Meese was leaving the SCA Board?

    I don't remember seeing that juicy tidbit in any earlier Anthem Opinions or I would have thrown a big party.

    By the way, did the association ever recoup the financial loss from the Democratic Bus fiasco from her?

    Or does the Association need to wait until she's off the Board before going after her for her lack of fiduciary responsibility??

  4. Karen.

    Close your eyes, and what do you see?

    That's what SCA recouped for the buses...


    She is now gone...consider it "the price you pay" to rid yourself of corruption.

  5. Congratulations to Tim Stebbins for breaking a record at Anthem Opinions.

    His article about Bella Meese was "hit" a total of 3,379 times in the last 24 hours.

    That breaks a record by in excess of 600 "hits" in a single day and further establishes Anthem Opinions as the #1 read independent publication in the Anthem communities.

    To our readers...

    We send you..our sincere thanks.

  6. From Rana Opinions

    Dear Tim:

    The readership your comments on Anthem Opinions garnered are amazing. We don't have many residents who are willing to take a stand and say what they feel regardless of the flack they might draw.

    I'm proud of you, as I always have been, you are a man of principle and I am, and always have been so proud to call you my friend.

  7. From Valerie Opinions

    Thank you, Tim, for everything that you have done to make things better here at SCA.

    There are those that continually try to influence others to think and do what they believe to the detriment of this community.

    You are indeed a hero at SCA!

  8. From Robert Opinions

    Tim - congratulations on your Bella Meese article.

    Thank you for choosing Anthem Opinions for you article....

    That blog is THE source for information for Mature, Intelligent, and Unbiased SCA Residents seeking information not elsewhere found.

    I understand how much time it takes to prepare a factual narrative (as opposed to an opinionated diatribe), and I again thank you for your efforts.

  9. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Dear Tim:

    Just a short note to THANK YOU for your endless contributions to the residents of Sun City Anthem.

    You have researched EVERY issue, tirelessly, since we moved here in 2006 and continue make residents aware of issues that are important to all of us.

    Sadly, there are very few residents attending the monthly Board of Directors meetings and your continued presence is greatly appreciated.

    Questioning specifics and then sharing makes residents more aware of how Sun City Anthem is being run and what changes could benefit our Association.

  10. From Marty Opinions


    Just a quick note to thank you for all you have done regarding this community (not that l personally think most are worthy of your hard work).

    That being said, you stand out as someone who deserves accolades for continuing a difficult endeavor in community issues.

    Thanks again.
