Information Pages

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Another "RULE"...Major Magazine Reporter Embarrassed...Leaves Sun City Anthem in Disgust

Greeting a Guest at Anthem Center

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Rana Goodman
Anthem Today

As an old Public Relations person I have always believed that you should be as cordial as you can to people, especially when you don't know who strangers happen to be ! 

I was in Anthem Center today with a guest who just happens to be a reporter with some "tiny" magazine...

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She was doing a feature on something that involves our fair community.....

As we chatted in the lobby, minding our own business, Cathy Elliot, the lady who normally sits at the front desk, walked by and first asked to see my activity card, then my guest's name.

I introduced the reporter with her name only, not mentioning the purpose of her visit or the magazine she represents.

(After 17 years, seeing Cathy day in and day out for most of them, she has now been instructed to demand all individuals to show their ID cards).

Later we walked down the gallery and as my guest snapped a photo of the signs marking "Sewing", Computers, Activities", Cathy made a point of saying, "you do know you cannot take a picture of people without their permission".

We had been heading toward the Fitness Center and had planned to show off our theatre, Freedom Hall; but at this point, my guest looked a little miffed and said she wanted to get something to eat before her next interview and asked if I could point her to the nearest restaurant.

I think she had enough of our center.

Obviously yet another "rule" that might have been brought to Ms. Elliot's attention, and demanded it be enforced to our General Manager.

What was our reaction to this ridiculous "rule"?

 We just ignored her and moved on.

Mark that as "how to win friends and influence people" and...

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For those of you unfamiliar with "The New Yorker", this distinguished magazine was established in 1925, is published 47 times a year, had an annual circulation in 2015 of 1,070,047, and the average annual income of it's reader in 2009, was $109,807.

Would anyone like to guess how our community will be portrayed in her upcoming article?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Still have a concern about signing both the "Recall" & "No Confidence" petitions?

Got an additional problem with the General Manager and/or a member of her staff?

Let us know.

Is this the environment we have become?

..endorsed by the "new" and "improved" Sun City Anthem under the current direction of a General Manager earning $260,000 in 2017 plus benefits that will exceed a total compensation package of over $300,000 ?

Send us your comments.
  1. From Patsy Opinions

    I would like to tell you about the "lovely" time at Anthem Center.

    Picked up the brochures printed for our Entertainment Club, the purpose of which is to recruit new members. By the way, they are fabulous.

    Went in the office and Danielle Bartle was in a meeting, so I had a round with a lady named "Priss" because all of the slots were filled. 

    She said they were half empty yesterday afternoon. 

    I told her we were the second club to reserve a space and I had emailed Danielle that I was bringing the brochures over today. 

    She proceeded to tell me that they didn’t take reservations and I corrected her, explaining I spoke to Danielle in person. 

    By this time steam was coming out of my ears and it had nothing to do with how hot it was outside. 

    Danielle came back to her office before I left and I went over the whole thing with her again.

    She seemed to remember things differently. 

    I told her this was one more reason so many residents are dissatisfied with the board and management. 

    She seems to think that it is just a small group of us that are dissatisfied. 

    She offered me half of a slot with the Women’s Club trifold brochure and I took it, unhappily. She told me they are turning all the slots into trifold size so there are more slots.

    I also asked how we can use the board on top of the kiosk. 

    She said just to bring a brochure in. I did notice that the best board is completely loaded with their shows. 

    Discretion being the better part of valor, I just left it at that.

    Here is the emailsent yesterday, July 10, 2017, that supports less than a day prior to what took place today, the story from Danielle Bartle seems to have changed.

    From: Danielle Bartle []
    Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 2:03 PM
    To: Danielle Bartle

    Subject: Kiosk

    Good Afternoon,

    Just wanted to update you all about the happenings with the kiosk. I’ve had a few new participants but not as many that seemed excited in the beginning when I first mentioned it. Therefore, this is how we are going to proceed. All the name tags have been removed. Slots are available on a first come first serve basis to all clubs now and there might be some clubs willing to share space whenever possible. Clubs are responsible for keeping material in the slots and if one becomes available another club may use it. 
    1. From Robert Opinions

      What ever happened to the "open to the public" status when the now defunct restaurant was (kind of) open?

      Not aware that ID's are now being checked at the Anthem Center (unlike the other two centers) -

      -maybe not checked UNLESS your name is Rana Goodman?
    2. Robert, you need some clarification about Rana. She must have a special SCA ID card.

      According to Danielle Bartle, the Activities Director, Rana Goodman supposedly lives "under a rock".

      Of course her boss, Sandy Seddon or the remainder of the Board, still hasn't chastised Bartle for violating Sun City Anthem Guidelines by sending out the Forrest Quinn eblast to all the Club Presidents.

      And of course, Quinn can "dish it" with a mass email to all SCA residents, but somehow "can't take it" since he's refused to comment on Barry Goldstein's claims that his email was tainted.  Then again, these types of actions are fully acceptable by the current administration. are't they? How dare people want to remove individuals who cause such problems?  Gee, maybe Quinn should have been on the list as well.
      1. From Robert Opinions

        What ever happened to the "open to the public" status when the now defunct restaurant was (kind of) open?

        Not aware that ID's are now being checked at the Anthem Center (unlike the other two centers) -

        -maybe not checked UNLESS your name is Rana Goodman?
      2. Robert, you need to be corrected.

        According to Danielle Bartle, the Activities Director, Rana Goodman supposedly lives "under a rock".

        Of course her boss, Sandy Seddon or the remainder of the Board, still hasn't chastised her for violating Sun City Anthem Guidelines by sending out the Forrest Quinn member out the all the Club Presidents.

        And of course, Quinn can "dish it" with a mass email to all SCA residents, but somehow "can't take it" since he's refused to comment on Barry Goldstein's claims his email was tainted.
      3. From Patsy Opinions

        On July 3rd, the Entertainment Club had their regular meeting at Anthem Center.

        When Rana arrived, Kathy asked for her ID.

        She did not ask for either mine or Marcia’s when we walked in or when she came over to chat with us while we were sitting in the lobby.

        Seems to me that Rana is being targeted by management.
      4. From Lou Rana Goodman

        Let us not judge a person by her past or present position and compensation.

        In my humble opinion, Cathy is doing her duties and not singling you and the New Yorker reporter out to carry out her duty.

        I would think that IF you would have approached her desk upon entering, and introduced your "friend" and purpose of the visit, these unpleasantries would not have occurred and your friend would be impressed.

        I would love any magazine and reporter to give us great rating.
      5. From Elizabeth Breier...President of the Sun City Anthem Mah Jong Opinions

        I was recently advised by our Club Liason, Joan Roth, that at the Aug. 3rd workshop of the Community Lifestyle Committee they would address the issue of inequities of Club space in the Spirit.

        This was advised prior to the recent debacle with Danielle and my questioning the CLC on their position with respect to Danielle ignoring the CCRs rules.

        I suspect that when I show up at the Workshop on Aug. 3rd I will not be greeted with much enthusiasm in favor of providing some fairness to the Clubs that, to date, have been largely ignored in the Spirit.

        I am putting together a packet of chronological information including emails wherein Joan Roth stated (March 30) that she would "look into it" regarding our Club having no article at all in lieu of an ad for an upcoming event.

        That our club ad "should not have been deleted".

        She further said she would "look into it" but I never heard another word.

        I will have further information in my packet, including the fact that there is no phone number for Cindy Temple listed in the Spirit.

        I was advised by Head of Advertising for Spirit (Robert) that Cindy does not even look at any Articles until the day they are due - even if submitted early (as I did for July).

        This means that if you are leaving town or having surgery, and you submit early - if there is a problem - you will find out on the deadline date - then you can scamper around like a rat to make the corrections.

        I will have a full packet of each of our Club's monthly articles and samples from other Clubs with their space and photos in comparison and be ready for a chance to present a cogent argument.

        I fear that I will have retribution for the issue about Danielle (who is usually at the CLC meetings) and the Forrest Quinn article, and think it will be interesting to see if they even give me a chance to speak after advising me that this will be an issue addressed at their workshop - never mind what will come of it at their meeting the following week.
        1. From Phillip Opinions

          I think it's terrible how these ladies were "dissed".

          Someone should be talked to!!

          Outrageous and disappointing!!
          1. It has sadly been confirmed that former Board Director, Carl Weinstein, verbally attacked a woman seeking petition signatures in Anthem Center, referring to her as a "whore".

            The matter was apparently discussed at a Current Events meeting yesterday.

            He has also commented stating that those who signed the removal petitions are "phonies", that if the recall ballot is successful and the four directors are stripped of their duties, he believes the remaining members of the Sun City Anthem Board should reappoint the same members to their positions.

            What has become of this man following one verbally abusive comment after another?

            We hope Carl will seek professional help in the near future.

            Hate is no longer the issue, but pity and sadness for a fellow human being must now prevail.

            However, this man's actions further demonstrate the need to "clean house" of Sun City Anthem and remove those mentioned in the petition from their respective duties as Directors of the association.
            1. From Marcia Opinions


              Mr. Kho:

              While you certainly are entitled to your opinion in regards to how YOU think Rana Goodman should have handled the situation, it would have behooved you to investigate a little further as to the facts surrounding this incident for the following reasons:

              1. You would have found out that this is but the latest incident where Rana Goodman had been targeted by Kathy Elliot and/or other members of management.

              2. Rana is certainly under no obligation to tell Kathy what her guest does for a living.

              3. I have personally witnessed other homeowners whom have brought a guest(s) with them to show them Anthem Center or the other centers. The homeowner was never asked the occupation of their guest(s).

              4. I have also witnessed realtors bringing in prospective clients and because management staff members may know the realtor, a smile was offered without any further ado.

              5. There are other homeowners and/or certain club members whom have also been recipients of being targeted by individuals in management primarily because they are activists and believe in doing things the right way, the correct way, lawfully but refuse to play the game of "rolling over and playing dead".

              6. Had you "done your homework", you would have known that Rana has a long history of championing the less fortunate who are in "Harm's Way" by unscrupulous individuals. Her tireless efforts have changed the way professional guardians as well as court officials can now handle the elderly and sick. She has been recognized throughout the state of Nevada and now nationally for her courageous efforts. Could jealousy also be a factor in management targeting her?

              7. Rana and other homeowners in SCA, see something unjust, infractions of state law, lack of common sense and often acts of selfishness and they speak out in protest, as that is their right. THERE ARE NO LAWS (FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL OR HOA LAWS)THAT ALLOW ANY OPPOSITION TO INFLICT RETRIBUTION ON SPEAKING OUT!

              I rest my case.


  1. From Patsy Opinions

    I would like to tell you about the "lovely" time at Anthem Center.

    Picked up the brochures printed for our Entertainment Club, the purpose of which is to recruit new members. By the way, they are fabulous.

    Went in the office and Danielle Bartle was in a meeting, so I had a round with a lady named "Priss" because all of the slots were filled.

    She said they were half empty yesterday afternoon.

    I told her we were the second club to reserve a space and I had emailed Danielle that I was bringing the brochures over today.

    She proceeded to tell me that they didn’t take reservations and I corrected her, explaining I spoke to Danielle in person.

    By this time steam was coming out of my ears and it had nothing to do with how hot it was outside.

    Danielle came back to her office before I left and I went over the whole thing with her again.

    She seemed to remember things differently.

    I told her this was one more reason so many residents are dissatisfied with the board and management.

    She seems to think that it is just a small group of us that are dissatisfied.

    She offered me half of a slot with the Women’s Club trifold brochure and I took it, unhappily. She told me they are turning all the slots into trifold size so there are more slots.

    I also asked how we can use the board on top of the kiosk.

    She said just to bring a brochure in. I did notice that the best board is completely loaded with their shows.

    Discretion being the better part of valor, I just left it at that.

    Here is the emailsent yesterday, July 10, 2017, that supports less than a day prior to what took place today, the story from Danielle Bartle seems to have changed.

    From: Danielle Bartle []
    Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 2:03 PM
    To: Danielle Bartle

    Subject: Kiosk

    Good Afternoon,

    Just wanted to update you all about the happenings with the kiosk. I’ve had a few new participants but not as many that seemed excited in the beginning when I first mentioned it. Therefore, this is how we are going to proceed. All the name tags have been removed. Slots are available on a first come first serve basis to all clubs now and there might be some clubs willing to share space whenever possible. Clubs are responsible for keeping material in the slots and if one becomes available another club may use it.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    What ever happened to the "open to the public" status when the now defunct restaurant was (kind of) open?

    Not aware that ID's are now being checked at the Anthem Center (unlike the other two centers) -

    -maybe not checked UNLESS your name is Rana Goodman?

  3. Robert, you need to be corrected.

    According to Danielle Bartle, the Activities Director, Rana Goodman supposedly lives "under a rock".

    Of course her boss, Sandy Seddon or the remainder of the Board, still hasn't chastised her for violating Sun City Anthem Guidelines by sending out the Forrest Quinn member out the all the Club Presidents.

    And of course, Quinn can "dish it" with a mass email to all SCA residents, but somehow "can't take it" since he's refused to comment on Barry Goldstein's claims his email was tainted.

  4. From Patsy Opinions

    On July 3rd, the Entertainment Club had their regular meeting at Anthem Center.

    When Rana arrived, Kathy asked for her ID.

    She did not ask for either mine or Marcia’s when we walked in or when she came over to chat with us while we were sitting in the lobby.

    Seems to me that Rana is being targeted by management.

  5. From Lou Rana Goodman

    Let us not judge a person by her past or present position and compensation.

    In my humble opinion, Cathy is doing her duties and not singling you and the New Yorker reporter out to carry out her duty.

    I would think that IF you would have approached her desk upon entering, and introduced your "friend" and purpose of the visit, these unpleasantries would not have occurred and your friend would be impressed.

    I would love any magazine and reporter to give us great rating.

  6. From Elizabeth Breier...President of the Sun City Anthem Mah Jong Opinions

    I was recently advised by our Club Liason, Joan Roth, that at the Aug. 3rd workshop of the CLC they would address the issue of inequities of Club space in the Spirit.

    This was advised prior to the recent debacle with Danielle and my questioning the CLC on their position with respect to Danielle ignoring the CCRs rules.

    I suspect that when I show up at the Workshop on Aug. 3rd I will not be greeted with much enthusiasm in favor of providing some fairness to the Clubs that, to date, have been largely ignored in the Spirit.

    I am putting together a packet of chronological information including emails wherein Joan Roth stated (March 30) that she would "look into it" regarding our Club having no article at all in lieu of an ad for an upcoming event.

    That our club ad "should not have been deleted".

    She further said she would "look into it" but I never heard another word.

    I will have further information in my packet, including the fact that there is no phone number for Cindy Temple listed in the Spirit.

    I was advised by Head of Advertising for Spirit (Robert) that Cindy does not even look at any Articles until the day they are due - even if submitted early (as I did for July).

    This means that if you are leaving town or having surgery, and you submit early - if there is a problem - you will find out on the deadline date - then you can scamper around like a rat to make the corrections.

    I will have a full packet of each of our Club's monthly articles and samples from other Clubs with their space and photos in comparison and be ready for a chance to present a cogent argument.

    I fear that I will have retribution for the issue about Danielle (who is usually at the CLC meetings) and the Forrest Quinn article, and think it will be interesting to see if they even give me a chance to speak after advising me that this will be an issue addressed at their workshop - never mind what will come of it at their meeting the following week.

  7. From Phillip Opinions

    I think it's terrible how these ladies were "dissed".

    Someone should be talked to!!

    Outrageous and disappointing!!

  8. It has sadly been confirmed that former Board Director, Carl Weinstein, verbally attacked a woman seeking petition signatures in Anthem Center, referring to her as a "whore".

    The matter was apparently discussed at a Current Events meeting yesterday.

    He has also commented stating that those who signed the removal petitions are "phonies", that if the recall ballot is successful and the four directors are stripped of their duties, he believes the remaining members of the Sun City Anthem Board should reappoint the same members to their positions.

    What has become of this man following one verbally abusive comment after another?

    We hope Carl will seek professional help in the near future.

    Hate is no longer the issue, but pity and sadness for a fellow human being must now prevail.

    However, this man's actions further demonstrate the need to "clean house" of Sun City Anthem and remove those mentioned in the petition from their respective duties as Directors of the association.

  9. From Marcia Opinions


    Mr. Kho:

    While you certainly are entitled to your opinion in regards to how YOU think Rana Goodman should have handled the situation, it would have behooved you to investigate a little further as to the facts surrounding this incident for the following reasons:

    1. You would have found out that this is but the latest incident where Rana Goodman had been targeted by Kathy Elliot and/or other members of management.

    2. Rana is certainly under no obligation to tell Kathy what her guest does for a living.

    3. I have personally witnessed other homeowners whom have brought a guest(s) with them to show them Anthem Center or the other centers. The homeowner was never asked the occupation of their guest(s).

    4. I have also witnessed realtors bringing in prospective clients and because management staff members may know the realtor, a smile was offered without any further ado.

    5. There are other homeowners and/or certain club members whom have also been recipients of being targeted by individuals in management primarily because they are activists and believe in doing things the right way, the correct way, lawfully but refuse to play the game of "rolling over and playing dead".

    6. Had you "done your homework", you would have known that Rana has a long history of championing the less fortunate who are in "Harm's Way" by unscrupulous individuals. Her tireless efforts have changed the way professional guardians as well as court officials can now handle the elderly and sick. She has been recognized throughout the state of Nevada and now nationally for her courageous efforts. Could jealousy also be a factor in management targeting her?

    7. Rana and other homeowners in SCA, see something unjust, infractions of state law, lack of common sense and often acts of selfishness and they speak out in protest, as that is their right. THERE ARE NO LAWS (FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL OR HOA LAWS)THAT ALLOW ANY OPPOSITION TO INFLICT RETRIBUTION ON SPEAKING OUT!

    I rest my case.
