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Monday, August 28, 2017

Recall Proponents Wanted Nothing to Do with Election Removal Wasted Funds

Removal Election Costs

(Part Two of Two)

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Yesterday, we looked at The Association Attorney's comments, advice, and how, in our opinion, they were designed to sway a public's attitude.

We won't comment on the insult to one's intelligence.

Today, how about we look into the REALITY of some of his advice, most of which can be picked apart by simply using common sense.

When the "beagle" made comments about the removal election costing "tens of thousands of dollars", of course he omitted saying his "expert" recommendations would result in his lining his bank book, but when it came to his recommendation of hiring a professional accounting firm to certify and count the ballots believing...

...if the proponents of the removal did not prevail, they would likely sue the association claiming the election was biased...

...that one took the cake !  

I have spoken to a number of individuals who support the recall, and have yet to have EVEN ONE of them even bring up the thought of such a lawsuit.

That thought was the most contrived off-the-wall idea to ever come out of any individual's head...unless of course it was said for other reasons...namely...


...and the "Wasty Boys" even paid the "beagle"  to come up with it !

Suddenly what began with his personal...

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...soon magnified to:

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It was the joke of the day, and it certainly should allow for some form of rebuttal...which of course now follows.

Where in the world did he come up with that one? Obviously, from his backside ! 

I would like to have that attorney who is the supposed "expert", point to those of his HOA clients who have ever experienced such an action by residents pertaining to a removal election...HIS OWN, not another "Beagle's". 

Not a single individual in Sun City Anthem who favored removal would even consider spending $500 p/hour on an attorney to do so...especially when they know THEIR OWN DUES MONEY WOULD BE USED by the Association against them !

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This place isn't Lake Las Vegas filled with neighbors that include Celine  Dion or Marie Osmond

This place is populated by middle-class America where a substantial number of residents survive on social security checks !


...and "the beagle", our Board, and our free spending GM with the bottomless check book know it.

This, in our mind, was simply a DISGUSTING TACTIC to INTERFERE with the removal.

None of them won't even formally inform the community the recall exists and we're still waiting for that announcement, aren't we ?

Why ?  

Because they want to "keep the door closed" on what THEY DON'T WANT A SUBSTANTIAL NUMBER OF UNIT OWNERS TO KNOW !

...and that, is just plain WRONG !

Now, had "the beagle" and his "litter" really had the best interests of a community in mind, we might have heard something like this, because this is what we would have suggested...IF ASKED.

What COULD HAVE and SHOULD HAVE occurred was to take a few fail safe measures that would highly negate the probability of potential tampering...and saving THE BIG BUCKS.

First, no one who favored the removal EVER made ANY comment as to the credibility of the Election Committee.

It was the removal opponents who were always bringing up the cost, and the sole decision to spend the BIG BUCKS was made by those they wish to retain.

So...knock it off. The proponents don't sign the checks. 



...when given such authority, and making such huge financial expenditures WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE THEIR CONTRIVED CONCERNS EXIST...

...the only LOGICAL conclusion that any intelligent person could possibly come to is...

They are the ones fully responsible for all paranoia and the resulting HUGE UNNECESSARY costs.
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Second, certification could and should be completed by Sun City Anthem employees IN OPEN VIEW of BOTH SIDES of the removal positions.

They are paid to perform such clerical functions, and those concerned about accuracy should be allowed TO VIEW such certification.

During such certification, any denial of individual signature eligibility should IMMEDIATELY be brought to the attention of those who favor the removal for EXPLANATION and/or rebuttal, and any such disputes FULLY DOCUMENTED.

Third, as the law demands, the ballots must NOT BE OPENED unless at a OPEN MEETING where all owners may freely attend.

The area chosen for the official count should be set up with chairs having a circular design, where all can easily view the count, up close and personal.

This costs the association NOTHING.

Using any counting machines should be prohibited...especially in light of their prior failures.  This also costs the association NOTHING.

Fourth, the actual petitions or the ballots must NOT leave the Sun City Anthem premises FOR ANY REASON.

Fifth, a count of the number of ballots received must be DOCUMENTED and OBSERVED each day by THOSE BOTH SUPPORTING AND OPPOSING the removal INCLUDING those received at time of mail delivery AND any ballot boxes established in the various centers.  

A representative volunteer from each camp would SIGN a statement as to the number of ballots received each day from all sources.

This procedure verifies that none will be "lost" 

I fully believe that there exists a sufficient passion in the Sun City Anthem community to provide the needed volunteers.

These are the proposals that I believe the proponents of the removal would gladly accept RATHER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE OF SPENDING "tens of thousands of dollars", demanded by others.

...and totally negates the absurdity of the ludicrous expenditures suggested and demanded by the attorney and/or Board or General Manager to provide sufficient security.

So, can we be any fairer than this?

Have these suggestions suggested spending "tens of thousands of YOUR dollars"?

If ignored and the "tens of thousands of dollars" are still spent, you tell us...

Who is the real party at blame for the supposed exorbitant costs of the Removal election?  

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Send your thoughts to:
  1. From Rana Opinions

    Every HOA in Nevada pays the real Estate Division (Known as NRED) so much per "roof top" to employ and maintain the Ombudsman's office and staff to take care of "common interest community" issues. I believe it was recently raised to $5.00 per home. multiply that by 7,144 homes in SCA, that is a lot of money.

    For some unknown reason our boards (plural) seem to love avoiding the use of the ombudsman's office which we pay for annually if we use it or not.

    Rather they keep calling the association attorney at hundreds per hour, did it ever occur to anyone to ask the ombudsman's office if they would send someone, in a recall situation to monitor the counting of ballots?

    I know for a fact that they take recalls very, very seriously.

    If the answer was YES, attorney Clarkson's "tens of thousands" of dollars would be saved and NO ONE could cry foul but him, since he would only be paid for services up to the time the ombudsman's office stepped in.
  2. Rana, you being a lifetime resident of Nevada, no one knows the system better than you. Your words make all the sense in the world, and there's not a person who could argue them.

    What you're suggesting amounts to excellent advice combined with fiscal responsibility, and should be welcomed by any individual.

    I can assure you that those who favor the removal, would have gladly welcomed the alternative you're suggested, rather than spending the "tens of thousands of dollars".

    Those who would look at the supporters of the removal as the cause of the high costs imposed by the General Manager have been misled, and your comments more than prove that to be the case.
    1. From Pat Opinions

      Hats off to both Rana Goodman and Dick Arendt! They both make excellent points!

      We DO need new, honest, knowledgeable, intelligent, hard-working board members AND a new GM! The longer we wait for a new board, the more money the current board will squander.

      Let's not let all those recall votes go to waste!

      I say, Onward and Upward with the recall movement!


  1. From Rana Opinions

    Every HOA in Nevada pays the real Estate Division (Known as NRED) so much per "roof top" to employ and maintain the Ombudsman's office and staff to take care of "common interest community" issues. I believe it was recently raised to $5.00 per home. multiply that by 7,144 homes in SCA, that is a lot of money.

    For some unknown reason our boards (plural) seem to love avoiding the use of the ombudsman's office which we pay for annually if we use it or not.

    Rather they keep calling the association attorney at hundreds per hour, did it ever occur to anyone to ask the ombudsman's office if they would send someone, in a recall situation to monitor the counting of ballots?

    I know for a fact that they take recalls very, very seriously.

    If the answer was YES, attorney Clarkson's "tens of thousands" of dollars would be saved and NO ONE could cry foul but him, since he would only be paid for services up to the time the ombudsman's office stepped in.

  2. Rana, you being a lifetime resident of Nevada, no one knows the system better than you. Your words make all the sense in the world, and there's not a person who could argue them.

    What you're suggesting amounts to excellent advice combined with fiscal responsibility, and should be welcomed by any individual.

    I can assure you that those who favor the removal, would have gladly welcomed the alternative you're suggested, rather than spending the "tens of thousands of dollars".

    Those who would look at the supporters of the removal as the cause of the high costs imposed by the General Manager have been misled, and your comments more than prove that to be the case.

  3. From Pat Opinions

    Hats off to both Rana Goodman and Dick Arendt! They both make excellent points!

    We DO need new, honest, knowledgeable, intelligent, hard-working board members AND a new GM! The longer we wait for a new board, the more money the current board will squander.

    Let's not let all those recall votes go to waste!

    I say, Onward and Upward with the recall movement!
