Information Pages

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Our Letter to the New Sun City Anthem Board Members

A Letter Sent to the Newest Members
The Sun City Anthem Board of Directors
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Art, Nona, and Forrest,

Anthem Opinions would like to congratulate the three of you on your recent election to the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.

As all of you know, our community is in deep need of reform, and we hope the next two years of your lives will be rewarding you...and to the Unit Owners of Sun City Anthem.

We promise to be fair in our reporting various association matters and encourage each of you to express your thoughts through our publication, which now reaches over 2,000 people in the Anthem communities each day.

We have no motive other than attaining a goal of fairness toward all SCA citizens, a goal we hope you too will embrace.

We congratulate when kudos are due, and criticize when they are not.

In the spirit of good faith, we do ask a few things in return.

Create an atmosphere making the residents of our beautiful community an integral part of it; that your decisions should be based on "looking out for them" as you would yourself.  

None of you were elected to create a "warm and fuzzy" atmosphere among yourselves.  

You were elected to represent the best interests of 7,144 owners that contribute in excess of $8,000,000 each year, an awesome responsibility that requires OPEN COMMUNICATION as to how those funds are spent.

Disagreement is GOOD; votes that are not unanimous express intelligent thought...and...are respected by your constituents.

"Going along with a crowd" to compromise a belief is compromising your INTEGRITY.

Look toward the many experienced individuals in SCA as an untapped source for guidance in matters you are not familiar. You would be amazed at how many people would enjoy a phone call looking for input before decisions are made, and how supportive of you they would be as a result.

Saying "I don't know" is not a sign of weakness as long as it is followed by "but I'll do my best to find out".

And unlike those of the past, feel free to abstain in voting matters you are not comfortable or have a lack of information in which to make an intelligent decision.

People know you are human; that mistakes are a part of life.  No one asks you to be perfect, and saying "I made a mistake" is a sign of courage, not weakness.

With these words, we welcome each of you to the governing body of Sun City Anthem.

Dick Arendt
Anthem Opinions
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Is there something you would like to tell these newly elected individuals?

Send us your thoughts and comment to:
  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Beautifully written, Dick.
  2. From Buddy Opinions

    Nicely done.
    1. From Mike Opinions

      Eloquently said Dick.

      I hope it changes direction of this board for the betterment of us all.
      1. From Marty Opinions


        Thank you for a beautifully crafted letter to the new board. I too would look forward to an open dialog, and without the necessary "closed door" policy of the previous boards.

        Secrets somehow turn into more secrets.

        Thanks for your efforts within the community, and the openness you provide.
        1. Thanks for your efforts within the community, and the openness you provide.
        2. If only they will listen !!!!


  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Beautifully written, Dick.

  2. From Buddy Opinions

    Nicely done.

  3. From Mike Opinions

    Eloquently said Dick.

    I hope it changes direction of this board for the betterment of us all.

  4. From Marty Opinions


    Thank you for a beautifully crafted letter to the new board. I too would look forward to an open dialog, and without the necessary "closed door" policy of the previous boards.

    Secrets somehow turn into more secrets.

    Thanks for your efforts within the community, and the openness you provide.
