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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Bad Apples Will Spoil The Entire Bunch

Sun City Anthem
Just Another Reason Why
 Sun City Anthem
Fell from the Top 55 Retirement Communities in the USA

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Valerie Opinions
    What can be done about transparency regarding the contract with the manager that should be available to the individuals who pay their salary?  We, the owners, need to know what we are dealing with and how to get rid of individuals who do not have the best interest of those who pay their salary.  Something is rotten in the state of Nevada!

    At this point, do we still need Sandy and her team?

    The things she set up no longer require her expertise nor what we pay for her.

  2. First of all, Valerie, I believe you're very loosely using the word "expertise".  That "expertise" has created one nightmare after another as documented.

    As far as a solution, there is only ONE available...a new honest Board, a.k.a. The New Tradition Team with Rana Goodman, Barry Goldstein, Karen Hadrick, Bill Odelson, and Larry Mayer.

  3. From Richard Opinions

    Someone please me how this happened if the person was "fully vetted", who hired this person, who did this "full vetting", and have they been fired yet?

    This is another example of SCA self-MIS-management, like not knowing about the coach lights, and how they worked; did anybody ask an actual homeowner?

    When will we ever learn that 'world-class' community management is best left to professional managers with actual management skills, not rank amateurs.  

    My real concern is if and/or how 'spend it 'till it's gone' Seddon got vetted, and by whom.

    She was/is/will continue to bring disaster after disaster to SCA, and will, in the end, do us in.

    We should, at the least, require all management personnel to be SCA residents, and be accountable.

    Some sort of basic I.Q. test, and/or polygraph, should also be required, and the results be made public.

    The same goes for DAB; I fear he's gone completely off the rails, and is becoming paranoid and dangerous.
