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Sunday, August 4, 2019

2020 Sun City Anthem Budget Proposes More from Your Pocketbook ! (Part One of Two)

Another Dues Increase Proposal?
It's Time to Reevaluate Self-Management Authority
(Part One of Two)

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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Tim Opinions 

    Dick, It must take you a long time to write and gather the facts.

    You are right about frivolous spending.The board has to stand up to Sandy!

  2. From Vince Opinions

    Why is it that she and Sandy have so much power?

    Does not the Board have any say so?

    Why can’t we see her contract?  After all she works for US not for herself.

    Sun City Anthem is not her private pocket book.

    It is time for us to hold her accountable for her spending.

    Does she have free reign on what she does?

    Why do we have a Board if she can do what she wants. There has to be something that can be done.

  3. Vince,

    Candace Karrow is straight from the Rex Weddle School of Bully Management.

    Though Nevada law states that all Board members are equal, she. like Weddle, is of the opinion that the Board President is above reproach.That's obviously why they got along so well. 

    She was, is, and always has been the best example of "machine politics", and frankly, like Weddle, has become an embarrassment to the community for the way she acts.

    There are only two ways to solve the problem. 

    First, her fellow Board members should realize that she casts a dark shadow them to the community and as such, should be replaced as the President.

    The second, make sure she suffers the same fate as Weddle if she runs for reelection. .  

    Either way, the community should realize that she "needs to go".

  4. From Valerie Opinions 

    Outrageous demands from Sandy to increase our dues.

    Let Sandy and her employees have a cut in salary for what they want to charge the owners, OR get rid of all of them and look for a more owner-friendly manager and staff. 

    Is anyone surprised at the plan to get more money from owners while the manager and staff happily cash in on their salary and over generous compensation?

    This is an outrage and insult. 

    We employ THEM, not the other way around. 

    Get rid of all of them and find another manager and staff! 

    We have been controlled by Sandy and her actions, and now it’s time to say ENOUGH! 

    We will find a better manager. 

    She is not the only one around and this request is out of line and unnecessary. 

    If she wants more money let the door slam on her backside as we waive bye bye!

  5. I wouldn't have known about this proposed increased if I had not read it here this afternoon. Would have read it this morning but I didn’t wake up until 11:45.

    This HOA general manager makes a salary of around $250,000 +/- a year plus retirement contributions - more than the governor of Nevada - who makes around $129,000 a year. The governor is responsible for 110,567 sq miles of property. This GM is responsible for about 7,200 homes and common property equating to what, 10 - 20 sq miles of property. Would someone explain the rational of this to me?

    Either late 2016 or early 2017, the then board, under Rex's leadership, approved a $20K bonus for the then new GM and then a few months later, we saw an increase in HOA fees from $275 to $304 a quarter. Doesn't that seem pretty fishy to you or did it piss you off? It's one thing for a slight increase, it's another when you award a bonus for a new GM then jump the fee.

    WHAT TO DO? One effective way is start telling your friends and neighbors about attending the budget meeting Monday, August 19th at 10:00am in the Anthem Center Delaware Room. The larger the turnout, the more effective it is. Start talking HOA proposed increase with people you come in contact with at the center, your clubs, etc. Write the board members. Creating awareness is key so residents can be informed of this proposal.
