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Sunday, October 21, 2018

Former Sun City Anthem Board Member Comments on Association Collections Policy

Following our article regarding the collection fees sustained by a individual who missed a single dues payment (that was subsequently paid) as a result of a financial crisis involving a severe illness sustained by his wife, we recalled a collection issue that took place approximately two years ago.. issue that former Sun City Anthem Director, Nona Tobin,  tried desperately to bring to the attention of the Sun City Anthem Board.

As all of you are now aware, Ms. Tobin was removed from the Sun City Anthem Board by fellow board members...

...a decision that was upheld by the Nevada Real Estate Division, yet, at the same time, also determined a Board had NO RIGHT to remove a Director in an Executive Session.

(If anyone can comprehend making a legitimate decision within an illegitimate setting, and it being upheld, we certainly would be most happy to hear an explanation of that logic.)

We also wish to bring out the fact, that despite that decision, Ms. Tobin has NEVER had the opportunity of defending herself.

We contacted Nona Tobin for her recollections of the collection issues she brought before the Sun City Anthem Board, and she was kind to provide us the following article.

Thank you Nona.

Former Sun City Anthem Board Member Nona Tobin
Anthem Speaks Out
Clarkson Law Group
 Sun Anthem City Board

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