Information Pages

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

We Thank You for Another Great Year in 2019...and...Look Forward to an Even Better One in 2020 !

From Us
to You
Our Valued Readers

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For Supporting Our Efforts
in Making Anthem Opinions 
The #1 Read Independent Publication in the Anthem Communities with in excess of 2,400 subscribers and having been visited
Over 3,000,000 times in our 6 Year History

Dick Arendt
Co-Owner & Webmaster

Allen Weintraub
Co-Owner & Technical Support 

Forrest Fetherolf
Mr. Fix-It

Jackie Brett
Entertainment Advisory

Valerie Lapin

Marla Levey & Marcia Kosterka


The concerned additional Sun City Anthem contributors who have provided their knowledge and expertise in providing you the best in community information that you won't receive elsewhere !

Jim Mayfield
Robert Nusser
Nelson Orth
Marty Winger

Monday, December 30, 2019

Dropping the Times Square Ball...Part of Americana

Dropping the Times Square Time Ball
An American Tradition for 112 Years

Image result for waterford ball in times square 2019


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"History & Holidays"

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Can't Have a New Years Celebration without Eggnog

New Years Needs Eggnog
How to Make Your Own

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See our Information Page...

"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Let Us Entertain You

Twas the Day After Christmas
Author Unknown
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Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house,
Every creature was hurting -- even the mouse.

The toys were all broken, their batteries dead;
Santa passed out, with some ice on his head.

Wrapping and ribbons just covered the floor, while
Upstairs the family continued to snore.

And I in my T-shirt, new Reeboks and jeans,
Went into the kitchen and started to clean.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the sink to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the curtains, and threw up the sash.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a little white truck, with an oversized mirror.

The driver was smiling, so lively and grand;
The patch on his jacket said "U.S. POST--MAN."

With a handful of bills, he grinned like a fox
Then quickly he stuffed them into our mail box.

Bill after bill, after bill, they still came.
Whistling and shouting he called them by name:

"Now Macy's, now Dillard's, now Penny's and Sears
Here's Walmart's and Target's and Costco's---all here!!

To the tip or your limit, every store, every mall,
Now chargeaway-chargeaway-chargeaway all!"

He whooped and he whistled as he finished his work.
He filled up the box, and then turned with a jerk.

He sprang to his truck and he drove down the road,
Driving much faster with just half a load.

Then I heard him exclaim with great holiday cheer,

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Christmas Gift to Our Readers...What Christmas Really Means

Burl Ives
A "Poetic Storyof Christmas

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"History & Holidays"

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Porch Pirates & The Holidays

Online Purchases & Porch Pirates

Image result for online purchases and porch pirates"

Image result for cartoon porch pirates

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"Keeping Our Neighborhood Safe"

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Hannukah...The Festival of Lights Begins Tonight

Anthem Opinions wishes all of our readers and friends of the Jewish faith...

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"History & Holidays...Archives Page Ten"

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Home Prices and Cash Sales Decline in October

Home Prices & Number of Homes Sold
Dip in October
Image result for home prices dropping"

CLICK HERE for Full Information 

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 "Henderson...Las Vegas...Nevada...Happenings"

Monday, December 16, 2019

Experienced Pilot Examines Recent Airport Meeting

 Experienced Pilot
Comments on Henderson Executive Airport Meeting

Image result for aviation

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"Nevada Know How...Archives...Page Six"

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Former New Tradition Team Sun City Anthem Candidate Sadly Succumbs to Cancer

Former New Tradition Team Candidate
Bill Odelson
Loses Battle with Cancer

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It is with the deepest sadness that we have been informed of the passing of a GOOD MAN...a WONDERFUL UNSELFISH MAN, a GIVING HONEST MAN, and a true gentleman,  Bill Odelson.

Bill represented The New Tradition Team candidates in the 2019 Sun City Anthem Board of Directors election, and in his relatively short time in Sun City Anthem, "stepped up" for one reason... make Sun City Anthem a better place through his vast years of successful business experience.

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He loved playing tennis as a member of the Sun City Anthem Tennis Club, (was great at it), and when not working...yes, he worked full-time while running for a Board position, was also involved with the association Horse Racing Club.

A Drill Sargent training those who would see Viet Nam combat, he was also a member of the Veterans Club.

But Bill was special...and what made him so ....

...he was a "team player"; a man who believed all people had a good side to them, and that kindness and competence went hand in hand.

I got to know Bill fairly well when he decided to run for the Sun City Anthem Board, and always looked at him as the "calming force of reason" when it came to The New Tradition Team.

Those who got to know him realized that there wasn't a selfish bone in his body!

And....those types don't exist very often!

Our condolences go out to his wife, Susan, who supported him in every way.

Bill Odelson will be missed by those who were fortunate to know him.

Sun City Anthem lost a VERY GOOD MAN.

Image result for bill odelson

Did you know Bill?  Want to share your thoughts?

Send them to us at:

  • From Matt Opinions

    Marilyn and I are deeply saddened about Bill's passing.

    It is hard to understand.
  • From Marty Opinions

    Bill was a dear friend and in so many ways a prince among men.

    I appreciate this moving tribute to his blessed memory.
  • From Former Sun City Anthem Board Director Jim Opinions

    Prayers are with Bill and his family.
    1. From Liz & Bill Opinions

      We are saddened by this awful news. Our sincere condolences to Susan and the family. 
      1. From Rana Goodman...Sun City Anthem Board Opinions


        Thank you for posting the lovely tribute to Bill O.

        He was, as you said, one of the nicest men I have ever met.

        After the election, he never hesitated, even after his learning of his illness, to tell both Karen Hadrick and myself, who ran with him for a board seat, to call on him if we ever needed help with anything.

        Dan and I send our heartfelt condolences to his wife Susan.

        She too is a warm, lovely lady we are glad to call a friend.
      2. From Barry & Sherry Opinions

        Bill was a positive influence and an asset to the people in our community.

        He will be missed by all who knew him.

        Our thoughts and prayers are with Susan and family.
  • Monday, December 9, 2019

    He Was Elvis !

    Las Vegas Loses One of its Best !
    Trent Carlini

    Image result for trent carlini 2019

    CLICK HERE for Full Information 


    Click on our Information Page...

      "Henderson...Las Vegas...Nevada...Happenings"

    Sunday, December 8, 2019

    A New Information Page Dedicated to Special Seasonal Holidays

    "Seasonal Entertainment Schedule
    A New Information Page for Holiday Celebrations

    It should come to no surprise to our readers that "Entertainment is King" on Anthem Opinions, and that certain weekends and seasons of the year, merit special treatment.

    And...with that belief combined with providing you the most fun ideas  possible in a holiday weekend, we've decided we needed a new Information Page dedicated solely to those special times.

    And...we've decided to call it...

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    Image result for entertainment

    Tuesday, December 3, 2019

    One of the Toughest Decision a Senior Has to Face

    The Decision to Stop Driving
    Something Every Senior Has to Face Some Day

    Image result for seniors time to stop driving"


    Click on our Information Page

    "Keeping Our Neighborhood Safe"

    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Anthem Opinions: Our Mission Defined (Part Two of Two)

       An Anthem Opinions Statement
    Who Are We and What Do We Stand For !
    (Part Two of Two)

    Image result for clarification"

    We are of the Reagan belief:

    Image result for trust but verify"

    Perhaps the most destructive and weakest element of the "insecure bureaucrat" is refusing to look to those whose life experience far exceeds their own, prior to making a decision....more than often resulting in adverse effects.

    We at Anthem Opinions believe that YOU NEED TO KNOW for one reason... you can judge success or failure on the basis of actions, not words filled with false promises that might have a negative effect on your lifestyle.

    Have we been wrong not to bring to your attention or would you prefer not know?...

    Tax problems resulting from improper accounting?

    Accepting The Liberty Center "as is" without independent inspection that resulted in horrific losses to Sun City Anthem when built?

    The total picture of Liberty Center repair costs...not merely a settlement that ignored association assessment increases that were imposed...that were conveniently ignored by others to HIDE the REAL LOSSES that occurred?

    The fact of the highest paid COO in the entire state of Nevada, along with incomes of the top 5 individuals in management that account for in excess of $1 million EACH YEAR ?

    A Chief Financial Officer that is not a CPA, is paid $180,000 per year, yet obtained a degree online?

    The hidden "deals" behind 5 restaurant failures that included improper vetting by KNOWINGLY allowing one former tenant to be acceptable despite a criminal record for having robbed 8 Las Vegas banks, or that 2 loans made to another former tenant that totaled $40,000 were neither repaid, but instead were forgiven?

    A former removal election that was fraught with questionable activity costing our association $85,000, when prior to that expenditure, all elections were handled by volunteers at minimal cost....yet blaming others for decisions only a Board could make ?

    Hiring a full-time a $40,000 per year employee to do nothing but canvas neighborhoods writing thousands of senseless citations? 

    How individual Board members vote and how that compares to their original campaign promises ?

    The recent Anthem Council unexplained additional costs?

    These are merely a few of the substantial matters that have been brought to your attention... 

    ...issues and questions that are NEVER disclosed elsewhere...either by a Board, any official publications, or a biased "insecure bureaucrat" who defends a "machine" at all costs !

    Just how do you solve problems unless they are first identified ???

    They certainly don't just "go away"...they magnify if not acknowledged, confronted, and solved intelligently.

    What is perhaps the most ludicrous criticism is looking at Anthem Opinions as a competitor of another blogger !  

    We find that comparison not only erroneous, but insulting.

    Ever ask yourself...

    Why was Anthem Opinions welcomed to contribute to two Sun City Anthem Darcy Spears, Channel 13 "Hall of Shame" reports for exposing the problems hidden by many ?

    Do you really believe that a major television station's top Investigative Reporter would not fully research facts prior to well documented broadcasts?

    And if you still question our honesty or intentions, perhaps the greatest concern regarding those reports was ...

    Why did those who created the problems WE EXPOSED, refuse to be interviewed by Darcy Spears ?

    They had every opportunity; we encouraged Channel 13 to do so, but THEY REFUSED !

    As of November 30th, we have now 2,400 current  subscribers to our publication and by the end of 2019, will cross the 3,000,000 mark in total "hits" since we commenced operations in November, 2012.

    We now average in excess of 38,000 visits per month, normally publishing two articles each day, five days per week.

    And...we couldn't accomplish that without those who do appreciate our information, quality, and restrictions to provide professionalism to journalism.

    That's who we are, have been for six years, and will continue on that path as long as time, health, and desire permits us to do so.

    And more importantly, this publication is about YOUnot the publisher of Anthem Opinions.

    We have no business cards; we don't wear a silly baseball cap with our blog logo; we do not accept paid advertising, and we have never requested or accepted any favor of any kind, to publish anything in which we could or would benefit, directly or indirectly, in any way.

    We'd rather stick to our mission...having fun, and being truthful, bringing you information covering a number of make your life a pleasureful experience.

    Thank you to all our valued and APPRECIATED readers.

    This is a very well defined mission statement that clearly differentiates Anthem Opinions from a certain other blog. Thanks for all of your time and effort in assuring that alternative points of view are presented, as opposed to blindly parroting the management party line.

    Mr. Arendt,

    I agree with your 6 reasons all of us "old farts" are here.
    Further, I agree competence is essential in all aspects of life;
    Yes, there have been lapses in competence and common sense in this community as I see it as a new resident.
    The one comment previously some unnamed "other" blogger blindly follows the management of SCA (Sandy S.)....I don't know if that is true at this point.....but I would suggest this gentleman identifies himself so there are no hidden agendas or anonymous postings suggesting negative thoughts.
    Finally...I hope there is a 3rd installment that provides the resolution to this situation.

    1. The Weather
    2. Low Taxes
    3. Fabulous Entertainment
    4. Gambling
    5. Reasonably priced dining
    6. A stress free lifestyle in our final days
    requires proper competent governance, competent resident friendly management, competent resident oriented legal advice, and competent frugal spending.

    Thanks for all of your time and effort in assuring that alternative points of view are presented, as opposed to blindly parroting the management party line.