Information Pages

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Let's Have The Removal Bunch THEMSELVES Answer the Petition Allegations

A Debate for Director Removal ?
Debate it the Right Way
With Those Who May Be Removed
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This entire Removal Petition and impending Ballot is getting to a point that simply shows:

Desperate People Do Desperate Things

...and the latest episodes have included another blogger in panic mode.

Today, we'll cover one of them.

Off he goes to a Current Events Club meeting...which he rarely attends...and tries to plead the need for a "Debate" where he would be the spokesperson for the "Anti-Removal" forces, presumably financed by someone or something named "Oscar".

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Yeah...he wants to be the main man.

We have some news for I know his looking glass mirror won't appreciate...

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He's not the one "on trial"...four others are !

Now being the subject of a flock of petition signings saying "go away" and summarizing numerous examples of why that's good advice, one  might ask oneself...

"Why aren't they defending themselves?"

In the past each of those four (Weddle, Nissen, Waterhouse & Burch) were elected with pledges of transparency. Their resumes were filled with supposed qualifications (which are never vetted for accuracy).

They were to be "leaders" and "pillars" of strength in governance of Sun City Anthem.

And with that in mind, we ask each of them:

Do you need a spokesman to defend you?

Are you not capable of answering the allegations that were SUMMARIZED in the Removal Petition?

If that be the case, perhaps all of what was represented in those biographies they submitted to a voting public, were merely...

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...and if such questions remain unanswered and silence is maintained by them, there is only one conclusion that can be drawn:

The are incompetent and in the best interest of Sun City Anthem....


And in the matter of any potential debate,  ONLY those four should be on a stage and confronted with each allegation by any Sun City Anthem unit owner, for as long as it takes....

...not someone who is an "unelected" mouthpiece.

Got an opinion or comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. Message to David Barnum & the 4 Individuals who are the Main Characters in the Removal Petitions:

    Let's set the record as straight as possible in order to have INTEGRITY back in the hands of those who lead.

    Anthem Opinions is 100% in favor of REMOVING any individual from a position who takes advantage of others in any manner that harms them.

    You...PT, have been an advocate of those who have made decisions in which Sun City Anthem has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars due to their decisions.

    You...refuse to print their voting records, disguising their decisions that have had negative impacts on Sun City Anthem.

    and yet,

    You...want to be their spokesperson without even PUBLISHING the contents of the petition containing the charges brought against them.

    How one-sided is that, Mr. Barnum?

    The people want to hear THEIR SIDE of the story from THEIR lips, not yours, and the mere fact any of them would want you to be their spokesperson, would speak loudly as to their unwillingness to answer the charges alleged in the Recall petitions.

    Perhaps we might hear how THEY would feel about YOU speaking on their behalf and WHY they as individuals, would not PERSONALLY address the issues.

    Is it not right to hear answers form "the horse's mouth" than from what most consider their "horse's ass" ?

    Is this Removal not a TRIAL on the merits of those who have been accused of deceiving others?

    Is a voting public not their JURY in order to determine if the acts they have committed, betrayed their confidence?

    Mr. Barnum, your history of deception combined with your past dishonesty has finally caught up with you and your evil ways, and within a very short period, droves of individuals have expressed their disgust and dissatisfaction with you and your kind by signing petition after petition to rid themselves of the likes of you and the "control freaks" who dominate the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.

    And this latest "excuse" to berate individuals in your typical demeaning and twisted manner, is obviously just another example of how frightened you and the corrupt forces you have become synonymous with, are...

    ...that the people who have taken the time to study the underhanded antics you and they have stooped to committing year after year, have finally stood up and said, "enough is enough".

    To summarize our position as clearly as we possibly can, we find you and your kind, an unacceptable example of how Sun City Anthem has evolved.

    Your readership has declined for one reason...people hear your name and the words "corrupt" or "disgusting" normally follows in the discussion.

    You are not "The Godfather" as you pretend yourself to be, but rather the "Village Idiot" looked upon as the perfect example of what is wrong with our community...and...must be corrected...

    ...and this latest tirade of yours is merely another example of you wishing to control the weaker minds of a community, when THEY, the ones whose leadership are being questioned, are THE TOPIC AT HAND.

    If such a forum or "trial" comes to fruition, THEY should be the ones who do the answering, the people should do the questioning, and YOU and I should sit back and allow JUSTICE TO PREVAIL through the ballot box.
    1. From Robert Opinions

      Yes, you're correct - the candidates are NEVER properly vetted for their qualification statements.

      Nothing fancy, MAYBE a simple Google search would have shown that one or more candidates ALSO lost a professional license due to forging a Judge's signature on a legal document (just like their self-appointed mouth-piece).

      As the saying goes: "Birds of the same feather flock together".
      1. From Al Opinions

        If this is the same man who is allowed in a locked room when ballots are counted, and tells candidates to go away, he needs to be fined!

        He is a homeowner, not a mouthpiece for the mob!

        Those for whom the petitions are aimed, need to debate these issues themselves or resign!

        We the homeowners, refuse to pay for a crooked board's mistakes!

        Just leave !
        1. From Claudia Opinions

          I totally agree with the “represent” themselves stance.
          1. From Buddy Opinions

            You have got to be kidding!

            Actions speak much louder than words!

            The 4 board members have spoken very loudly over the past months.

            What do we expect?

            Are they going to tell us something that we do not already know?

            We do not have to hear them any more since we have observed them. Their actions have spoken for them.
            1. From Marty Opinions

              Obviously, if you are not a part of the solution, and are part of the problem, you need to stand before your peers (or association) to "lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way."

              It has to be amazing as to how long these problems never get solved by "middle management" that have aspired to attempt to prove they have more than they ever have shown.
              1. From Robert Opinions

                Mr. Barnum has to be reminded when he is so busy pointing a finger at others, the other nine fingers point back at him, and he needs to get a good look into the mirror when he criticizes others for doing the exact same things he is doing!

                His childish tirades are laughable when he imagines an insult and then venom spews from his blog.

                No one cares about his bruised ego!
                1. From Valerie Opinions

                  What do I attribute to being named twice in Mr. Barnum's blog?

                  Soon I'll have to hand out autographs because of my fame.

                  He can leave my name out as I want no association with his kind.
                2. Valerie, it's so obvious he's searching high and low for anyone or anything associated with the Recall effort. It's become an obsession. And you being a woman, has always made your gender an easy target.

                  Have you noticed nothing is ever covered as to the allegations?

                  Now it's all centered around some fictitious $10,000 expense for a recall ballot, yet nothing seems to be mentioned about 5 people receiving $800,000 of annual salary plus benefits that total over $1,000,000.

                  Of course, picking on you and Barry Goldstein is just another tactic in order to sidestep the real issues, but that's been his MO for years.

                  Oh, and according to him, I guess I can't write either. I wonder if the 300 additional subscribers to Anthem Opinions over the past 2 weeks would agree, or for that matter, the average number of daily visits to Anthem Opinions is now exceeding 2,500, would as well?

                  Oh well, his visits were about 200 each day, and someone might ask him it there was a reason for deleting his counter....the little black box that used to exist that "told it all".

                  Bottom line: a desperate little guy whose ego was obviously bruised by us when he came up with the ridiculous idea of his wanting to be a spokesman for the "Fab 4".

                  What a joke, huh?

                  1. Rarely do we comment as to those who comment elsewhere, but every once it a while, one is made that deserves a response here.

                    There is a man named John Burke, an individual who evidently enjoys going to Board meetings, a man who is never insulting; in fact, very cordial. For that I commend him.

                    He is a consistent contributor to the other blogger, and though he tries desperately to drive home a point in a manner quite different from others who are merely insulting and rude to others, unfortunately his background includes no relevant experience in financial matters, yet feels qualified to make this statement about those who do. 

                    "Comments of those supporting recall often show a lack of knowledge of a number of details, suggesting many find it inconvenient to attend meetings to seek answers for themselves." 

                    Mr. Burke, I mean no disrespect, what when you have people on a board whose life experiences are so limited is such matters, do you honestly believe you or anyone else is in a position to "seek answers for themselves" when those who comment at board meetings, have all of 2 minutes to speak, and rarely, if ever, receive a response?

                    And in the few instances they do, those replying are often so vague as to providing little or no relevant information. 

                    The unit owners bear the results of the decisions made. That's what really matters, and those decisions have resulted in the removal effort that has to date, been successful in achieving the needed signatures to go forward.

                    Don't blame the people, Mr. Burke, blame those who caused the people to react the way they did; namely a Board of Directors who needs a good "sweeping" along with a General Manager and staff who have treated residents and Clubs in a most disrespectful manner.

                    You sir, are sadly very typical of those who trust the judgement of those who have made some of the most disastrous financial decisions in our community. You believe that simply because they have been elected to a Board of Directors, that they represent the best interests of a community, when in reality, a closely held "political machine" has carefully chosen the greatest percentage of them for one reason...their relevant experience is so limited, that they are easily controllable.

                    Their record is unacceptable; their actions often secretive and rude, yet somehow you appear to justify them.

                    That attitude will accomplish nothing other than the continuance of a system in which corruption grows as quickly as bacteria.

                    Then again, your attitude and those who blindly accept decisions of those who cause damage, have been able to perpetuate the problems we have encountered for years.

                    Those supporting the removal effort have the relevant know-how to recognize a problem when we see it; and in many cases have been quite capable of solving other personal and financial issues through communication and proper usage of resources (financial & human), to accomplish an acceptable goal.

                    Sir, we do understand the importance of accomplishing a positive result, and it starts with having leaders who are capable of doing so. You do not, and that is why we strongly recommend the Removal process go forward.  It is now a matter of establishing a corrective course to ensure the survival of our community.


  1. Message to David Barnum & the 4 Individuals who are the Main Characters in the Removal Petitions:

    Let's set the record as straight as possible in order to have INTEGRITY back in the hands of those who lead.

    Anthem Opinions is 100% in favor of REMOVING any individual from a position who takes advantage of others in the manner that harms them.

    You...PT, have been an advocate of those who have made decisions in which Sun City Anthem has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars due to their decisions.

    You...refuse to print their voting records, disguising their decisions that have had negative impacts on Sun City Anthem.

    and yet,

    You...want to be their spokesperson without even PUBLISHING the contents of the petition containing the charges brought against them.

    How one-sided is that, Mr. Barnum?

    The people want to hear THEIR SIDE of the story from THEIR lips, not yours, and the mere fact any of them would want you to be their spokesperson, would speak loudly as to their unwillingness to answer the charges alleged in the Recall petitions.

    Perhaps we might hear how THEY would feel about YOU speaking on their behalf and WHY they as individuals, would not PERSONALLY address the issues.

    Is it not right to hear answers form "the horse's mouth" than from what most consider their "horse's ass" ?

    Is this Removal not a TRIAL on the merits of those who have been accused of deceiving others?

    Is a voting public not their JURY in order to determine if the acts they have committed, betrayed their confidence?

    Mr. Barnum, your history of deception combined with your past dishonesty has finally caught up with you and your evil ways, and within a very short period, droves of individuals have expressed their disgust and dissatisfaction with you and your kind by signing petition after petition to rid themselves of the likes of you and the "control freaks" who dominate the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.

    And this latest "excuse" to berate individuals in your typical demeaning and twisted manner, is obviously just another example of how frightened you and the corrupt forces you have become the synonymous with, are...

    ...that the people who have taken the time to study the underhanded antics you and they have stooped to committing year after year, have finally stood up and said, "enough is enough".

    To summarize our position as clearly as we possibly can, we find you and your kind, an unacceptable example of how Sun City Anthem has evolved.

    Your readership has declined for one reason...people hear your name and the words "corrupt" or "disgusting" normally follows in the discussion.

    You are not "The Godfather" as you pretend yourself to be, but rather the "Village Idiot" looked upon as the perfect example of what is wrong with our community...and...must be corrected...

    ...and this latest tirade of yours is merely another example of you wishing to control the minds of a community, when THEY, the ones whose leadership is being questioned, are THE TOPIC AT HAND.

    If such a forum or "trial" comes to fruition, THEY should be the ones who do the answering, the people should do the questioning, and YOU and I should sit back and allow JUSTICE TO PREVAIL through the ballot box.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    Yes, you're correct - the candidates are NEVER properly vetted for their qualification statements.

    Nothing fancy, MAYBE a simple Google search would have shown that one or more candidates ALSO lost a professional license due to forging a Judge's signature on a legal document (just like their self-appointed mouth-piece).

    As the saying goes: "Birds of the same feather flock together".

  3. From Al Opinions

    If this is the same man who is allowed in a locked room when ballots are counted, and tells candidates to go away, he needs to be fined!

    He is a homeowner, not a mouthpiece for the mob!

    Those for whom the petitions are aimed, need to debate these issues themselves or resign!

    We the homeowners, refuse to pay for a crooked board's mistakes!

    Just leave !

  4. From Claudia Opinions

    I totally agree with the “represent” themselves stance.

  5. From Buddy Opinions

    You have got to be kidding!

    Actions speak much louder than words!

    The 4 board members have spoken very loudly over the past months.

    What do we expect?

    Are they going to tell us something that we do not already know?

    We do not have to hear them any more since we have observed them. Their actions have spoken for them.

  6. From Marty Opinions

    Obviously, if you are not a part of the solution, and are part of the problem, you need to stand before your peers (or association) to "lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way."

    It has to be amazing as to how long these problems never get solved by "middle management" that have aspired to attempt to prove they have more than they ever have shown.

  7. From Robert Opinions

    Mr. Barnum has to be reminded when he is so busy pointing a finger at others, the other nine fingers point back at him, and he needs to get a good look into the mirror when he criticizes others for doing the exact same things he is doing!

    His childish tirades are laughable when he imagines an insult and then venom spews from his blog.

    No one cares about his bruised ego!

  8. From Valerie Opinions

    What do I attribute to being named twice in Mr. Barnum's blog?

    Soon I'll have to hand out autographs because of my fame.

    He can leave my name out as I want no association with his kind.

  9. Valerie, it's so obvious he's searching high and low for anyone or anything associated with the Recall effort. It's become an obsession.

    Have you noticed nothing is ever covered as to the allegations?

    Now it's all centered around some fictitious $10,000 expense for a recall ballot, yet nothing seems to be mentioned about 5 people receiving $800,000 of annual salary plus benefits that total over $1,000,000.

    Of course, picking on you and Barry Goldstein is just another tactic in order to sidestep the real issues, but that's been his MO for years.

    Oh, and according to him, I guess I can't write either. I wonder if the 300 additional subscribers to Anthem Opinions over the past 2 weeks would agree, or for that matter, the average number of daily visits to Anthem Opinions is now exceeding 2,500, would as well?

    Oh well, he visits were about 200 each day, and someone might ask him it there was a reason for deleting his counter....the little black box that used to exist that "told it all".

    Bottom line: a desperate little guy whose ego was obviously bruised by us when he came up with the ridiculous idea of his wanting to be a spokesman for the "Fab 4".

    What a joke, huh?

  10. Rarely do we comment as to those who comment elsewhere, but every once it a while, one is made that deserves a response here.

    There is a man named John Burke, an individual who evidently enjoys going to Board meetings, a man who is never insulting; in fact, very cordial. For that I commend him.

    He is a consistent contributor to the other blogger, and though he tries desperately to drive home a point in a though quite different from others who are merely insulting and rude to others, unfortunately his background includes no relevant experience in financial matters, yet feels qualified to make this statement about those who do.

    "Comments of those supporting recall often show a lack of knowledge of a number of details, suggesting many find it inconvenient to attend meetings to seek answers for themselves."

    Mr. Burke, I mean no disrespect, what when you have people on a board whose life experiences are so limited is such matters, do you honestly believe you or anyone else is in a position to "seek answers for themselves" when those who comment, have all of 2 minutes to speak, and rarely, if ever, receive a response?

    And in the few instances they do, those replying are often so vague as to providing little or no relevant information.

    The unit owners bear the results of the decisions made. That's what really matters, and those decisions have resulted in the removal effort that has to date, been successful in achieving the needed signatures to go forward.

    Don't blame the people, Mr. Burke, blame those who caused the people to react the way they did; namely a Board of Directors who needs a good "sweeping" along with a General Manager and staff who have treated residents and Clubs in a most disrespectful manner.

    You sir, are sadly very typical of those who trust the judgement of those who have made some of the most disastrous financial decisions in our community.

    Their record is unacceptable; their actions often secretive and rude, yet somehow you appear to justify them.

    That attitude will accomplish nothing other than the continuance of a system in which corruption grows as quickly as bacteria.

    Then again, your attitude and those who blindly accept decisions of those who cause damage, have been able to perpetuate the problems we have encountered for years.

    Those supporting the removal effort have the relevant know-how to recognize a problem when we see it; and in many cases have been quite capable of solving it through communication and proper usage of resources (financial & human), to accomplish an acceptable goal.

    Sir, we do understand. You do not.
