Information Pages

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Community Patrol Member Sounds Off at Newest General Manager Purchases...and then...Forbidding their Use

First the continual financial waste, then the common sense.
Is this what a $260,000 General Manager gets you?

From a resident who requested we publish his email to Sandy Seddon, Sun City Anthem General Manager..

Sun City Anthem General Manager Purchases

First-Aid Kits for Patrol Cars    

Then Dictates
 They Can't Be Used for Those in Need

Huh.jpg (435×329)
Arthur Goldsmith
Sun City Anthem Resident & Member of The Community Patrol

"To: Sandy Seddon,

Humanity has left SCA.  I just walked out of a meeting of the Community Patrol, of which I have been a member for almost five years. I was thoroughly disgusted when a set of rules was read to us concerning the use of a first aid kit found in each patrol vehicle.

The rules basically state:

1) For use only by a member of the patrol for another patrol member.
2) The first aid kit is NOT to be used for anyone else.

For example: A resident has fallen in the street, severely bleeding from an arterial cut, they can bleed out in a short period of time.  We call 911 and do nothing else but watch them bleed to death, because we can't use the gloves and gauze pads to do compression on the wound!


We apply compression, try to stop the bleeding and prevent further injury until paramedics can arrive, depending upon where they have to come from, which can take 6-10 minutes.  Even though there is the golden hour in trauma treatment, when someone bleeds out, it can take under 10 minutes, with the possibility of brain damage within that time.

An answer I was given was that if I want to still render first aid, move away from the patrol vehicle and remove my uniform, which consists of my shirt!  

If I have to get naked to save a life, I will! 

In the past, because of my training I assisted in the birth of a child and saved a life through the use of the Heimlich Maneuver, of a person who was choking on food. In addition, I gave first aid to an adult college student of mine, who had a stroke in my class.  I wasn't admonished for doing what I did, but I got the proverbial pat on the back...

...NOT, but you didn't follow the guidelines.

I just spoke with a nurse who is a certified first aid instructor and she said, "you will get sued if you do first aid or if you don't. So what is there to loseThe patrol member is covered by the Good Samaritan law and the association, by extension is also covered.

If you can live with having preventable death or injury, live with it; but a number of members of the patrol, who joined because they want to help the community, can't.

Please reconsider the horrendous regulations regarding the use of first aid kits."
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Good Samaritan laws offer legal protection to people who give reasonable assistance to those who are, or who they believe to be, injured, ill, in peril, or otherwise incapacitated.

The protection is intended to reduce bystanders' hesitation to assist, for fear of being sued or prosecuted for unintentional injury or wrongful death.

Nevada's Good Samaritan laws fall under NRS 41.500.

NRS 41.500  

General rule; volunteers; members of search and rescue organization; persons rendering cardiopulmonary resuscitation or using defibrillator; presumptions relating to emergency care rendered on public school grounds or in connection with public school activities; business or organization that has defibrillator for use on premises.

The following subsections of NRS41.500 would likely apply.

1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 41.505, any person in this State who renders emergency care or assistance in an emergency, gratuitously and in good faith, except for a person who is performing community service as a result of disciplinary action pursuant to any provision in title 54 of NRS, is not liable for any civil damages as a result of any act or omission, not amounting to gross negligence, by that person in rendering the emergency care or assistance or as a result of any act or failure to act, not amounting to gross negligence, to provide or arrange for further medical treatment for the injured person.

6.  Any person who:

 (a) Has successfully completed a course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation according to the guidelines of the American National Red Cross or American Heart Association;

(b) Has successfully completed the training requirements of a course in basic emergency care of a person in cardiac arrest conducted in accordance with the standards of the American Heart Association; or

(c) Is directed by the instructions of a dispatcher for an ambulance, air ambulance or other agency that provides emergency medical services before its arrival at the scene of the emergency, and who in good faith renders cardiopulmonary resuscitation in accordance with the person’s training or the direction, other than in the course of the person’s regular employment or profession, is not liable for any civil damages as a result of any act or omission, not amounting to gross negligence, by that person in rendering that care.

8. Any person who gratuitously and in good faith renders emergency medical care involving the use of an automated external defibrillator is not liable for any civil damages as a result of any act or omission, not amounting to gross negligence, by that person in rendering that care.

10.  As used in this section, “gratuitously” means that the person receiving care or assistance is not required or expected to pay any compensation or other remuneration for receiving the care or assistance.

At a recent meeting of the Community Patrol, Mr. Goldsmith asked the following be corrected in the Patrol's minutes:

Please have the minutes corrected as to #7.

Please add the following:
 1). A patrol member vociferously argued against the nonuse of first aid supplies for Non patrol members.

2). The same member argued against the no first aid rule by the patrol, citing Nevada's "Good Samaritan Law."

3) State that the policy was read by Mike Waterhouse and he referred to Manager Sandy Seddon as sending out the memo.

4) Patrol members who do decide to give first aid are to move away from the patrol car and remove any patrol identification from their person, i.e., uniform shirt; as suggested by assistant chief Mike Waterhouse." 
These additions will make the minutes correct!
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Still not signed the Removal or "No Confidence" petitions? 

Remember, The person in need Mr. Goldsmith might be talking about could be  YOU.

If you wish to sign them, just click here for full information:

Got a comment?  Send it to us at:

  1. Anthem Opinions received this email sent to members of the Community Patrol by the Patrol Chief, Gene Freeze.

    Is this ILLEGALLY interfering with the Removal Election Process? 

    What wrong Message are you referring to Mr. Freeze and who directed you to send out this email to the members of the Patrol?

    From: Gene Freeze
    Date: Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 4:00 PM
    Subject: Community Patrol Stuff
    To: Patrol Members

    We know that there is a petition circulating asking for signatures to recall some of the present Association Board Members.

    It has come to my attention that a patrol member, while in uniform, came into the patrol office with a clipboard with the sign up sheets on it.

    I want to state the position of the patrol regarding this issue.

    All patrol members, while in uniform, driving our patrol cars or coming into our office ,walking , biking will not be permitted to solicit signatures for this cause.

    What you do outside of the patrol uniform is up to you..

    In, uniform could be sending out the wrong message to our community.

    Gene Freeze
    Chief, Sun City Anthem Community Patrol
  1. I can't help but wonder why and why now? Has the SCA attorney suddenly decided that it would put the Association in a precarious situation if a Patrol member assisted a resident? Is our Liability Insurance Carrier suddenly stating they would refuse coverage in the event of litigation? If either of these were true, why wouldn't that inur to a fellow Patrol Member who might receive assistance and then claim they were damaged by the aid they received? I could understand requiring some proper basic First Aid training for Patrols prior to use of the equipment but then to be directed not to use it for anyone, resident, non-resident, fellow Patrol is curious.
  2. From Laura Opinions

    I hope this dictator, Sandy Seddon, never needs the services of our Community Patrol with her precious

    First Aid Kits for herself. She'll be completely out of luck!
  3. From Elaine Izaks

    This woman is out of her mind!!!

    With the amount of residents living here, something bad is going to happen - and then what?

    If it wasn't for a caring maintenance person, I would have been floundering.

    What a disgrace!!!!!!!!
    1. So by extension: if the patrol person comes across a seriously dehydrated person and has a bottle of (unopened) water in the vehicle; they would not be allowed to give that person the water, unless they take off their hat and shirt. And, by extension, if in another scenario the Patrol person does not administer First Aid — would Sandy Seddon and SCA be liable as they set the policy that Patrol person's cannot assist?


  1. Anthem Opinions received this email sent to members of the Community Patrol by the Patrol Chief, Gene Freeze.

    Is this ILLEGALLY interfering with the Removal Election Process?

    What wrong Message are you referring to Mr. Freeze and who directed you to send out this email to the members of the Patrol?

    From: Gene Freeze
    Date: Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 4:00 PM
    Subject: Community Patrol Stuff
    To: Patrol Members

    We know that there is a petition circulating asking for signatures to recall some of the present Association Board Members.

    It has come to my attention that a patrol member, while in uniform, came into the patrol office with a clipboard with the sign up sheets on it.

    I want to state the position of the patrol regarding this issue.

    All patrol members, while in uniform, driving our patrol cars or coming into our office ,walking , biking will not be permitted to solicit signatures for this cause.

    What you do outside of the patrol uniform is up to you..

    In, uniform could be sending out the wrong message to our community.

    Gene Freeze
    Chief, Sun City Anthem Community Patrol

  2. I can't help but wonder why and why now? Has the SCA attorney suddenly decided that it would put the Association in a precarious situation if a Patrol member assisted a resident? Is our Liability Insurance Carrier suddenly stating they would refuse coverage in the event of litigation? If either of these were true, why wouldn't that inur to a fellow Patrol Member who might receive assistance and then claim they were damaged by the aid they received? I could understand requiring some proper basic First Aid training for Patrols prior to use of the equipment but then to be directed not to use it for anyone, resident, non-resident, fellow Patrol is curious.

  3. From Laura Opinions

    I hope this dictator, Sandy Seddon, never needs the services of our Community Patrol with her precious

    First Aid Kits for herself. She'll be completely out of luck!

  4. From Elaine Izaks

    This woman is out of her mind!!!

    With the amount of residents living here, something bad is going to happen - and then what.

    If it wasn't for a caring maintenance person, I would have been floundering.

    What a disgrace!!!!!!!!

  5. So by extension: if the patrol person comes across a seriously dehydrated person and has a bottle of (unopened) water in the vehicle; they would not be allowed to give that person the water, unless they take off their hat and shirt. And, by extension, if in another scenario the Patrol person does not administer First Aid — would Sandy Seddon and SCA be liable as they set the policy that Patrol person's cannot assist?

