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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Latest Sun City Anthem Email Conveniently Omits the Most Important Issue Facing Community

The Slippery Slope in Believing "Official"
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Tainted "Garbage"

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  1. From Valerie Opinions

    Excellent article telling it exactly how things really are at SCA and not sugarcoating to protect the manager or the Board.

    This used to be a wonderful community to live in. It has turned into a type of prison where owners are being controlled by management instead of the management having to answer to owners.

    All their “good “ ideas are giving them more control, and owners pay the price.

    As someone rightly pointed out, we don’t need a manager who is paid a gigantic package anymore.

    We need a competent individual managing who has the interest of the owners first and foremost!

    Her expertise is no longer required; she needs to be replaced! She has alienated people and clubs with her rules.

    We don’t need this type of management.

    New people that have moved here don’t understand how bad the morale is here.

    Having another liability I.e. a restaurant that costs us money is not in our interests, yet management has made the decision to have one and waste our money AGAIN.

  2. From Marcia Opinions

    Valerie has made some very salient points, but the one thing that everyone seems to miss is that THE BOARD IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE for allowing management to go ahead with all these unconscionable actions. 'THE BUCK STOPS HERE" with this board and previous boards for all the runaway expenditures and bad decisions over the years.

    In regards to the previous management company not doing their job properly, it was incumbent upon the board to watch the company and demand proper carrying out of the tasks they were charged with completing in a satisfactory manner.

    First we had an out of control management company and now a runaway self-management team whom is hell-bent on tightening a choke-hold on the homeowners.

    The incompetency of this current board is in a large part due to their extreme self-absorbency, power hungry with the attitude that they can do anything they want, and to constantly exhibit "The Peter Principle" (arising to their level of incompetence) They refuse to call upon experts who reside here in SCA for input when considering projects, continue to exhibit extreme rudeness when dealing with homeowners unless that homeowner sides with them and picks and chooses their "favorite little pets" to let slide on the existing rules and regulations while targeting those homeowners who object and publicly state so. There is absolutely no democratic process in place whatsoever.

    Therefore, the onus is on ALL homeowners in the next election to either volunteer to run and/or vote for new candidates who pledge to bring SCA back to an open,honest, and democratic form of HOA government and quit bypassing input and voting on important issues by the homeowners.


  3. From A. Opinions

    What has to happen to replace Sandy the $$$ "manager " & to take off the table the ridiculous idea of a restaurant here in SCA  ?

    Please tell us.  This is getting seriously out of control, the BOARD is on" meds" & totally unaware of whats happening here & doesn't want to address these issues.

    PLEASE show us the way to replace the general manager & STOP the nonsense of the restaurant. 

  4. In my opinion, these would be the necessary steps our community would have to take.

    1. Replacing 5 of the members of the current Board at the next election with competent individuals who will be strong and competent enough to:

    a. replace the General Manager along with a number of her personal friends who have been placed in upper management.  This is a community, not a kingdom.

    b. reduce the starting salary of her replacement to a level comparable with similar job responsibilities,  as well as strongly curtail her authority and hiring ability.

    c. Remove the CFO.  There is no need to spend $200,000 per year for such an individual in a non-profit organization.

    d. immediately terminate any tie to the current Association Attorney. He has proven to be anti-homeowner in my opinion.  His replacement would also be strongly curtailed as to usage.

    e. revisit the self-management concept as it has led to an individual having entire too much power over a community.

    In other words, give a community back to the people who own it.

  5. From Roseann Opinions

    Jim Mayfield and Tim Stebbins are assets to our community. I just want to thank, both of you, for keeping us well informed of what is really happening in SCA!! I totally agree that the GM is trying to substantiate her overpaid salary! 

    Jim, while you were on the Board, you tried to institute positivity & correctness to our community. We all know the negative attitudes you received from other Board members. I was so sad to learn that you were no longer involved with trying to keep SCA an upstanding community!! You were the "Best" board member SCA ever had. 

  6. So...those not owning property in Sun City Anthem are able to attend Board meetings, as well as, speak at them ?

    First, I question whether individuals would still "appreciate" Tutera and/or G2G since the background allegations have come forward WITHOUT RESPONSE..

    ...from either the Board or The Bull Sheet.

    Since outsiders are able to attend, perhaps Darcy Spears should be invited to attend and SPEAK.  After all, not allowing her to do so would be DISCRIMINATION since it has been stated there are no rules to the contrary.

    Let's get down to the nitty gritty !

    Has the restaurant lease been signed, and if so, without investigation as to the new information?

    The community has the full right to know what, if any, additional vetting took place...

    ...especially since Board members have been made aware of them.

    Anything short of that, that it smacks with COVER UP... well as complete violation of fiduciary responsibility.

    And people can question corruption and incompetence?
