Information Pages

Thursday, October 5, 2017

OSCAR Letter: A Fraud Perpetrated on the Sun City Anthem Community (Part Four of Four)


David Berman

Frauds that Require Exposure

(Part Four of Four)

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This concludes our series on the fraudulent information included in the OSCAR removal letter that was intended to influence unit owners to oppose the Removal effort.

Finally on the last page of the OSCAR letter it closed by saying:

 “That many adverse consequences would result if the removal is successful.”

Then the letter brings up that if the removal was successful, that would result in only having 2 board members remaining.

OSCAR was obviously unaware that the law only requires 3 board members; one was recently appointed bringing the total to 3,  and the odds are very good that Nona will be reinstated, as a matter of law.

There leaves little doubt that David Berman was the individual who engineered this propaganda piece.

Why Berman, a former board member, would try to mislead our unit owners, saying:

no clear path would exist to replace removed Board members" typical Berman hysteria and does nothing other than prove he will do anything to maintain his crooked system.

The NRS provides a clear path to replace board members. That path has been used in the past here at SCA.

Mike Garrison resigned and the board did not replace him.

Dick Sovde resigned he was replaced by an appointment.

David Berman himself,  resigned and the board replaced him by appointment.

Shirley Cooper resigned the board replaced her by appointment.

In short, if there are 3 board members no action need be taken.

The final action available to the board is an election.

No clear path is an OUT AND OUTRIGHT LIE.

OSCAR, a.k.a. Berman,  has constantly preached "fire and brimstone" when he asserts that:

“Many adverse consequences would result if the removal is successful."

Obviously, the crystal ball they are using is not working or they would have won a lottery.


Chaos in running your Association will result


"that a successful recall would make it difficult to recruit excellent employees" creating undue fear in a community, when in fact, the removal will create the opposite effect...

It would show a desire for honesty and integrity; and in turn, recruit employees to an atmosphere where efficiency and "teamwork" would result. the entire Las Vegas valley, that when Sun City Anthem realized that the residents have been mistreated, they were willing to join together and bring about action that will enhance the esteem it once had.

Finally, It is interesting that OSCAR talks about costs that are not in the budget.

What about the legal costs of:

a.  removing Nona Tobin from the Board? 

b. illegally filing a construction defect suit without obtaining the necessary unit owner votes of approval?


c. filing a lawsuit to evict the Foundation?

There is nothing about that letter that makes one want to vote "no" unless you believe in distortions, misrepresentation of facts, and out and out untruths.

Again, I ask why not use the truth to influence the vote?

We do.

Why can’t Berman and the former Board members do the same?

It was learned that Forrest Quinn, the Association Treasurer, at the recent budget meeting, stated clearly that the budget has $10,000 in it for the removal election.

Berman went to the microphone to question that figure, yet Quinn made  it clear that was what they estimated the cost to be.

Why must Berman and the former Board members who signed the OSCAR letter deceive an entire community?

Why is it so difficult to tell the full truth

..because they must, by all means, maintain their corrupt and manipulative ways that have so deeply affected the financial health, as well as, the spirit of Sun City Anthem.

If you believe that these board members subject to removal  should follow the laws of the State of Nevada ...


...if you believe that the wanton spending by this board is not justified...

...if you believe in transparency..
...if you believe in the truth...

You must...
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Got a comment?

Send it to us at:

  1. From Valerie Opinions

    Now, after Ron Johnson’s expose, is it possible to obtain more recall signatures?

    He exposed important information that could sway people to think, in addition to what you have been discovering and informing.

    Also now that summer escapee owners have returned maybe they, too could be interested in getting involved.
  2. Valerie,

    We have contacted the Ombudsman's office to get a determination as to obtaining additional signatures.

    Unfortunately once they were submitted in August, additional ones could not be added.

    The day after the signed petitions were submitted, 65 additional signatures were received, but could not be included. That did not initially concern the proponents because there were so many additional ones that went well beyond the required 715.

    As you know Bob Burch "supposedly" escaped the removal ballot by 2 signatures. The CPA firm negated approximately 110 signatures.

    When it was learned that such a substantial number were negated, I immediately wrote Sandy Seddon an email on 9/29/17 requesting the following information:

    1. Examination as to which signatures were found invalid.
    2. The Reason(s) they were found to be invalid.

    She NEVER responded.

    What makes this so disgusting is that when they made the announcement, the only way to obtain the information was by way of an official document request....which takes 21 days to obtain an answer.

    By the time the 21 days would have passed, the ballots would have already been sent.

    Conclusion: Just another way to "stonewall" the process.

    Ms. Seddon and the Board may think she, her association attorney, and they, "pulled one off" on SCA residents, but I can assure you, no matter what the election result, WE WILL obtain that information, and should we find 2 additional signatures to be valid, we WILL NOT HESITATE TO HAVE ANOTHER REMOVAL ELECTION for Mr. Burch alone...

    ...unless he would do the right thing, and RESIGN rather than place SCA in a position of having to spend additional funds.

    ...and if successful, don't blame the removal proponents.

    Remember, THE PROPONENTS merely wanted an honest and unbiased vote.

    ...yet for being good citizens and looking out for the best interests of their neighbors, have been insulted, humiliated, and condemned by those who in reality are "wolves in sheep's clothing".

    BLAME THOSE WHO DID THEIR BEST TO "RIG" just about everything they could possibly "RIG" in order to avoid their having to account for the underhanded actions that have been a part of Sun City Anthem for years...but now..have been EXPOSED for the dirt that good and honest people have tried to CLEAN UP.

    The numerous complaints that have been filed with the Nevada Real Estate Division are STILL open AND are being actively investigated.

    There are so many other aspects of this election that have fallen under the guise of UNETHICAL behavior, and they MUST and WILL be exposed in the next couple of days in order that unit owners can come to an unbiased conclusion as to how they cast their ballot.

    No matter what the results of the election are, the actions of the culprits who engineered "the fix" will have now been exposed to the entire community.

    And...a special thanks to The Vegas Voice and the ad placed that promotes the removal.

    Rumor has it that it faced scrutiny by a club for "exposing the association's dirty laundry" to 20,000 people.

    To those who made that statement, our response is:


    All we did was closely examine it and realized that BEFORE IT GROWS ADDITIONAL MOLD AND BECOMES TOTALLY UNWASHABLE, steps had to be taken to WASH IT THE BEST WE COULD, through the BLEACH of a removal election.

    We do not wish to needlessly spend Association funds, but when you are dealing with such underhanded and despicable actions on the part of individuals that will do anything TO MAINTAIN corruption, it must be exposed and honesty simply has to be the main objective...

    ...for the protection of the community's integrity.

    The cancer that exists MUST be removed.
  3. From Anthony Opinions

    We are getting sick & tired of the nonsense spewed out by BERMAN.

    Do we really need BERMAN garbage news blogs ?

    Lies, fabrications,rewriting history of the Board ( including HIMSELF & WIFE ROZ ), how long with the restaurant issue.

    Haven't we YET GOT A CLUE, & how about the general manager's inflated salary, negotiated at ANTHONY'S by her pals?

    Wasn't BERMAN kicked off the BOARD after a discussion arose to a fistfight ?

    How long will it take to repair the Anthem GYM & the Anthem pool & bathrooms ?

    Don't you remember all the failure of the GREAT restaurants ?

    How about the LIBERTY MOLD FIASCO?

    Why can't we kick out the OLD, SENILE BOARD & get going on a replacement BOARD?



    Keep up the fight Dick, Rana, & the rest of those who DEMAND A RECALL OF THE GENERAL MANAGER & the useless BOARD.

    Lets get together behind NONA.
  4. Anthony,

    You bet we're behind Nona Tobin.

    She was removed without any opportunity of defending herself, and as such, requires a hearing before the Nevada Real Estate Division, which she was DENIED.

    NRED has assigned a Special Investigator as a result.

    You will notice that Anthem Opinions still lists Nona Tobin as a Board member.

    Until the matter is settled by the Nevada Real Estate Division, we do not recognize the Board's naming her replacement as a valid member of the Sun City Anthem Board.

    We have nothing against the replacement, but we do object to the manner in which the replacement took place.

    Common courtesy would have been to delay any decision until the Tobin situation was resolved. obvious additional secret meeting without even the additional common courtesy of any notification to the community to allow any resident to be interviewed by the Board for consideration.

    Just another reason to vote "yes" to recall the bunch.
    1. From Barry Opinions

      Wow, it is so interesting to see the other blogger so concerned about residents being hurt at club venues and our association taking proper steps to make sure a vendor has insurance.

      When I reported that the restaurant he supported had no insurance, he was absolutely silent, except to label me as a troublemaker.

      Not one article showing concern for residents in the 4 months it took to get their certificate of insurance.

      Where was his concern when it was learned that Liberty Center had leaks, and the board of directors kept putting out buckets to deal with the problem?

      He was not concerned about residents being injured then.

      As a matter of fact, many of the 55 claims against our insurance, came from slips and falls at that center.

      Did he bother to ask the management or board of directors over the number of ensuing years to fix the problem?

      Simply, no. I guess his hypocrisy only goes so far.
    2. Barry,

      Let's face it, when you are the "mouthpiece" for corruption and "machine" politics, that's what deceptive and unethical people do.

      They stonewall anything that would hurt the corrupt system they have been an active part of for years, in any way their disturbed mind allows.  They need POWER at any cost because it is normally something they never in the case of the blogger who believes he knows all, but whose life accomplishments wouldn't fill a thimble.
      1. From Elaine Opinions

        Actions toward the treatment of the Foundation Assisting Seniors:

        THIS IS A DISGRACE!!!!!!!!!
      2. From Nancy Opinions

        Dick, the problem, as I see it and I am in favor of the recall and have signed the petition and will sign again (if that was possible), is that over 40% of the folks who vote are either new to the community and have no idea what this is all about or since they are new to the community, they don’t care or they are just too busy to get involved or they don’t receive your blog or go about their business without wanting to get involved.

        We, the older (term used loosely) members of the community understand completely, have had to deal with the Berman’s in not so nicely a situation, do care but we are a very small percentage of the whole.

        How does one convince that 40-50% to care and sign the petition?
      3. Nancy,

        The time for petition signing is over; now it's time to vote.

        I agree with you that many residents in Sun City Anthem do not receive Anthem Opinions, but with each month we grow like weeds with 1,800 subscribers and an average daily "hits" to our site now at 2,500.

        Is that enough? It's never enough !

        At this stage our hope is primarily word of mouth, forwarding of our articles to neighbors and friends, and appealing to common sense.

        Who out there would favor such things as:

        1. retaining anyone who loses $40,000 of their money on a bad restaurant loan?
        2. paying a salary to a General Manager almost twice the amount paid to Sun City Summerlin's who has 4 restaurants and 4 golf courses, and 300 full time employees, while we have only a fraction of that amout?
        3. secret meetings to remove an elected board member without allowing her a defense?

        Only those who are a part of the system, that's not care...until their dues increases as a result of their nonchalant and uncaring attitudes.

        Our challenge is reaching THEM, and telling the TRUTH, while hoping that the corrupt actions taken by those who would harm us, can finally be acknowledged.

        It's idealistic, but where there's a will, there will always be hope !
        1. From Peter Opinions

          My wife Shirley and I purchased a home in April located on Idaho Falls Drive and moved from the Finger Lakes of New York and arrived here the last week of September.

          A little over a month ago I signed up and began receiving Anthem Opinion emails and if everything is true as stated within them, we are now hoping we didn’t make a major mistake in buying a home here.

          We had just left one HOA which I am proud to say I had the opportunity to serve on its ACC for ten years, two of it as Chairman, nine years as Board member and four of them as Board President.

          Never and I mean never in all my years in serving did any of the committees I served nor as an Association Board member did we ever break any of the Association Bylaws.

          We believe we were there to serve, not to be served.

          As a Board, we always had an open door policy. Our residents were heard and when needed, we dealt with facts to answer their questions and or address concerns.

          Any changes made to the Bylaws required eighty five percent of the members voting in favor to do so.

          Again we dealt with facts when we went about making a change.

          We stayed true to our set budget and looked for alternative ways to save while investing and maintaining a healthy reserve fund.

          We were able to keep yearly dues at the same rate for eight years and in 2016 voted on a a new five year contract that kept the increase under three percent.

          What my wife and I find hard to believe is why the residents of Sun City Anthem would ever put up with all of this nonsense and why for so many years.

          If Bylaws have been broken and Association funds have been mismanaged, why have the majority of the residents put up with it for so long and why not become a voice of one and demand the Board to address these concerns with facts?

          For me, I don’t need to sit and listen to some attorney explanation.

          I want to hear it from those who were elected to serve who happen to also be my neighbor.

          Enough said.

          When we began our search for a home and community to reside in for our final years in February, we were lead to believe this community would provide everything and so much more than we would ever need.

          We now wonder if our realtor misled us and we now must accept a mess of excess baggage that we and many others in this association do not justifiably deserve.

          Between now and the date set for a recall, instead of being able to enjoy the benefits of this community, we now find ourselves needing to sift through this mess to gain the facts in order to hopefully make the right decision when it comes to vote.

          We hope we have the time to succeed.

          I thank you for your time.
        2. Peter, I receive numerous email from Sun City Anthem residents, but I have to say, yours might be the most sincere request for information I have ever received.

          You have no idea how much your email is appreciated and I wish all residents, especially the new ones like yourself, would take the time to know their community.

          Like you I came to Sun City Anthem in 2005 with optimism and hope, believing all of us were in this place having the same objective; namely living the remainder of our days in harmony.

          Having never been part of a homeowners association prior to my arrival from Chicago, I had a belief that going to meetings would allow me to meet others,discuss some of the financial aspects of the association, and then "go out for a beer" with the new people I had met. I mistakenly believed various opinions represented "a good thing"; that intelligent people would look at both sides of an argument prior to making a decision.

          For the most part, so many wonderful people live in Sun City Anthem who are caring, giving, and in most cases, look at neighbors as extensions of their families they left behind.

          In my case, I've been so fortunate to get to know mine, socialize with them, and we've developed a relationship where we always look out for each other.

          Then...I became aware of the community politics, and honestly, the saying "ignorance is bliss" became quite appropriate.

          Believe it or not, at one time a group of residents actually organized a political party called "Unity", and since that time, though they deny still being organized, have all too often grouped together and chosen their board candidates, many of which have so little experience at governance, that the worst of financial errors have been made.

          We have had 5 restaurants fail,

          We have been audited by the IRS because of a Board's refusal to return funds to owners.

          We have had Board directors authorize loans to a private vendor unable to obtain legitimate financing at below prime, only to default and Sun City Anthem lose $40,000.

          We have granted a restaurant lease to the wife of a felon who served in a Colorado Federal penitentiary for robbing 8 Las Vegas banks.

          Recently we witnessed a lady who was elected with in excess of 2,000 votes, removed without any opportunity of allowing her to defend herself against charges that even the current Board has been unable to substantiate.

          Now we have witnessed a ridiculously highly priced General Manager being currently paid $270,000 per year plus benefits which include payment of 85% of medical insurance premiums, disability insurance, 401(k) plan with matching contributions, and $5,000 of funds for continuing education for managing 3 buildings, no restaurant, no golf course and less then 100 full time employees, while Sun City Summerlin, an association slightly larger than ours (7800 homes vs our 7,144), pays their General Manager $160,000 and manages 4 golf courses, 4 restaurants, and over 300 employees.

          The decisions made over the years by "descendants" of that "political organization" have now controlled Sun City Anthem for the past 9-10 years, and during that period, have also been named to ABC Channel 13's "HOA Hall of Shame".

          The individual who has become the unofficial spokesman for that group was an attorney whose law license was suspended for forgery, filing a deceptive estate tax return, and defrauding the State of Massachusetts of revenue.

          What baffles many of us is how the current Board seems to cling to him despite that past.

          Anyway, I have just touched the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more.


  1. From Valerie Opinions

    Now, after Ron Johnson’s expose, is it possible to obtain more recall signatures?

    He exposed important information that could sway people to think, in addition to what you have been discovering and informing.

    Also now that summer escapee owners have returned maybe they, too could be interested in getting involved.

  2. Valerie,

    We have contacted the Ombudsman's office to get a determination as to obtaining additional signatures.

    Unfortunately once they were submitted in August, additional ones could not be added.

    The day after the signed petitions were submitted, 65 additional signatures were received, but could not be included. That did not initially concern the proponents because there were so many additional ones that went well beyond the required 715.

    As you know Bob Burch "supposedly" escaped the removal ballot by 2 signatures. The CPA firm negated approximately 110 signatures.

    When it was learned that such a substantial number were negated, I immediately wrote Sandy Seddon an email on 9/29/17 requesting the following information:

    1. Examination as to which signatures were found invalid.
    2. The Reason(s) they were found to be invalid.

    She NEVER responded.

    What makes this so disgusting is that when they made the announcement, the only way to obtain the information was by way of an official document request....which takes 21 days to obtain an answer.

    By the time the 21 days would have passed, the ballots would have already been sent.

    Conclusion: Just another way to "stonewall" the process.

    Ms. Seddon and the Board may think she, her association attorney, and they, "pulled one off" on SCA residents, but I can assure you, no matter what the election result, WE WILL obtain that information, and should we find 2 additional signatures to be valid, we WILL NOT HESITATE TO HAVE ANOTHER REMOVAL ELECTION for Mr. Burch alone...

    ...unless he would do the right thing, and RESIGN rather than place SCA in a position of having to spend additional funds.

    ...and if successful, don't blame the removal proponents.

    Remember, THE PROPONENTS merely wanted an honest and unbiased vote.

    ...yet for being good citizens and looking out the best interests of their neighbors, have been insulted, humiliated, and condemned by those who in reality are "wolves in sheep's clothing".

    BLAME THOSE WHO DID THEIR BEST TO "RIG" just about everything they could possibly "RIG" in order to avoid their having to account for the underhanded actions that have been a part of Sun City Anthem for years...but now..have been EXPOSED for the dirt that good and honest people have tried to CLEAN UP.

    The numerous complaints that have been filed with the Nevada Real Estate Division are STILL open AND are being actively investigated.

    There are so many other aspects of this election that have fallen under the guise of UNETHICAL behavior, and they MUST and WILL be exposed in the next couple of days in order that unit owners can come to an unbiased conclusion as to how they cast their ballot.

    No matter what the results of the election are, the actions of the culprits who engineered "the fix" will have now been exposed to the entire community.

    And...a special thanks to The Vegas Voice and the ad placed that promotes the removal.

    Rumor has it that it faced scrutiny by a club for "exposing the association's dirty laundry" to 20,000 people.

    To those who made that statement, our response is:


    All we did was closely examine it and realized that BEFORE IT GROWS ADDITIONAL MOLD AND BECOMES TOTALLY UNWASHABLE, steps had to be taken to WASH IT THE BEST WE COULD, through the BLEACH of a removal election.

    We do not wish to needlessly spend Association funds, but when you are dealing with such underhanded and despicable actions on the part of individuals that will do anything TO MAINTAIN corruption, it must be exposed and honesty simply has to be the main objective...

    ...for the protection of the community's integrity.

    The cancer that exists MUST be removed.

  3. From Anthony Opinions

    We are getting sick & tired of the nonsense spewed out by BERMAN.

    Do we really need BERMAN garbage news blogs ?

    Lies, fabrications,rewriting history of the Board ( including HIMSELF & WIFE ROZ ), how long with the restaurant issue.

    Haven't we YET GOT A CLUE, & how about the general manager's inflated salary, negotiated at ANTHONY'S by her pals?

    Wasn't BERMAN kicked off the BOARD after a discussion arose to a fistfight ?

    How long will it take to repair the Anthem GYM & the Anthem pool & bathrooms ?

    Don't you remember all the failure of the GREAT restaurants ?

    How about the LIBERTY MOLD FIASCO?

    Why can't we kick out the OLD, SENILE BOARD & get going on a replacement BOARD?



    Keep up the fight Dick, Rana, & the rest of those who DEMAND A RECALL OF THE GENERAL MANAGER & the useless BOARD.

    Lets get together behind NONA.

  4. Anthony,

    You bet we're behind Nona Tobin.

    She was removed without any opportunity of defending herself, and as such, requires a hearing before the Nevada Real Estate Division, which she was DENIED.

    NRED has assigned a Special Investigator as a result.

    You will notice that Anthem Opinions still lists Nona Tobin as a Board member.

    Until the matter is settled by the Nevada Real Estate Division, we do not recognize the Board's naming her replacement as a valid member of the Sun City Anthem Board.

    We have nothing against the replacement, but we do object to the manner in which the replacement took place.

    Common courtesy would have been to delay any decision until the Tobin situation was resolved. obvious additional secret meeting without even the additional common courtesy of any notification to the community to allow any resident to be interviewed by the Board for consideration.

    Just another reason to vote "yes" to recall the bunch.

  5. From Barry Opinions

    Wow, it is so interesting to see the other blogger so concerned about residents being hurt at club venues and our association taking proper steps to make sure a vendor has insurance.

    When I reported that the restaurant he supported had no insurance, he was absolutely silent, except to label me as a troublemaker.

    Not one article showing concern for residents in the 4 months it took to get their certificate of insurance.

    Where was his concern when it was learned that Liberty Center had leaks, and the board of directors kept putting out buckets to deal with the problem?

    He was not concerned about residents being injured then.

    As a matter of fact, many of the 55 claims against our insurance, came from slips and falls at that center.

    Did he bother to ask the management or board of directors over the number of ensuing years to fix the problem?

    Simply, no. I guess his hypocrisy only goes so far.

  6. Barry,

    Let's face it, when you are the "mouthpiece" for corruption and "machine" politics, that what deceptive people do.

    They stonewall anything that would hurt the corrupt system they have been an active part of for years, in any way.

  7. From Elaine Opinions

    Actions toward the treatment of the Foundation Assisting Seniors:

    THIS IS A DISGRACE!!!!!!!!!

  8. From Nancy Opinions

    Dick, the problem, as I see it and I am in favor of the recall and have signed the petition and will sign again (if that was possible), is that over 40% of the folks who vote are either new to the community and have no idea what this is all about or since they are new to the community, they don’t care or they are just too busy to get involved or they don’t receive your blog or go about their business without wanting to get involved.

    We, the older (term used loosely) members of the community understand completely, have had to deal with the Berman’s in not so nicely a situation, do care but we are a very small percentage of the whole.

    How does one convince that 40-50% to care and sign the petition?

  9. Nancy,

    The time for petition signing is over; now it's time to vote.

    I agree with you that many residents in Sun City Anthem do not receive Anthem Opinions, but with each month we grow like weeds with 1,800 subscribers and an average daily "hits" to our site now at 2,500.

    Is that enough? It's never enough !

    At this stage our hope is primarily word of mouth, forwarding of our articles to neighbors and friends, and appealing to common sense.

    Who out there would favor such things as:

    1. retaining anyone who loses $40,000 of their money on a bad restaurant loan?
    2. paying a salary to a General Manager almost twice the amount paid to Sun City Summerlin's who has 4 restaurants and 4 golf courses, and 300 full time employees, while we have only a fraction of that amout?
    3. secret meetings to remove an elected board member without allowing her a defense?

    Only those who are a part of the system, that's not care...until their dues increases as a result of their nonchalant and uncaring attitudes.

    Our challenge is reaching THEM, and telling the TRUTH, while hoping that the corrupt actions taken by those who would ham us, can finally be acknowledged.

    It's idealistic, but where there's a will, there will always be hope !

  10. From Peter Opinions

    My wife Shirley and I purchased a home in April located on Idaho Falls Drive and moved from the Finger Lakes of New York and arrived here the last week of September.

    A little over a month ago I signed up and began receiving Anthem Opinion emails and if everything is true as stated within them, we are now hoping we didn’t make a major mistake in buying a home here.

    We had just left one HOA which I am proud to say I had the opportunity to serve on its ACC for ten years, two of it as Chairman, nine years as Board member and four of them as Board President.

    Never and I mean never in all my years in serving did any of the committees I served nor as an Association Board member did we ever break any of the Association Bylaws.

    We believe we were there to serve, not to be served.

    As a Board, we always had an open door policy. Our residents were heard and when needed, we dealt with facts to answer their questions and or address concerns.

    Any changes made to the Bylaws required eighty five percent of the members voting in favor to do so.

    Again we dealt with facts when we went about making a change.

    We stayed true to our set budget and looked for alternative ways to save while investing and maintaining a healthy reserve fund.

    We were able to keep yearly dues at the same rate for eight years and in 2016 voted on a a new five year contract that kept the increase under three percent.

    What my wife and I find hard to believe is why the residents of Sun City Anthem would ever put up with all of this nonsense and why for so many years.

    If Bylaws have been broken and Association funds have been mismanaged, why have the majority of the residents put up with it for so long and why not become a voice of one and demand the Board to address these concerns with facts?

    For me, I don’t need to sit and listen to some attorney explanation.

    I want to hear it from those who were elected to serve who happen to also be my neighbor.

    Enough said.

    When we began our search for a home and community to reside in for our final years in February, we were lead to believe this community would provide everything and so much more than we would ever need.

    We now wonder if our realtor misled us and we now must accept a mess of excess baggage that we and many others in this association do not justifiably deserve.

    Between now and the date set for a recall, instead of being able to enjoy the benefits of this community, we now find ourselves needing to sift through this mess to gain the facts in order to hopefully make the right decision when it comes to vote.

    We hope we have the time to succeed.

    I thank you for your time.

  11. Peter, I receive numerous email from Sun City Anthem residents, but I have to say, yours might be the most sincere request for information I have ever received.

    You have no idea how much your email is appreciated and I wish all residents, especially the new ones like yourself, would take the time to know their community.

    Like you I came to Sun City Anthem in 2005 with optimism and hope, believing all of us were in this place having the same objective; namely living the remainder of our days in harmony.

    Having never been part of a homeowners association prior to my arrival from Chicago, I had a belief that going to meetings would allow me to meet others,discuss some of the financial aspects of the association, and then "go out for a beer" with the new people I had met. I mistakenly believed various opinions represented "a good thing"; that intelligent people would look at both sides of an argument prior to making a decision.

    For the most part, so many wonderful people live in Sun City Anthem who are caring, giving, and in most cases, look at neighbors as extensions of their families they left behind.

    In my case, I've been so fortunate to get to know mine, socialize with them, and we've developed a relationship where we always look out for each other.

    Then...I became aware of the community politics, and honestly, the saying "ignorance is bliss became quite appropriate.

    Believe it or not, at one time a group of residents actually organized a polical party called "Unity", and since that time, though they deny still being organized,have all too often grouped together and chosen their board candidates, many of which have so little experience at governance, that the worst of financial errors have been made.

    We have had 5 restaurants fail,

    We have been audited by the IRS because of a Board's refusal to return funds to owners.

    We have had Board directors authorize loans to a private vendor unable to obtain legitimate financing at below prime, only to default and Sun City Anthem lose $40,000.

    We have granted a restaurant lease to the wife of a felon who served in a Colorado Federal penitentiary for robbing 8 Las Vegas banks.

    Recently we witnessed a lady who saw elected with in excess of 2,000 votes, removed without any opportunity of allowing her to defend herself against charges that even the current Board has been unable to substantiate.

    Now we have witnessed a ridiculously highly priced General Manager being currently paid $270,000 per year plus benefits which include payment of 85% of medical insurance premiums, disability insurance, 401(k) plan with matching contributions, and $5,000 of funds for continuing education for managing 3 buildings, no restaurant, no golf course and less then 100 full time employees, while Sun City Summerlin, an association slightly larger than ours (7800 homes vs our 7,144), pays their General Manager $160,000 and manages 4 golf courses, 4 restaurants, and over 300 employees.

    The decisions made over the years by "descendants" of that "political organization" have now controlled Sun City Anthem for the past 9-10 years, and during that period, have also been named to ABC Channel 13's "HOA Hall of Shame".

    The individual who has become the unofficial spokesman for that group was an attorney whose law license was suspended for forgery, filing a deceptive estate tax return, and defrauding the State of Massachusetts of revenue.

    What baffles many of us is how the current Board seems to cling to him despite that past.

    Anyway, I have just touched the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more.
