Information Pages

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Character Assassin Strikes Again...This Time Against Newest Sun City Anthem Board Member

On the Job One Day and Already
Cronies Scared their World Has Been Rocked

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It  certainly didn't take long for an alternative blogger to turn his poison pen on Sun City Anthem's newest elected Board member, Nona Tobin.

Boy oh boy, does this remind those of you who were around in the past decade of things...when another reformer... tried "to make a difference"?

...and of course, when you're corrupt world has the potential of being "rocked", that conniving little peanut has done it again.... predicable as the sun rising each morning, even before a board chooses its officers, he's already gone into "attack mode" to destroy the character of Nona Tobin.

Is this new?  Of course not.  

Time to go back to a previous time in Sun City Anthem history when a man named Bob Frank ran for the Board.  Bob was a true reformer, and even served on the Nevada Real Estate Commission, appointed by Governor Sandoval.

...and in that election "way back when", he not only won, but  won in a landslide being the top vote getter among the entire pack...and to this day, holds the record of obtaining the greatest number of votes any elected Sun City Anthem Board member has ever obtained.

Was he expected to be voted as President of the association?

Of course, "the people", by way of the massive vote total fully anticipated it...

...but no...

"The boys in the back room" conspired to make sure that wouldn't happen. 

Sun City Anthem CCRs state that board officers are chosen by them and them alone; that they can "pow wow" and decide who does what.

Instead they chose the #3 vote getter, a man who ran FAR BEHIND Mr. Frank, as the President...

...but... make it look good, they "graciously" allowed Bob Frank to be the Vice President.

(note that Nona Tobin was also the #3 vote getter, but this time, the blogger brings that up as a negative)

...that is, "the cronies" realized that Frank was a bit too vocal and needed to be taught a lesson.

And so, one afternoon, in front of a crowd that I would estimate was in excess of 300 people, the "conspirators" decided to DEPOSE Mr. Frank as the Veep.

And as they say,  "the crowd went wild".

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People began to yell and scream, and Mike Dixon, the "boy's backroom choice for President", having heard a rumor that this action would not be the most popular decision the board would ever make, contacted the Henderson Police Department to curtail what he believed would be a "silver haired" riot.

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The "boys in blue" were ready, and Mike was escorted to his car in a flurry of boos and threats.

3986405.jpg (571×320) a result, when he completed his DICTATORIAL reign as President, he was never heard from or seen again.

Bob Frank on the other hand, decided to run for reelection, but by this time, the blogger had to make sure he wasn't elected and that began what has now become a continuous campaign to destroy him in any way possible, and that meant a continuous bombardment on Frank and his wife that still persists to this very day.

When Bob ran for reelection, he had a close association with another individual who was a former State Senator in California, a gruffy old gent who "pulled no punches", named John Briggs.

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John would be enticed to relocate from California by his "friends", George & Bella Meese.

You remember her?  

She also ran in that same election and LOST, but soon became dear buddies with that despicable blogger, and shall we say, in an effort to subsequently be elected in the years to come, became...

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"two peas in a pod"

John would campaign on a platform that Sun City Anthem had a "slush fund" that required excess funds to be returned to unit owners, a requirement, that if violated, could result in those funds being taxable income to the association.

...and the blogger had a field day in his constant barrage of insults hurled at both Frank and Briggs.

He was so determined to not only defeat them, but DESTROY them as well.

Regarding Briggs, he found evidence that while a State Senator in California, he had sponsored a bill in 1978....that's right, 30 years prior to that Sun City Anthem election, that would ban gays from teaching positions in the state.  Briggs was a friend of Anita Bryant, who joined him in supporting the bill.

The bill ACTUALLY PASSED in the California legislature and Senate, but subsequently vetoed by then Governor, Ronald Reagan.

Now folks, times have changed along with attitudes about those who are fellow citizens, and over the years those concerns and fears would thankfully wane...

...but...not to the blogger

This piece of "old news ammo" allowed him to paint Briggs as a racist.

But...Mr. Briggs, having been in a number of political battles in his life, decided to do a bit of homework on the character assassin who was the chief architect of defaming him... a result, uncovered the fact that "the one calling the kettle black" had a rather interesting past of his own...

...that he had previously lost a law license for forging a judge's signature and failing to perform his fiduciary responsibilities on behalf of a client.

Oh, the blogger would say his law license was "suspended", but in his mind, because he would claim he no longer enjoyed being an attorney, he decided NEVER TO APPLY FOR REINSTATEMENT... if any person with an IQ above 50 would retain an attorney with that on his resume.

He also had previously been elected to the Sun City Anthem Board, but that too didn't work out very well, failing to complete his term.

Now the table had turned....and...then one day, he decided to attend a Current Events meeting and straight from the Jerry Falwell playbook...

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... stated with tears in his eyes, he had sinned and that he was depressed when he committed those acts.

Oh boo hoo...cried the depressed blogger....

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.and the crowd fell for the act...

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It certainly didn't take long to make his vicious comeback, and as the years passed, his writings have not merely expressed disagreement, but have been an attack on numerous individual's character again and again.

"A leopard doesn't change his spots"

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..and that leopard has proven to attack victims again and again without mercy for one reason.... maintain a political machine that he needs for his very existence.

To have that machine die a needed death, would be a repudiation of everything he has done to control a community to a private end that, when one looks at the results of his actions, have been disaster after disaster, in supporting individuals who have done more financial damage than any organization can endure.'s at it again...this time, with complete predictability, he is now going after the latest threat to his very existence, Nona Tobin.

Let's face it...he didn't want Tobin on the Sun City Anthem Board, and in his typical conniving manner, decided to look for an expedient way to DESTROY her credibility and character...

This time...with a piece stating Ms. Tobin was at war with a Board.

The difference...

...this time the community is hopefully well aware of his motives after his same antics year after year, and will finally look at him for what he has always been...

...the most destructive force in the history of Sun City Anthem.

(And by the way, John Briggs turned out to be right about that slush fund as it took a few years for the IRS to finally settle the issue with Sun City Anthem paying a $100,000 fine plus accounting and legal fees)

Let's allow Nona to reform the mess and clean up the corruption that has existed for years...and became obvious by the election totals, that Sun City Anthem is now truly...

...ready for reform.

Anthem Opinions Administration
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Got a comment? 

Any of you out there remember "the riot"?

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  1. From SCA Opinions

    Thank you for enlightening the new people that live here about the deplorable history from actions of the Board and the "power" behind them.

    It's about time things change for the better.

    We have the "character assassin" to thank for all of the financial failures residents have had to shoulder as a result of his getting people elected that only get us deeper in debt and doing the community a huge disservice with their actions.

    Let's hope things will change for the better FINALLY!
    1. From Robet Opinions

      Seems that Ms. Tobin is determined to make necessary changes and flush the SCA toilet - and for that reason, is facing character-assassination. advice to the SCA Scourge and Assassin:

      Suck it up, Buttercup, even the reign of Vlad the Impaler didn't last forever.
  1. Excellent Dick!

    We needed this and needed this in the format you so poignantly stated. EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ THIS. Everyone needs to get behind Ms. Tobin. Flush the dogs down and write them off as a really bad debt. They're just evil people doing what they think is for them, and the way it works for them.
  2. From Al Opinions

    The Anthem world would be a bit brighter if he and his wife were asked to leave our community.

    Even newbies to this community are aware of his past reputation.


  1. From SCA Opinions

    Thank you for enlightening the new people that live here about the deplorable history from actions of the Board and the "power" behind them.

    It's about time things change for the better.

    We have the "character assassin" to thank for all of the financial failures residents have had to shoulder as a result of his getting people elected that only get us deeper in debt and doing the community a huge disservice with their actions.

    Let's hope things will change for the better FINALLY!

  2. From Robet Opinions

    Seems that Ms. Tobin is determined to make necessary changes and flush the SCA toilet - and for that reason, is facing character-assassination. advice to the SCA Scourge and Assassin:

    Suck it up, Buttercup, even the reign of Vlad the Impaler didn't last forever.

  3. Excellent Dick!

    We needed this and needed this in the format you so poignantly stated. EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ THIS. Everyone needs to get behind Ms. Tobin. Flush the dogs down and write them off as a really bad debt. They're just evil people doing what they think is for them, and the way it works for them.

  4. From Al Opinions

    The Anthem world would be a bit brighter if he and his wife were asked to leave our community.

    Even newbies to this community are aware of his past reputation.
