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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Fun With Social Distancing...A New Series

A New Series of Articles

Fun Script Wood Word Wall Art Sign - Contemporary - Novelty Signs ...

Understanding social distancing and how it helps

Looks like we're in for continuing our " changing" lifestyle until at least April 30, 2020 since President Trump ordered the nation to continue its "shutdown" to curb the spread of the corona virus, and that to many of us, means..

What am I going to do with myself for the next month?

ARE YOU BORED? | Cartoon man, Cartoon, Commercial cleaning services

I think it's now well known that being a "doom and gloomer" isn't our style, and if you want to be obsessed with that virus 24/7, this isn't the place to come.  

We're into "let's make the best of it", that watching the American economy tank, or viewing the hourly demise head count on news shows....

...does nothing but create panic and fear, and DEPRESSES THE LIVING HELL OUT OF US !

Depression clipart, Picture #9963 depression clipart
I've lost track of the emails we've received about warning after warning, but PLEASE...don't continue filling our mail box with them.

We know about the virus,  we're concerned about it, we believe you should be aware of it, but we're NOT obsessed with it.

At the same time, we understand a number of you don't agree with our position, but our mission is to ENTERTAIN YOU, and entertaining you doesn't include reminding you day after day, hour after hour, and minute after minute, of your impending departure from mother earth.

Life (at this stage of the game) is too short...and with each passing day, gets shorter; and frankly, I get reminded of my mortality by merely looking in the mirror every day without being reminded of the earth's population coming to an end.

We don't deny that all of us should be careful, and the last thing in the world we would ever want to do is harm others, but while the lives of others must be considered, I have no intention of ENDING MINE in the process...

...that there are many activities available to enjoy until this problem passes.

Our Information Pages, "Local Entertainment Bargains", "Strip Entertainment", "Laughlin Live" and "Dining Bargains" are getting empty with this pandemic (other than the wonderful Facebook concerts), but we have a few ways to cope with "the new lifestyle" until things get back to normal in the days to come.

With all of this in mind, in an attempt to "entertain" both sides of the situation...

We're going to have a series of articles entitled"

"Fun with Social Distancing"

We'll check out some of the activities available to you both inside and outside the house.... assist you in getting past this American crisis.

and...we'll start tomorrow.

And PLEASE, if you have any ideas that might fit this category, send them to us in order that we can share them.

Remember...we are in this together...that the next month is going to be challenging, but if you keep a positive attitude, we'll all get through it and life as we once knew it, will return before you know it !

Hope you'll tune in.

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