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Sunday, March 10, 2019

"Meet & Greet" Invitations...A Opportunity to Objectively Meet Candidates....Unless Your Invited by "The Machine"

From the Heart
From the "Machine"

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Marty Opinons

    Having just reread the statement of facts in the Berman  bar disciplinary proceeding, you may find interesting my perspective as a long time Massachusetts practitioner.   

    While the creation and attempt to use a so-called license to sell decree with the forged signature of a probate court judge, coupled with a counterfeit release of tax lien by the Department of Revenue are in and of themselves egregious breaches of legal ethics, the practical effect of this deception could have really injured an innocent purchaser of the property. 

    In those days, it was not the customary practice in Massachusetts to use escrow companies and title insurers as we do here, but rather to rely on the lawyers for the purchaser and the lender to conduct title searches and render title opinions. 

    I suspect that it was Mr. Mimno, the bank counsel, that spotted the phony documents and then reported the offense to the Board of Bar Overseers.

    Had that not been caught, the purchaser of the property would have received a title with a "cloud" on it that could have cost thousands of dollars and much time to remove through court proceedings when the deception was ultimately discovered.

    Despite all the "lawyer jokes" (some of which are deserved, but most are not) lawyers are bound by strict ethical codes and what was done here not only is unethical, but could have had serious consequences for the buyer and the mortgage lender by rendering the title defective. 

    The most common cause for lawyer discipline is misappropriation of clients' trust funds, and this sort of wrongdoing is in my experience highly unusual.

  2. From Valerie Opinions

    Excellent factual rebuttal.

  3. Apparently the current Board and General Manager are all following the 'Golden Rule': "The guy with the gold makes the rules"....unfortunately it's OUR gold

  4. From Elizaberth Breier...Past President of the Mah Jongg Opinions

    For some reason unclear to me that the New Traditions Team of 5 candidates is being  labeled as The Arendt Team.

    IF that were true, I would ask, “So what?”

    Certainly that would then make the 5 candidates whose names all appear on a red business card that’s being distributed,  as the “Berman” Team. 

    Those are the candidates that “the other blogger” is supporting and for whom he has glowing comments.

    Unlike The New Traditions Team and their supporters who are constantly attacked by the "Master Baiter" and his cronies,
    who has made this election a “them” vs “us” election?

    Some folks aren’t satisfied unless they are creating unnecessary turmoil. 

    I DO know the 5 individuals of The New Traditions Team, and they are 5 distinct individuals who all think and speak for themselves and no one is telling them what to say.

    However, a member of the current board that is running to be elected, yet again, is deeply embedded with the “other blogger”, so much so, that the candidate has, as an endorser on his flyer, one very close friend of “the other blogger”.

    Trouble is, that person is a renter in Sun  City.

    So we know where those “other 5” take their marching orders from. 

    Each household should vote for the candidates they personally support and not get in the middle of invented wars or vote based on what one other person tells them, unless of course the voters can’t think for themselves.

    That’s the “other bloggers” accusation of The New Traditions candidates (Goodman, Hadrick, Goldstein, Mayer and Odelson), that they are a team controlled by someone else and can’t think for themselves.

    They actually each present themselves very well at the numerous gatherings that are well attended by enthusiastic unit owners almost daily and sometimes twice a day.

    So maybe their are some independent thinkers in Sun City after all!

  5. Liz,

    A Very interesting and appropriate new name for Mr. Berman in light of his constant pounding away at Anthem Opinions instead of having his chosen candidates speak for themselves.

    We'll stick to what really counts...the candidates and what each offers to community.

    But thanks for the chuckle for yet another nickname for Mr. B.

  6. From Matt Opinions

    The GM and the Board and the attorney intentionally inflated the cost of the recall by hiring an outside CPA firm for big bucks and of course other expenses like legal fees.

  7. Got a real chuckle about the Bob Burch "expert" commentary.

    Unfortunately, we all know that the petition totals were invalid after Clark County Records indicated the $85,000 Audit Firm neglected to correct them when 55 owner signatures were incorrectly removed as eligible voters.

    Add that to the 2 "missing pages" of the petitions, that after both the rejected owners and missing pages of the petitions being shown to both the General Manager as well as the Ombudsman as proof of the error, somehow never warranted any response from either party.

    Mr. Burch then escapes the removal election by all of 2 signatures. That part of the equation never seems to be addressed by "the machine", does it? He runs for reelection, quits after 2 months on the job, and then the remaining Board appoints a person who lost the election.

    Best part...836 signed "No Confidence" petitions were sent to the GM and asked to be placed in her Personnel file for future job performance and evaluation.

    Never got a response as to that, but we do know she got some kind of bonus.

    Coincidence or Corruption ?

    Just additional reasons why it's called "The Machine"

  8. From Mary Lee Opinions


    HURRAY….. LOVE IT!!!!
