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Monday, June 26, 2017

No Confidence Petition in Sun City Anthem General Manager

Petition of No Confidence
General Manager

sign-petition.png (232×166)

As petition requests and signatures continue to pour in regarding the removal of 4 Sun City Anthem Directors, a heightened atmosphere of change has evolved never before witnessed in Sun City Anthem.

The result...fear and desperation among those who have clung to a system that has wrought havoc on Sun City Anthem for years.

A new day has dawned, and it appears that change is in the air.

Today, we have the Petition of No Confidence that is being circulated in the Sun City Anthem community...

...with the result that FEW of those approached, have declined to sign the various petitions.

Those few who have brought disagreement are almost entirely composed of "old guard", the ones who have created and perpetuated the nightmare on which the recall petitions were based.

They are fighting to maintain a corrupt and inefficient system that has been nurtured for years.

We praise those who are looking for honesty and a "fair shake" in their governance, and our hats go out to those who are so passionate seeing change as the only viable alternative.

Once again, here are those wonderful individuals who have taken the time to make Sun City Anthem a better place.

We urge you to contact any of these individuals in order to complete the various petitions.

They are:
Robert N.

Renee R.
 Assistant Coordinator      

Marcia K.
Assistant Coordinator

Charlie W.
Contact Person

Erlinda P.
Contact Person

Dave C.
Contact Person

Eleanor S.
Contact Person

Here is the actual verbiage of the above referenced No Confidence Petition:


Click on our Information Page

"Nevada Know How"
  1. From Buddy Opinions

    Saw an article on the Berman blog which was obviously an act of desperation.

    It was entitled:

    A Distinguished Community Member Speaks Out

    After the laughter at the title, for some reason this "distinguished person" needs to be anonymous, and needs some kind of protection?

    From what?

    From business people without a PhD who might have actually succeeded in the real world instead of the textbook one?

    Now of course, this is going to be looked at as some kind of attack on an individual, when in fact, all that is being asked is a bit of clarification as to the identity of the author and why a person whose sole experience in the Educational field who happens to have a PhD in a tenured protective environment, is some kind of expert, yet lacks any relevant business experience.

    So Mr. Berman, in the spirit of fairness and balance, are you going to publish the opposing view so your declining subscriber base can get 2 sides and decide for themselves rather than to only see your biased comments?

    My comment is that ANYONE that wants to make comments in the hope of influencing others, should have the courage to be identified.

    Why would this commenter want to remain anonymous if he thinks he may at some point run for the board?

    Not very transparent, and certainly without any credibility.

    To put it in words you would understand, Mr. Berman, as it pertains to what you consider reporting,

    Enquiring Minds Want to Know
    1. Recently, former director Carl Weinstein made a statement on the Berman blog staring that he is of the belief those who disagree, should "move from Sun CIty Anthem"...that there is no place in Sun City Anthem for such individuals.

      We won't dignify our publication with his immature rhetoric; instead we suggest you examine it for yourself and draw your own conclusion as to its purpose OR merit.

      Mr. Weinstein's statement is representative as to WHY the recall petition(s) must be completed.

      It is that kind of attitude that has been representative of current and past leadership; a closed mindedness that is somewhat similar to what we have seen recently on national news barring individuals from expressing free speech, a right Americans died for, and I might add, guaranteed to every person who calls themselves an American, no matter what side of an aisle a person chooses. speech has different interpretations, and as far as Anthem Opinions is concerned, it can be abused through language offensive to those supposedly we call our neighbors.

      Disagreeing with those who hold alternative positions is part of the American way, but when individuals refer to those who disagree as "malcontents" or take a position of "like it or leave it" as many of our opponents seem to mimic day after day, we not only find that offensive, but childish and just another example of boorish bullying that these individuals inflict on others who merely take a different stance than the one they share.

      Rather than addressing the reasons people disagree, name calling seems to be their only weapon, a weapon immature individuals constantly display that should have ceased on a playground in their childhood.

      Anthem Opinions has NEVER told any person to leave their homes. We know that despite any differences, these properties represent the final aspect of our lives and have saved for during our working years.

      Yes, we may call some individuals incompetent, but those we do... ARE...

      ... due to NUMEROUS DOCUMENTED wasteful decisions of inexperienced and insecure people made again and again, without remorse or even attempting to correct. 
    2. From Rana Opinions

      In response to Carl Weinstein and anyone else who thinks as he does; part of our American way of life is the right to be conscientious objectors.

      To speak freely is a right given to us by the constitution, yet the moment any SCA resident objects to the 'establishment's behavior, people like Carl scream 'if you don't like it move!

      May I remind you, Carl, of the time you were part of a group calling themselves ACE?

      Why didn't you move then?
      1. Mr. Berman, are you capable of EVER telling the truth of something without turning into some kind of character assassination?

        When you run out of things on which to inflict your "kill" , is this what you feel is journalism?"

        Is this what your readers find informative?

        In what way does this enhance you or your blog?

        We refer to call it A LIE, nothing more than just another desperate attempt to needlessly destroy.

        "Mr. Goldstein, you are spreading fake news. Unlike on the Arendt blog, you are welcome to respond without my prior approval before your comment is published."


        What we do, is EDIT THEM if they contain language that is is found to be OFFENSIVE to an individual, and if serving no useful purpose such as your personal disturbing rants, NOT POSTED AT ALL.

        In addition, we will not post ANONYMOUSLY. 

        We refer to call it REAL JOURNALISM because we deal with REAL PEOPLE.

        We are of the belief that if you say something, 

        YOU SHOULD BACK IT UP WITH A REAL NAME, rather than hiding as is the case of your  Enquirer.

        What's next, Mr. Berman? 

        As in the 50's during the McCarthy hearings...

        "Have you no sense of decency?"
        1. So it looks like I'm a bit "behind the power curve" as everyone who wrote about this topic said all there is to say about the Phd person who has yet to identify who they are. Why are they hiding?

          Odd too that at this morning's Dennis Prager that I ty to listen today on 790AM radio in Los Angeles, this very topic came up in his monolog.
          As Mr Prager stated, "it is better to have "wisdom" than feelings, and explained why.

          So Mr Berman, or Mr/Mrs PHD...tell us who you are, and tell us what you have your degrees in. On the surface I can tell you are (so far) cowards at best.
        2. From Rana Opinions

          Back on the Berman blog, it appears that an "Earl Watts" and yet another anonymous "Michelle" no last name, have come up with another tale.

          What Earl and Michelle have written as "factual reporting" is supposition. 

          No one knows who is the person "spearheading" the recall, therefore there can be NO factual statement as to who IS THE LEADER. It certainly is not Barry Goldstein's wife. She is merely a volunteer who is gathering signatures, THAT is factual reporting!
        3. And then we have another "parrot" by the name of Patrick Hays on the Berman express who also shares the opinion that "if you don't like it, move", and of course that seems to be followed up with the name calling.

          Mr.. Hays, does such commentary make you feel as if that is going to impress anyone? 

          We actually thank you, Mr. Hays, for another example of how important it is that the petitions be signed

          With these types of derogatory and senseless comments, you and others like you, merely prove our point just how important it is to alter the course of Sun City Anthem, starting with the removal of the four individuals named in the recall petition. 

          Patrick, Michelle, and Earl, thanks for allowing the residents of Sun City Anthem to examine "the content of your character".
          1. From Laura Opinions

            Just signed every petition and all I can say is HALLELUJAH........THE TIME HAS FINALLY ARRIVED.

            Good work everyone.
            1. From Marcia Opinions

              When I was growing up my parents taught me many good things. One of the adages that both said to me was,” if you are not sure whether to trust someone, watch their actions, because most often actions speak louder than words”. I have never forgotten that.

              After eleven years living in SCA, one can sense things about people that one meets. My instincts have rarely failed me. I may not be the most diplomatic individual, but I do not lie and tell it “like it is”.

              Having said that, I decided to do some research regarding personality traits which I have seen too many times since moving to Nevada. I am familiar with certain individuals displaying aberrant behavior which is not the norm for most people.

              Superficially charming and with a modicum of good intelligence

              Delusional and other signs of irrational thinking

              Nervousness or neurotic manifestations


              Untruthfulness and insincerity

              Lack of remorse and shame

              Inadequately motivated and antisocial behavior

              Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience

              Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love

              General poverty in major affective reaction

              Specific loss of insight

              Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations

              Unable to accept none of the blame and to blame others instead

              Hurt whomever whenever if it means that they will achieve their goals

              Delusional to the point where they believe that their lies are the truth

              Con artists who always has a secret agenda

              Likes to be in control of every situation and are uncomfortable being around other strong people

              Instigating violent behavior

              Unrealistic view of their own abilities

              Extreme selfishness, may want everything for him or herself at any cost

              With this comes an unwillingness to share

              Huge ego and so obsessed with him or herself that he or she doesn't care for others

              Often a Napoleonic complex

              The above was written by three board certified clinical psychiatrists who have published the same results.

              This is my opinion that this is applicable to one individual who seems to verbally attack others who do not pay him homage or agree with his attempted bullying personal attacks. He particularly likes to insult women whom he deems are the weaker of the sexes. In my humble opinion, it is only a matter of time before he tangles with the wrong man who will reorganize his body parts.


  1. From Buddy Opinions

    Saw an article on the Berman blog which was obviously an act of desperation.

    It was entitled:

    A Distinguished Community Member Speaks Out

    After the laughter at the title, for some reason this "distinguished person" needs to be anonymous, and needs some kind of protection?

    From what?

    From business people without a PhD who might have actually succeeded in the real world instead of the textbook one?

    Now of course, this is going to be looked at as some kind of attack on an individual, when in fact, all that is being asked is a bit of clarification as to the identity of the author and why a person whose sole experience in the Educational field who happens to have a PhD in a tenured protective environment, is some kind of expert, yet lacks any relevant business experience.

    So Mr. Berman, in the spirit of fairness and balance, are you going to publish the opposing view so your declining subscriber base can get 2 sides and decide for themselves rather than to only see your biased comments?

    My comment is that ANYONE that wants to make comments in the hope of influencing others, should have the courage to be identified.

    Why would this commenter want to remain anonymous if he thinks he may at some point run for the board?

    Not very transparent, and certainly without any credibility.

    To put it in words you would understand, Mr. Berman, as it pertains to what your consider reporting,

    Enquiring Minds Want to Know

  2. Recently, former director Carl Weinstein made a statement on the Berman blog staring that he is of the belief those who disagree, should "move from Sun CIty Anthem"...that there is no place in Sun City Anthem for such individuals.

    We won't dignify our publication with his immature rhetoric; instead we suggest you examine it for yourself and draw your own conclusion as to its purpose OR merit.

    Mr. Weinstein's statement is representative as to WHY the recall petition(s) must be completed.

    It is that kind of attitude that has been representative of current and past leadership; a closed mindedness that is somewhat similar to what we have seen recently on national news barring individuals from expressing free speech, a right Americans died for, and I might add, guaranteed to every person who calls themselves an American, no matter what side of an aisle a person chooses. speech has different interpretations, and as far as Anthem Opinions is concerned, it can be abused through language offensive to those supposedly we call our neighbors.

    Disagreeing with those who hold alternative positions is part of the American way, but when individuals refer to those who disagree as "malcontents" or take a position of "like it or leave it" as many of our opponents seem to mimic day after day, we not only find that offensive, but childish and just another example of boorish bullying that these individuals inflict on others who merely take a difference stance than the one they share.

    Rather than addressing the reasons people disagree, name calling seems to be their only weapon, a weapon immature individuals constantly display that should have ceased on a playground in their childhood.

    Anthem Opinions has NEVER told any person to leave their homes. We know that despite any differences, these properties represent the final aspect of our lives and have saved for during our working years.

    Yes, we may call some individuals incompetent, but those we do... ARE...

    ... due to the NUMEROUS DOCUMENTED the wasteful decisions of inexperienced and insecure people have made again and again, without remorse of even attempting to correct.

  3. From Rana Opinions

    In response to Carl Weinstein and anyone else who thinks as he does; part of our American way of life is the right to be conscientious objectors.

    To speak freely is a right given to us by the constitution, yet the moment any SCA resident objects to the 'establishment's behavior, people like Carl scream 'if you don't like it move!

    May I remind you, Carl, of the time you were part of a group calling themselves ACE?

    Why didn't you move then?

  4. Mr. Berman, you are you capable of EVER telling the truth of something without turning into some kind of character assassination?

    When you run out of things on which to inflict your "kill" , is this what you feel is journalism?"

    Is this what your readers find informative?

    In what why does this enhance you or your blog?

    We refer to call it A LIE.

    "Mr. Goldstein, you are spreading fake news. Unlike on the Arendt blog, you are welcome to respond without my prior approval before your comment is published."


    What we do, is EDIT THEM if they contain language that is is found to be OFFENSIVE to an individual, and if serving no useful purpose such as your personal disturbing rants, NOT POSTED AT ALL.

    In addition, we will not post ANONYMOUSLY.

    We refer to call it REAL JOURNALISM because we deal with REAL PEOPLE.

    We are of the belief that if you say something,

    YOU SHOULD BACK IT UP WITH A REAL NAME, rather than hiding as is the case on the Berman Enquirer.

    What's next, Mr. Berman?

    As in the 50's during the McCarthy hearings...

    "Have you no sense of decency?"

  5. So it looks like I'm a bit "behind the power curve" as everyone who wrote about this topic said all there is to say about the Phd person who has yet to identify who they are. Why are they hiding?

    Odd too that at this morning's Dennis Prager that I ty to listen today on 790AM radio in Los Angeles, this very topic came up in his monolog.
    As Mr Prager stated, "it is better to have "wisdom" than feelings, and explained why.

    So Mr Berman, or Mr/Mrs PHD...tell us who you are, and tell us what you have your degrees in. On the surface I can tell you are (so far) cowards at best.

  6. From Rana Opinions

    Back on the Berman blog, it appears that an "Earl Watts" and yet another anonymous "Michelle" no last name, have come up with another tale.

    What Earl and Michelle have written as "factual reporting" is supposition.

    No one knows who is the person "spearheading the recall, therefore there can be NO factual statement as to who IS THE LEADER. It certainly is not Barry Goldstein's wife. She is merely a volunteer who is gathering signatures, THAT is factual reporting!

  7. And then we have another "parrot" by the name of Patrick Hays on the Berman express who also shares the opinions that "if you don't like it, move", and of course that seems to be followed up with the name calling.

    Mr.. Hays, does such a comment make you feel as if that is going to impress anyone?

    We actually thank you as well, Mr. Hays, for another example of how important it is that the petitions be signed.

    With these types of derogatory and senseless comments, you and others like you, merely prove our point just how important it is to alter the course of Sun City Anthem, starting with the removal of the four individuals named in the recall petition.

    Patrick, Michelle, and Earl, thanks for allowing the residents of Sun City Anthem to examine "the content of your character".

  8. From Laura Opinions

    Just signed every petition and all I can say is HALLELUJAH........THE TIME HAS FINALLY ARRIVED.

    Good work everyone.

  9. From Marcia Opinions

    When I was growing up my parents taught me many good things. One of the adages that both said to me was,” if you are not sure whether to trust someone, watch their actions, because most often actions speak louder than words”. I have never forgotten that.

    After eleven years living in SCA, one can sense things about people that one meets. My instincts have rarely failed me. I may not be the most diplomatic individual, but I do not lie and tell it “like it is”.

    Having said that, I decided to do some research regarding personality traits which I have seen too many times since moving to Nevada. I am familiar with certain individuals displaying aberrant behavior which is not the norm for most people.

    Superficially charming and with a modicum of good intelligence

    Delusional and other signs of irrational thinking

    Nervousness or neurotic manifestations


    Untruthfulness and insincerity

    Lack of remorse and shame

    Inadequately motivated and antisocial behavior

    Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience

    Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love

    General poverty in major affective reaction

    Specific loss of insight

    Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations

    Unable to accept none of the blame and to blame others instead

    Hurt whomever whenever if it means that they will achieve their goals

    Delusional to the point where they believe that their lies are the truth

    Con artists who always has a secret agenda

    Likes to be in control of every situation and are uncomfortable being around other strong people

    Instigating violent behavior

    Unrealistic view of their own abilities

    Extreme selfishness, may want everything for him or herself at any cost

    With this comes an unwillingness to share

    Huge ego and so obsessed with him or herself that he or she doesn't care for others

    Often a Napoleonic complex

    The above was written by three board certified clinical psychiatrists who have published the same results.

    This is my opinion that this is applicable to one individual who seems to verbally attack others who do not pay him homage or agree with his attempted bullying personal attacks. He particularly likes to insult women whom he deems are the weaker of the sexes. In my humble opinion, it is only a matter of time before he tangles with the wrong man who will reorganize his body parts.
