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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Let the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors Election Commence !

"New Tradition" Team
Sets Agenda
2019 Sun City Anthem Board Election

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  1. From Lloyd Opinions

    This looks like the kind of Board SCA needs.

    Let’s hope they can make Anthem great again.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    A new slate of Directors on the SCA Board would fix the overall "SCA Toilet".

  3. From Elizabeth Opinions

    In the over 11 years we have lived in Sun City Anthem, the community  has deteriorated and is no longer a premier community with a stellar reputation. The residents are disrespected and in fact often treated like ignorant children.  Our concerns are often ignored. The facilities are in terrible shape with badly chipped furniture, and comfortable seating, fake carpet flooring covered in electric tape to name a few.

    I would say it’s not such a happy birthday because Sun City Anthem  is NOT AGING WELL!

  4. From Mary Lee Opinions
    There is hope for SCA on the horizon with the 5 member Dream Team!!!!  

    To say I am excited is an understatement.

    Sandy has control over ALL residents names and addresses (renters as well who should Never be able to vote for anything).

    Vegas Voice, Anthem Opinions and Anthem Today should  help Promote this  team.

  5. I have never seen such an out pour of enthusiasm for change.

    A strong concern is the ballot collecting procedure that has recently been approved.

    If one looks carefully at how it is being conducted, the possibility of FRAUD is more than apparent.

    We will discuss this potentially CORRUPT regulation in the near future. Yes, it's that CONCERNING !

  6. From Lenore Opinions

    I hope these qualified individuals get elected. They encompass a wealth of experience, education, competence and dedication. 

    Let's get the word out to our community and support these people.

  7. From Bill Opinions

    Seems like the endorsement for these five candidates is set in “stone.”

    Are there any other individuals to date that have been accepted to run out there as well?

    Don’t get me wrong, but throwing it all in for these folks may be just a little premature.

    I do not doubt that these folks have the experience and expertise to help run this community, however all candidates should be able to voice their qualifications on your opinion page as well.

    Could this new Dream Team become the New Machine?  

    As a community we need to judge each and every candidate as individuals and then make the smartest decisions in our own opinion. 

  8. Bill,

    This team includes Rana Goodman, a woman whose integrity is 2nd to none in my mind.  Her unselfish dedication to good causes is unquestioned.

    Rana would never, and I stress the word NEVER, be any part of any "machine" that would do the harm to Sun City Anthem, what the current "machine" has done.

    We do not know who the other candidates are at this point, but as to why the other candidates have not yet been announced since the deadline was 2/8/19, is a FIRST in the history of Sun City Anthem.

    I would like any of the other individuals who completed their candidacy to come forward.  As to why they have not, leads me to believe SOMETHING OUT THERE does not meet the eye.

    If any of them are out there, perhaps they might come forward and state if they too are wondering as to why they everything has been so secretive.

    Finally, let me address your desire to have all the candidates express their opinions.

    Two years ago when a number of individuals ran, I did just that; however I placed one restriction on giving any of them a free commercial:

    That restriction was that to obtain the free advertising, they would have to agree to answer publicly ANY QUESTION posed to them on Anthem Opinions.

    None of the "machine" candidates would agree to do so.  

    If any of the candidates would agree to that, I urge them to post that guarantee for all to see.  

  9. From RoseAnn Opinions

    Let's Go "New Traditions Team" !  You certainly have my vote.

  10. Still think we don't need a change in ALL FORMS of COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP?

    What next?  This just came in via an official Sun City Anthem eblast:

    This is the guy whom we pay $40,000 a year to spy on residents.

    "Our Community Standards Inspector, Trent Austin, will be conducting night inspections in February.  He will be inspecting all homes for address lights and coach lights that aren’t lit.  Please check your address lights and coach lights to make sure they are functioning properly."

    Is this man getting overtime to spy on the community in the evening?  

    What's next, Ms. Seddon, a personal Pledge of Allegiance ?

  11. From Forrest Opinions

    Many homes don’t have coach lights...duh!!! 

    As for me, I’m not aware of any code requirements to have coach lights. 

    Coach lights on garages and porches are switch controlled, not required to be controlled by light sensor.

  12. From Tony Opinions

    Great picks for the BOARD ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 

    Thanks for YOUR help. 

  13. From Robert Opinions

    Thank you for the informative link to the candidates' web page.....your 2000+ daily readers now have easier access to the information.

    I applaud Anthem Opinions for taking the "high road" in this election;  it appears an alternate blogger has chosen to disparage and insult a candidate and a potential voter.

    He has insulted and questioned the integrity of Mr. Wong who he refers to as a 'community activist in a recent bog

    He has questioned the ability of Ms. Goodman to properly attend to Board duties due to her schedule of 'guardianship activities', etc. 

    I never heard him (or anyone else) question a MALE candidate as to whether he can properly attend to Board duties because of a busy schedule.

  14. Robert,

    He is what he is !

    He will never change, and dwelling on him and what he represents means little.

    Insulting individuals and destroying their characters is his typical manner of defending his beloved "machine."

    He is a non-factor in this election.

    What counts are those who are running; the way they will communicate with the voters, the prior business experience they bring, and the common sense and compassion all wish to again see a part of our community.

    If prior "experience" with past SCA activities is a factor on which to base an individual's qualifications are important, perhaps looking at what that experience has accomplished tells the tale about its value.

    Thus far, that "experience" seems to have contributed to:

    Failing restaurants

    Outrageous nonsensical Compliance Rules

    Exorbitant incomes levels of Senior Management

    A Retirement community's falling from being #1 in the nation to being completely omitted form the Top 55 in just a matter of a few years.

    An HOA Hall of Shame report distinction

    and Club restrictions that have alienated those they pledged to represent.

    It would seem fresh faces offering a "New Tradition" might be just what the doctor ordered.
