Information Pages

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

OSCAR Letter: A Fraud Perpetrated on the Sun City Anthem Communty (Part Three of Four)

David Berman
Frauds that Require Exposure

(Part Three of Four)

FraudAlert.png (640×427)

Referring back to Page 3 of the OSCAR letter, it further states:

“All meetings are announced to the community and include a published agenda.”

That is clearly misrepresenting the facts.

The letter and the Sun City Anthem Board are saying workshops are not meetings.

No matter what they have written, the board is holding secret meetings regardless of what you call them.

Again, why not the full truth?

On the last page of the letter, it states:

“The Foundation Assisting Seniors is not an official Association entity but has been occupying the Independence Center Annex.”

There is no such thing as the independence Annex.

In all fairness, I  believe it refers to the  Community Services Building which, according to Favil West, the man who negotiated this building for us, and current President of FAS, is now and always has been the Community Service Building.

Continuing, the letter then states: 

 “It is illegal to convey our unit owners common space in perpetuity to any organization (NRS 116.3112) and your board has taken action to correct this situation.”

After examining numerous documents, this building was negotiated, designed, built, and occupied by the Foundation. 

We could find no evidence that there was an intent to “convey” the property to the Foundation,  just as there was never an intent to use the words "in perpetuity" in the use of the facilities.

The actual words used by Del Webb/Pulte were:

that the Minuteman Foundation shall, as long as it continues to serve the needs of the residents of the community, continue to conduct the business of the foundation from that area known as The Minuteman Foundation Rooms consisting of a meeting area, small counseling office, larger inventory/counseling office; and THE MINUTEMAN FOUNDATION will store, distribute, maintain an inventory, and control all equipment in the storage area as long as they continue to serve the residents of the community; and THE MINUTEMAN FOUNDATION will have sole use of 2 parking spaces located immediately in front of the storage area for their van and truck as long as they continue to serve the community.” 

The declarant can do anything he wants during the period of declarant control.

The building was negotiated in 2002, approved in 2003 and delivered to the Foundation in mid-May 2005.

Sun City Anthem transitioned from Builder control to independence on May 31, 2005.

In speaking with Mr. West, he brought up this question:

"Is the Board also taking action to move the Neighborhood Watch out of the office they occupy, or the IT group out of the area they occupy, or the massage group out of the area they occupy?”

Good question !

These are outside organizations as well...and it would be interesting as to a full response.

The NRS is clear about equal treatment.

Sadly, there is a rumor about utilizing the space occupied by the Foundation Assisting Seniors.

General Manager Seddon, though unofficially wanting to convert the space for a dressing room and/ storage of props for Performing Arts and Spotlight Club entertainment venues, in reality may indeed want the Community Service Building for staff offices.

When we learned about these options, Mr. West also informed me that  97% of Foundation Assisting Seniors activity was conducted in Sun City Anthem.

So, just what are the priorities of Sun City Anthem as it continues to mature?

Should the Foundation Assisting Seniors offices be replaced with a dressing room or additional offices for Sun City Anthem employees?

Tomorrow: Page Four

Got a comment:

Send it to us at:
  1. From Robert Opinions

    Are the ballots being sent out to each household and who is going to be counting the ballots?

    Apparently these four feel they are above the law.

    Is it possible they may be looking at jail time?

    Spending our money like drunken sailors.
  2. Robert, they are being sent by the CPA firm, and THEY are going to receive them. They will then apparently transport them to SCA for counting.

    You will shortly see some documentation regarding that procedure is a VIOLATION of Nevada Statutes.

    Stay tuned.

    Jail time?

    For the way this bunch has "rigged" the mechanics of this election, they should be ashamed of themselves.

    I wish "jail time" was available, because what they are doing is unethical in the minds of ethical people.
  3. From Norma Opinions

    I have been reading much about recall of officers, but nothing about the status of petition regarding General Manager.

    What has been done regarding this petition?
  4. Norma, the 836 signed "No Confidence" petitions are nonbinding; however, you should be aware:

    a. The demand they be included in her employment file for consideration in future income and/or benefit increases.

    If the removal is successful...

    b. it is hoped their replacements will "read" the will of the people, and promptly REMOVE her and those she has conspired with to harm the Sun City Anthem community.

    Norma, what has taken place might be legal, and the efforts of those who oppose the removal constantly bark about not committed an illegal act.

    That has to be determined by the Nevada Real Estate Division by way of the numerous complaints that have been filed.

    Most advocates believe this recall is about ETHICS:

    ...treatment of residents with respect; open communication, wasteful spending of our assessments, secret meetings, and resuming an atmosphere of good feelings in a retirement community that all of us believed we entitled to when we all moved here from the various parts of the country and world.

    These people and their actions have robbed us of the wonderful aspects of life we believed we had, but over years have financially and emotionally, have sadly been allowed to erode to a point where so many people have finally stood up, signed petitions, and wanted their voices to be heard.

    ETHICS...that's what all us want...ETHICS.
  5. From Valerie Opinions

    After reading Ron Johnson’s article this morning it has shown exactly what the situation is at SCA!

    Ron is a very bright and fair individual and has taken the time to dispel all the bs that we have had to cover up the lies we have been fed by Berman, the Board and the General Manager.

    Maybe the truth will finally set us free and we can become a community we are happy and proud to live in!
  6. Valerie, in spite of his critique which agrees with the Anthem Opinions summaries, you might want to ask him why he refused to sign the removal petitions?

    Does he still feel that way?
  7. From a Highland Village Opinions

    No sir, we are all home owners. This was sent to me:

    “The particular carrier route that includes us has 395 homes, with our 145 in SCA and the others not. When this split route was mapped out for the OSCAR mailing, Highlands was overlooked."

    The election date was moved back to 10/9 so the letters mailed today should get to Highlands homes before the ballots.

    Our Director of Neighborhood watch received this information mentioned above.

    I am sorry this is just an excuse from whomever is doing the mailing.

    My friends on Logansport do not fall under this excuse.

    And yes they own their own homes, too.

    I will let you know if I receive the information in the mail.

    I am not holding my breath.

    The following letter is to be sent to everyone.

    I am sorry I do not get all of this.

    It all seems a run around. We definitely need to get these people OUT.

    Thanks for answering me back and listening to me.

    Keep up the good work you are doing to inform us.

    PS. Forgot to say, my neighbor who owns the house across the street lives out of state part of the year, she didn’t get her information.

    So if it gets the ballots late, how will she be able to get it back in time ?????

    More lost votes.
  8. From Mary Lee Opinions

    I may have moved from SCA, but I still continue to love what I felt I had to leave.

    Many residents do NOT know all of the types of equipment the foundation provides when residents are In Need and they rush to the nearest medical supply store and rent hospital beds, walkers, wheelchairs, etc. the Service the Foundation provides is INVALUABLE to SCA residents.

    IF, as agreed, I had not deleted my personal SCA data base, I would forward the information and comment.

    To even consider using the space for Props or additional staff rather than storing medical equipment and a place for volunteers that deliver this equipment to homes and set it up for them, is alarming.

    This service is NEEDED in the SCA Active Adult Community.

    What ignorant thing will be done next without any thought to Residents and their needs???

    Another informative editorial.

    What a shame the Official site doesn’t have a space where info as important as this can be shared, giving residents a chance to comment.

    Sadly the community appears to remain pretty apathetic, and when it hits their pocket book its too late!

    I really do not know what it will take to get more residents involved or when they will stop believing the BS Berman and the Board puts out!
  1. From Phyllis Opinions
    (Part One of Two)

    Friends and Neighbors:

    In the 15 years the Foundation Assisting Seniors has been serving Sun City Anthem, its participation in local events has never been refused. 

    With the advent of Sandy Seddon and this SCA board of Directors the Foundation has been attacked and put under severe strain. 

    The board has made statements and claims in public meetings that are far-fetched, erroneous or at best grossly misleading. Unfortunately, some believe them, severely damaging FAS’ reputation and interfering with our ability to provide services, at no cost, to our senior clients. 

    Since SCA terminated the FAS affiliation agreement, we have seen the demand for service from SCA residents rise by more than 50%. 

    FAS is meeting the demand. 

    FAS is now providing its services directly to SCA residents; including transportation, maintenance, durable medical equipment, counseling, etc. 

    The Foundation van is out up to 6 days per week servicing every SCA request.

    In a letter received October 3, from Sandy Seddon, (attached) she denied the Foundation’s right to participate in the Craft Fair returning its check. 

    Resident Carol Chapman paid for the table for the upcoming Craft Fair to sell tickets for the October 29th FAS Basket Raffle to be held at Green Valley Resort. There are no rules or regulations that prevent outside groups from participating in the Craft Fair. This continuing attack on FAS is unprecedented. SCA allows others like Neighborhood Watch (an HPD program) which is similarly situated to participate.

    Basket Raffle tickets are available from the FAS office located in the Community Service Building, next to SCA TV. 

    For details go to or call 725 244.4200.

    The Foundation Assisting Seniors began its life right here in Sun City Anthem in 2002. It was founded by Sun City Anthem residents. It has made over 100,000 assists just to SCA residents over the 15 years it has been active. It has never participated in nor taken an active part in any SCA politics and has never supported one candidate or issue over another. To date, it has not participated in the removal election. Perhaps that should change considering that the Foundation is being singled out by Ms. Seddon and the SCA Board while other outside entities are allowed to participate. This is, in our judgement, prejudicial and vengeful and will result in nothing less than harming our SCA seniors. This is an example of corporate bullying at its worst. Keep in mind, 97% of the assists made by the Foundation are made right here in Sun City Anthem and, 15 of its 20 trustees are Sun City Anthem Residents.
  2. From Phyllis Opinions
    (Part Two of Two)

    Yesterday, as is the tradition of service by the Foundation, FAS donated 100 pieces of Durable Medical Equipment to senior victims of the recent hurricane in Houston. 

    The Durable Medical Equipment donated by the Foundation to the seniors of Houston is being packed by the McGoverns at the UPS Store in the Smith Center and shipped, at no charge, to Houston as part of a Las Vegas humanitarian effort.

    In 2003 the Foundation submitted a grant proposal to Pulte for a community service building. 

    Pulte accepted the proposal. 

    The Foundation President negotiated the design of the building, a building worth more than $550,000, to house the Foundation and services it started; SCA TV, Community Service, and Emergency Preparedness (all originally part of the Foundations Community Service Building). The result was that the building would be provided to the Foundation, with Pulte’s condition that the space would be dedicated to FAS so long as it serves SCA seniors. 

    This was evidenced by the original plans showing and referencing the Foundation space allocation. 

    This term was accepted by SCA and was documented by a board resolution at the SCA Board meeting in April 2007. 

    The Foundation Assisting Seniors has served and will continue to serve the SCA community as long as it is able..

    Now ask yourself this question, what has Ms. Seddon and/or this SCA board done to help anybody here at Sun City? except themselves ? 

    The Foundation is being harassed, lied to, misrepresented, bullied, and sued by this board, without the required member approval 

    For what? 

    We believe it is because Ms. Seddon and this SCA board want additional space for staff, or because they think they have the power and are out to harm the Foundation. 

    Is this how SCA should be managed?

    The Foundation Assisting Seniors continues to do the job that it set out to do 15 years ago and with your help we will continue to do so.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    M. Favil West, President
    The Foundation Assisting Seniors
    1. From Barbara Opinions

      This is just a terrible situation....So disheartening how our Community declining in Good Will.

      This Foundation does so much for all of our Community.

      I hope that you can find the time to go to their offices to buy a FAS BASKET Raffle ticket.


  1. From Robert Opinions

    Are the ballots being sent out to each household and who is going to be counting the ballots?

    Apparently these four feel they are above the law.

    Is it possible they may be looking at jail time?

    Spending our money like drunken sailors.

  2. Robert, they are being sent by the CPA firm, and THEY are going to receive them. They will them apparently transport them to SCA for counting.

    You will shortly see some documentation regarding that procedure is a VIOLATION of Nevada Statutes.

    Stay tuned.

    Jail time?

    For the way this bunch has "rigged" the mechanics of this election, they should be ashamed of themselves.

    I wish "jail time" was available, because what they are doing is unethicalin the minds of ethical people.

  3. From Norma Opinions

    I have been reading much about recall of officers, but nothing about the status of petition regarding General Manager.

    What has been done regarding this petition?

  4. Norma, the 836 signed "No Confidence" petitions are nonbinding; however, you should be aware:

    a. The demand they be included in her employment file for consideration in future income and/or benefit increases.

    If the removal is successful...

    b. it is hoped their replacements will "read" the will of the people, and promptly REMOVE her and those she has conspired with to harm the Sun City Anthem community.

    Norma, what has taken place might be legal, and the efforts of those who oppose the removal constantly bark about not committed an illegal act.

    That has to be determined by the Nevada Real Estate Division by way of the numerous complaints that have been filed.

    Most advocates believe this recall is about ETHICS:

    ...treatment of residents with respect; open communication, wasteful spending of our assessments, secret meetings, and resuming an atmosphere of good feelings in a retirement community that all of us believed we entitled to when we all moved here from the various parts of the country and world.

    These people and their actions have robbed us of the wonderful aspects of life we believed we had, but over years have financially and emotionally, have sadly been allowed to erode to a point where so many people have finally stood up, signed petitions, and wanted their voices to be heard.

    ETHICS...that's what all us want...ETHICS.

  5. From Valerie Opinions

    After reading Ron Johnson’s article this morning it has shown exactly what the situation is at SCA!

    Ron is a very bright and fair individual and has taken the time to dispel all the bs that we have had to cover up the lies we have been fed by Berman, the Board and the General Manager.

    Maybe the truth will finally set us free and we can become a community we are happy and proud to live in!

  6. Valerie, in spite of his critique which agrees with the Anthem Opinions summaries, you might want to ask him why he refused to sign the removal petitions?

    Does he still feel that way?

  7. From a Highland Village Opinions

    No sir, we are all home owners. This was sent to me:

    “The particular carrier route that includes us has 395 homes, with our 145 in SCA and the others not. When this split route was mapped out for the OSCAR mailing, Highlands was overlooked."

    The election date was moved back to 10/9 so the letters mailed today should get to Highlands homes before the ballots.

    Our Director of Neighborhood watch received this information mentioned above.

    I am sorry this is just an excuse from whomever is doing the mailing.

    My friends on Logansport do not fall under this excuse.

    And yes they own their own homes, too.

    I will let you know if I receive the information in the mail.

    I am not holding my breath.

    The following letter is to be sent to everyone.

    I am sorry I do not get all of this.

    It all seems a run around. We definitely need to get these people OUT.

    Thanks for answering me back and listening to me.

    Keep up the good work you are doing to inform us.

    PS. Forgot to say, my neighbor who owns the house across the street lives out of state part of the year, she didn’t get her information.

    So if it gets the ballots late, how will she be able to get it back in time ?????

    More lost votes.

  8. From Mary Lee Opinions

    I may have moved from SCA, but I still continue to love what I felt I had to leave.

    Many residents do NOT know all of the types of equipment the foundation provides when residents are In Need and they rush to the nearest medical supply store and rent hospital beds, walkers, wheelchairs, etc. the Service the Foundation provides is INVALUABLE to SCA residents.

    IF, as agreed, I had not deleted my personal SCA data base, I would forward the information and comment.

    To even consider using the space for Props or additional staff rather than storing medical equipment and a place for volunteers that deliver this equipment to homes and set it up for them, is alarming.

    This service is NEEDED in the SCA Active Adult Community.

    What ignorant thing will be done next without any thought to Residents and their needs???

    Another informative editorial.

    What a shame the Official site doesn’t have a space where info as important as this can be shared, giving residents a chance to comment.

    Sadly the community appears to remain pretty apathetic, and when it hits their pocket book its too late!

    I really do not know what it will take to get more residents involved or when they will stop believing the BS Berman and the Board puts out!

  9. From Phyllis Opinions
    (Part One of Two)

    Friends and Neighbors:

    In the 15 years the Foundation Assisting Seniors has been serving Sun City Anthem, its participation in local events has never been refused.

    With the advent of Sandy Seddon and this SCA board of Directors the Foundation has been attacked and put under severe strain.

    The board has made statements and claims in public meetings that are far-fetched, erroneous or at best grossly misleading. Unfortunately, some believe them, severely damaging FAS’ reputation and interfering with our ability to provide services, at no cost, to our senior clients.

    Since SCA terminated the FAS affiliation agreement, we have seen the demand for service from SCA residents rise by more than 50%.

    FAS is meeting the demand.

    FAS is now providing its services directly to SCA residents; including transportation, maintenance, durable medical equipment, counseling, etc.

    The Foundation van is out up to 6 days per week servicing every SCA request.

    In a letter received October 3, from Sandy Seddon, (attached) she denied the Foundation’s right to participate in the Craft Fair returning its check.

    Resident Carol Chapman paid for the table for the upcoming Craft Fair to sell tickets for the October 29th FAS Basket Raffle to be held at Green Valley Resort. There are no rules or regulations that prevent outside groups from participating in the Craft Fair. This continuing attack on FAS is unprecedented. SCA allows others like Neighborhood Watch (an HPD program) which is similarly situated to participate.

    Basket Raffle tickets are available from the FAS office located in the Community Service Building, next to SCA TV.

    For details go to or call 725 244.4200.

    The Foundation Assisting Seniors began its life right here in Sun City Anthem in 2002. It was founded by Sun City Anthem residents. It has made over 100,000 assists just to SCA residents over the 15 years it has been active. It has never participated in nor taken an active part in any SCA politics and has never supported one candidate or issue over another. To date, it has not participated in the removal election. Perhaps that should change considering that the Foundation is being singled out by Ms. Seddon and the SCA Board while other outside entities are allowed to participate. This is, in our judgement, prejudicial and vengeful and will result in nothing less than harming our SCA seniors. This is an example of corporate bullying at its worst. Keep in mind, 97% of the assists made by the Foundation are made right here in Sun City Anthem and, 15 of its 20 trustees are Sun City Anthem Residents.

  10. From Phyllis Opinions
    (Part Two of Two)

    Yesterday, as is the tradition of service by the Foundation, FAS donated 100 pieces of Durable Medical Equipment to senior victims of the recent hurricane in Houston.

    The Durable Medical Equipment donated by the Foundation to the seniors of Houston is being packed by the McGoverns at the UPS Store in the Smith Center and shipped, at no charge, to Houston as part of a Las Vegas humanitarian effort.

    In 2003 the Foundation submitted a grant proposal to Pulte for a community service building.

    Pulte accepted the proposal.

    The Foundation President negotiated the design of the building, a building worth more than $550,000, to house the Foundation and services it started; SCA TV, Community Service, and Emergency Preparedness (all originally part of the Foundations Community Service Building). The result was that the building would be provided to the Foundation, with Pulte’s condition that the space would be dedicated to FAS so long as it serves SCA seniors.

    This was evidenced by the original plans showing and referencing the Foundation space allocation.

    This term was accepted by SCA and was documented by a board resolution at the SCA Board meeting in April 2007.

    The Foundation Assisting Seniors has served and will continue to serve the SCA community as long as it is able..

    Now ask yourself this question, what has Ms. Seddon and/or this SCA board done to help anybody here at Sun City? except themselves ?

    The Foundation is being harassed, lied to, misrepresented, bullied, and sued by this board, without the required member approval

    For what?

    We believe it is because Ms. Seddon and this SCA board want additional space for staff, or because they think they have the power and are out to harm the Foundation.

    Is this how SCA should be managed?

    The Foundation Assisting Seniors continues to do the job that it set out to do 15 years ago and with your help we will continue to do so.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    M. Favil West, President
    The Foundation Assisting Seniors

  11. From Barbara Opinions

    This is just a terrible situation....So disheartening how our Community declining in Good Will.

    This Foundation does so much for all of our Community.

    I hope that you can find the time to go to their offices to buy a FAS BASKET Raffle ticket.
