Information Pages

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Board Member Removal Announcement Purposely Implied Wrongdoing

Sun City Anthem Announcement of Tobin Removal
Explains NOTHING

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Want to cast a dark cloud on an individual? 

Then, ask the Sun City Anthem Board administration who sent out the recent eblast "explaining" the reasons for the Tobin removal.

All political BOILER PLATE that doesn't explain a thing !

However, what is does do, is leave an impression that an individual was removed for DISHONESTY, inferring she was removed for reasons of personal gain.

Now...let's look at the REALITY of this announcement.

Originally Ms. Tobin, when she filed her application to run for the Sun City Anthem Board, FULLY disclosed a lawsuit against Sun City Anthem for her alleging an illegal foreclosure on property which was owned by her fiance, who had passed away.  

Ms. Tobin was also a trustee of the property.

Objections were raised as to her eligibility at that time, and the matter was brought before former Association Attorney, John Leach.

Leach's opinion was that such an action was NOT construed to "enrich her", and she was subsequently allowed to run for office.

We all know she not only ran, but received 2,001 votes, surpassing the totals of BOTH INCUMBENTS, Rex Weddle (1,770), and Carl Weinstein (1,343). 

By electing Tobin, the community loudly and clearly said...

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Despite Weddle placing LAST to be elected, he was then subsequently chosen to remain as the association president, receiving votes of Bob Burch, Thomas Nissen, and Forrest Quinn in addition to his own.

Note three of the four are now subject to removal, and the Association Treasurer is now the subject of NUMEROUS NRS violations for Petition Ballot Interference currently before the Nevada Real Estate Division.

It was more than apparent that Nona Tobin was an individual who was determined to "clean up" Sun City Anthem, and as we all know and have experienced, those who choose to "buck the system", often become it's victim.

Tobin was no exception.

And...despite her quest of excellent suggestions, she was constantly shunned by her fellow Board members.

That...created a BIG PROBLEM, that had to be solved, and solve it they did.... removing her at the advice of our newest attorney, The Clarkson Law Group, in a letter presented to her 10 minutes prior to her sitting as a director at the August 24, 2017 Board meeting.

You see, Clarkson disagreed with Leach, and as such, at his urging...

...6 members of the Sun City Anthem Board met is an executive session to which she was EXCLUDED, and voted unanimously to remove her.

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Actually, what a cold, disturbing, and cruel set-up !

Nona Tobin had already dismissed a number of claims in her initial lawsuit...all except one...what is called "quiet opinion".

Let's look at  what "quiet opinion" means:

"A lawsuit to establish a party's title to real property against anyone and everyone, and thus "quiet" any challenges or claims to the title.

Such a suit usually arises when there is some question about clear title, there exists some recorded problem such as an old lease or failure to clear title after payment of a mortgage, an error in description which casts doubt on the amount of property owned, or an easement used for years without a recorded description.

Notice must be giving to all potentially interested parties, including known and unknown, by publication.

If the court is convinced title is in the plaintiff (the plaintiff owns the title), a "quiet title" judgment will be granted which can be recorded and thus provided legal "good title".

"Quiet Title" actions are a common example of "friendly" lawsuits in which often there is no opposition."

In other words, she merely wanted the property she was entitled to as the trustee.

While the public has been advised of this matter in a "legalize" manner in which no specifics have been explained...

...thus painting a dark picture of a fellow resident...

...this Board, attorney,and General Manager through official Sun City Anthem publication has instead presented it in manner which clearly inferred wrongdoing.

As a result, it has been reported to us that she has been shunned by a number of short minded, shallow individuals, who choose to believe she is guilty of some egregious act that demanded her removal from the Board of Directors...

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...when in fact, her actions were first approved to run for the Sun City Anthem Board after she fully disclosed her legal dispute, yet now, due to her opposition to their questionable actions, decided to eliminate their "problem" through the use an association attorney to do their "dirty work".

Let's not allow this to take place.

Remove these acts from our community by first REMOVING those members of the Sun City Anthem Board for committing such disgraceful acts...

...and then followed by DUMPING the individuals who have highly contributed to a blur on our reputation...

...the General Manager...and...the attorney.

Let us know how you feel about this now that you have a lot more detail as to the FACTS.

Send your thoughts to:
  1. From Randy Opinions

    These people epitomize the lowest qualities in human beings.

    It's a wonder any of them can sleep at night.

    It sickens me to think that the ignorance and stupidity of so many SCA residents has allowed them to retain power.

    People like them make me long for the days of good old-fashioned vigilante justice!
  2. From Lynda Opinions

    I come from the world of Political Advertising and I thought I would never see anything more AGGRESSIVE AND MEAN. This however, tops it.

    I won't buy a home here and encourage those who ask, not to do so.

    I'm not sure I understand just why this board is so sneaky, accusatory and downright SNARKY AND ANGRY. --- what causes it?

    Did the first part of their lives set them up to be this way? Where they taught (because I'm sure they weren't born this way) to be this way as they traveled through life?

    Do none of them have secrets in any part of their lives that they need to bury and blame others?

    Or is it just the fact that some of them are so short (President Weddle comes to mind) that their Napoleonic complex dictates this.

    I find this very disappointing and sad for many of the people who live here because they have been put into a situation where, at the end of the day, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE WINS.


  1. From Randy Opinions

    These people epitomize the lowest qualities in human beings.

    It's a wonder any of them can sleep at night.

    It sickens me to think that the ignorance and stupidity of so many SCA residents has allowed them to retain power.

    People like them make me long for the days of good old-fashioned vigilante justice!

  2. From Lynda Opinions

    I come from the world of Political Advertising and I thought I would never see anything more AGGRESSIVE AND MEAN. This however, tops it.

    I won't buy a home here and encourage those who ask, not to do so.

    I'm not sure I understand just why this board is so sneaky, accusatory and downright SNARKY AND ANGRY. --- what causes it?

    Did the first part of their lives set them up to be this way? Where they taught (because I'm sure they weren't born this way) to be this way as they traveled through life?

    Do none of them have secrets in any part of their lives that they need to bury and blame others?

    Or is it just the fact that some of them are so short (President Weddle comes to mind) that their Napoleonic complex dictates this.

    I find this very disappointing and sad for many of the people who live here because they have been put into a situation where, at the end of the day, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE WINS.
